[3] Challenge 13
Just a reminder that interference with the comp is not allowed. That includes making another account and pretending you are someone else to interfere. We had someone try to do that (again), and the only way we got them to stop was by threatening to cancel season 4 of the Kik Comps.
And I will do that, if needed.
Now back to our regularly scheduled program.
Last time on A Radish Christmas, the contestants did trivia about me for my birthday. Naomi ended up winning, and she and Izzie voted for Anna because Thomas told them to. Since cohost interference with the votes is not allowed, their votes were taken away, causing Izzie to be eliminated instead. What exhausting challenge will I put the contestants through this time? Find out right now, on A Radish Christmas!
Remaining Contestants (5): Glitch, Naomi, Anna, Jimmie, Jay
The contestants had all week to build something Christmas themed in Minecraft. It could be anything, as long as us cohosts could tell it was for Christmas. The best looking entry would earn the builder immunity.
I don't even know how many hours I gave them, and I don't feel like counting. I had to extend the time a few times because some contestants (Glitch) wouldn't be able to get on Minecraft until the weekend.
Jimmie's PC was broken, and he didn't want to spend money for Pocket Edition. I let him download the rip off Minecraft for the challenge, cuz the kik comps are entirely free of charge 👍🏻
wait I should make it cost money to enter the kik comps tbh
Jk. Anyway, all five contestants turned in a build. Jimmie was first, sending me his build on the first day. Jay sent me his the next day. Anna was third, sending me her build on the fourth day. Glitch was fourth, sending his on the fifth day. And Naomi was last, sending me her build on the sixth day, fifteen minutes before the challenge ended.
Here are all the builds I received:
Jimmie's Build
Santa's House
Lmao that rip off minecraft tho
Jay's Build
A Bunch of Colorful Wool
I forgot to ask him what it was oops
Anna's Build
A Christmasy House
Is Christmasy a word
Glitch's Build
The Statue of Farty McShizzles
Don't ask why they call me that
Naomi's Build
A Very Rushed Christmas Tree
I named it that myself
All five builds were very good, but Thomas, Rebel, and I had to decide on one winner. (Did I mention Thomas was rehired?)
In the end, we decided Glitch had the best build.
Glitch had immunity, and everyone had to vote for who would be eliminated.
The newbies decided to band together for this vote. All four of them voted the only non-newbie left.
Jay was eliminated.
Jay's Stats
Number of Confessionals: 5
Number of Missed Challenges: 2
Number of Votes: 4
Previous Team: The Jingles{4}
Place: 5th
Thanks for participating, Jay!
Since it is now the final four, the Immunity Santa 🎅🏻 no longer holds his power. The person who had it never had to use it.
Good job, Naomi.
Now it's time for "Wise Words from Rebel"!
"The final four. An interesting time. Now is the time where you will have your alliances tested. All the strategies you have made will not compete with the ones you will have to make very soon. Think smart, and watch your back. You came to win. You're this close. Remember that." -Rebel 2k17
Tbh a lot of that doesn't even make sense
Number of Confessionals
Jay: 1
Jimmie: 1
Four remain. What more do I have in store for the contestants? Will alliances be broken? Will new strategies be made? And who will make it to the final three? Find out next time, on A Radish Christmas!
Who do you think will win? Go to the message board on my profile and find the message sent on January 14th (or maybe 15th, depending on your time zone), 2017. That message contains a link to a poll, where you can vote for who you think will win this whole season.
Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!
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