Reaction : Linkin Park - "A Place For My Head"
I watch how the M O O N sits in the sky in the dark night
shining with the light from the sun.
The sun doesn't give light to the moon assuming
the moon's gonna owe it one.
It makes me think of how you act. For me
you do favors then rapidly
you just turn around and start A S K I N' M E A B O U T
things that you want back from me.
I'm sick of the tension (sick...) sick of the hunger
(Kreisch, lol)
sick of you actin' like I owe you this.
F i n d another place to feed your greed
while I find a place to rest.
"I wanna be in another place.
I hate when you say you don't understand.
(You'll see it's not meant to be)
I wanna be in the energy, not with the enemy.
A place for my head
Maybe someday, I'll be just like you and
S T E P - O N - P E O P L E - L I K E - Y O U - D O
and run away | Of all the people I thought I knew I remember back then who you were | You used to be calm, you used to be strong, you used to be generous, but you should've known | that you'd wear out your welcome | and now you see how quiet it is all alone.
I'm so sick of the tension, sick of the hunger
sick of you actin' like I owe you this.
Find another place to feed your greed
while I find a place to rest.
I'm so sick of the tension, sick of the hunger
sick of you actin' like I owe you this.
Find another place to feed your greed
while I find a place to rest.
"I wanna be in another place.
I hate when you say you don't understand.
(You'll see it's not meant to be)
I wanna be in the energy, not with the enemy.
A place for my head
You try to take the best of me, go away
You try to take the best of me, go away
You try to take the best of me, go away
You try to take the best of me, go away
You try to take the best of me, go away
You try to take the best of me, go away
You try to take the best of me, go away
You try to take the best of me, go away
"I wanna be in another place.
I hate when you say you don't understand.
(You'll see it's not meant to be)
I wanna be in the energy, not with the enemy.
A place for my head
"...that line right there "I want to be in the energy not with the enemy" I think he's talking about good positive energy that's where he wants his headspace to be. He wants to be living life... He wants to be encouraging... He wants to be positive... He wants to be filled with that positive energy that I try to push on you guys every day rather than being in this negative, toxic, cyclic(?), fucking, tormenting pit of hell, you know... It's not good."
[ C H E S T E R ]
Why am I so sick of the tension, sick of the hunger (Sick)
sick of you actin' like I owe you this?
Find another place to feed your greed (Go)
while I find a place to rest.
I'm so sick of the tension, sick of the hunger (Whyyyyy?)
Sick of you actin' like I owe you this.
Find another place to feed your greed (Stay away from me!)
While I find a place to rest (Motherf*cker)
A little blurb about this song that I found is: "This song is from the perspective of someone who is related to people that can't relate to and wants to be in a place where people won't try to manipulate them and can actually understand and symphatize with them"
When you're alone you want to feel like you are not alone. It's an interesting thing because you can feel alone and you can feel together with people knowing that other people feel alone as well. When you're going through something and someone says: "hey dude. I don't know what that's like. I don't understand." it's like you feel like you're the anomaly. You feel like you're set out. You feel like you're an outcast. You feel like how i felt a lot in my life. That's why i tattooed Andrè 3000 from OutKast on me because I always feel like a fucking outcast in my life.
Wir alle kennen und lieben Chester Bennington durch die Nu-Metal Band Linkin Park. Aber wusstet ihr, dass es vor Linkin Park noch eine andere Band gegeben hat? "Grey Daze". Man hat die alte Aufnahmen aufpoliert, neu abgemischt und sogar Songs neu komponiert! Obwohl Chester nicht mehr unter uns weilt, scheint es beinahe, als wäre er nicht wirklich fort. Ich bin wirklich nicht der Typ Mensch, der den Tod berühmter Leute nachtrauert, bei Chester hingegen ist es was anderes. Ich vermisse ihn. Chester verstarb am 20.07.17.
"As of today, my life's purpose is one of love and understanding. The world needs to change and that change comes from within. Hate, pride, vengeance, and fear are the plague of the earth. Love, kindness, compassion, empathy and service to others are the cure."
~ Chester Bennington
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