Going For A Walk
A little gore warning for this first paragraph, so heads up
After all the screaming, Sir Pentious looked up and saw the dead carcass of Rancor with blood leaking from his body, and a little bit of his intestines where showing. And then he noticed there was a little blood on him and Alastor. He then look up to Alastor with a scared look on his face, while he's still holding him close to his body
Sir Pentious: Holy shit! You actually killed him!
Alastor: I would never do anything like that to you, my friend.
Sir Pentious: Thanks? *touched his cheek* *winced in pain* Ah!
Alastor: Oh, you poor thing. *carefully touch S.P.'s cheek* That man hit you hard, huh?
Sir Pentious: Yeah. *groan* I feel like it's ssstarted to bleed. Is it bleeding?
Alastor: A little bit. But don't worry, my friend, I can fix that up. *kissed his cheek*
Sir Pentious: W-What was that all about?
Alastor: What for it.
Sir Pentious: *looked at his cheek* Huh?
After that kiss, his scare suddenly disappear. And the serpents eyes lit up with amazement, then looked back up the taller demon.
Sir Pentious: *blushes* Uh...thank you.
Alastor: My pleasure. Say, to make sure this won't happen again, would you like to join me on walking, er...slithering, with me around town?
The snake blushes more
Sir Pentious: Um...sure. I think. Plus I do need to get home, anyways.
Alastor: Hmm. Shall we? *puts his hand out*
Sir Pentious: *grabs his hand*
The deer and the snake walked/slithered around town with Alastor's arm around the Sir Pentious' shoulder and sometimes even made awkward eye contacts. But then someone sees the male demons, and starts to talk to his friends about, and surrounded the demons.
Hawk Demon: Well, well, well. The snake guy have a boyfriend. Isn't this...something.
Alastor: Is there something wrong?
Male demon: Maybe...Unless
Sir Pentious: "Unless" What?
Male demon: You two are in a relationship
The deer and the snake looked at each other. They both blushed, but then suddenly, a random demon grabbed Sir Pentious by the wrist and yanked towards the crowd and away from Alastor. The crowd now looked at the snake with lewd looks on their faces
Tiger demon: Ha! Now we have your lover. Now let's see if we can blow our loads in him.
He said with a long grin on his face.
Alastor: I'm going to politely ask you all to release him.
Tiger Demon: And if we don't?
Alastor: There will be consequences
Tiger Demon: HAHA!! Yeah right. Wonder what happen if I...do...this?
The tiger demon brought Sir Pentious' face to his face and started to devour his mouth. He stick his tongue down the snake's throat, which made both Pentious' and Alastor's eyes widen. Sir Pentious grabbed the demon's arms to let him go, but he's to big and strong. Alastor's pupils turned to dilas with anger. As he snapped his fingers, everyone's shadows came to life and started killing the crowd of the sexual deviants, but one of them were able to save the serpent
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