49. Pain
Kiara's POV:
Mother in law? I only know Gale, who's his father's girlfriend. Could this be Dean's real mother? He never talked about her and I've never seen a picture of her anywhere before. Somehow, I always thought she might be dead and it's something touchy for him, but obviously she isn't. At least it explains why she seems so familiar to me.
My eyes start clearing up more and more which is also bringing back the pain even stronger.
"Please I need something against the pain", I plead trying to keep my tears back as I don't want to show too much weakness. Which obviously is ridiculous thinking about the state I'm in, not being able to move an inch by myself.
"Oh but where is the fun in that? I'm sorry my Dear, but the only way to make my son suffer is to make you suffer. This is the sole reason you're here. Do you have any idea how many years I've waited to see him suffer, the way he made me suffer?", her voice is soft and overly friendly when her intentions obviously are the opposite.
"I don't know what you're talking about, how could he possibly have made you suffer so bad, that you'd do this?" I really don't understand what she is talking about if this has been years ago he must have been a teenager or kid, what could he have possibly done to her?
"Oh my Dear, I'll gladly share my family story with you, now that you're becoming part of this or at least were going to become part of this family. But let's have some fun first, shall we?", the evil crazy look on her face tells me this isn't going to be fun for me. And did she say were going to become? She's not just intending to torment me, she wants to kill me in the end.
God, I hope someone will find me, Dean will have gone insane by now, realizing what has happend. And I thought he was being over protective. Perhaps I would have realized how serious this is, if he hadn't kept things from me.
The next thing I notice is an incredible pain shooting through my leg and right through my whole body, as her hands tug at the wires keeping my bones fixated into place. Although I try to bite down on my cheeks, drawing blood from them, I can't quite keep back a cry in pain.
"Oh so you're one of the tough girls. I must admit I admire your strength. When I left you behind after the car crash, I was most certain you'd be dead. Sorry I didn't exactly have much time to look, but I did see you black out and with a metal piece in the shoulder. Actually thinking about it this is going to be way more fun, don't you think?"
"Oh I'm always up for fun. When were you going to start? I can't wait for some action", this bitch isn't going to break me. Well perhaps physically but she's not going to break my soul and my soul is a badass bitch at times.
Seconds later she pushes my knee down, a knee that will probably be wrecked for the rest of my life as it's been totally smashed. This pain was even worse but being a little more prepared this time, I bite stronger and only let out a small whimper while tears automically start pooling in my eyes, but I manage to fight most of them back.
"I see, so you're either used to pain or a stubborn child", this woman's voice sounds as if she's about to sing a lullaby and not torment someone. She has to be totally insane.
"Oh you know I'd say I go with both. My parents were fucked up, so I'm kinda used to pain and I'd rather go with stubborn bitch than child. Because one thing's for sure, I'm grown up and I'm going to be your hell. But with your mental state....mhhh I think you should perhaps get that checked out, I'm not sure if I can consider you as grown up. Dean's mother is obviously even more fucked up than mine", I try to keep the pain out of my voice and just bite this crazy bitch's ass with my words.
Probably damn dumb considering the position I'm in and the pain she could cause me. But here comes my stubborn side. The one which Dean hates and loves so much at the same time. If I'm going to die, I'm going to go down as a Queen, not as some weak girl.
Of course my words get to her and this time she takes the bandage from my shoulder and pushes a handle of a hammer hard into the place where the metal was in my shoulder. This time I can't hold back a scream and the tears strolling down my face. Well fuck you bitch, I don't know how, but you're getting this back.
Blood is now pooling from my shoulder again.
"Much better", she laughs, her craziness swinging along with every tune of it. Seriously, she should make something out of that crazy voice, she could speak all the crazy roles in movies. Or be the main attraction in some freak show. "Not so sassy anymore now are we", she remarks with a devilish smirk.
As soon as I'm able to breathe through the pain, I return a smirk as well as possible. "Oh crazy lady, I was born with sass, you're not getting that out of me. So how about you find someone else to play with. Did you know your son was cheating on me with Nadine? Here, you know Mr Cole's daughter" and I try to sound shocked while hinting in Mr Cole's direction.
Yes, let's try and confuse her a little and bring her partner into trouble. Even if I know Dean said it was fake.
I see his face go a little pale and then red with anger. "Oh no, you don't push this on her. Dean played an awful good game to make me believe, he was together with my daughter and had lost interest in you. He played us all and your hurt just made it more believable. Tell me were you in on his game? Because if you knew all along you did an awfully good job in pretending to be heartbroken."
"I didn't play any game. Didn't you see the magazines? Your bitch of a daughter was the first one to gladly smack it into my face that he cheated on me with her", I avert my gaze from him to Dean's mother to keep this up. "Did you know they were together for half a year until she cheated on him? I guess he never really got over her. Dean and I were only together a couple of weeks when they meddled up again. So who do you think he loves more?"
I can see the confused look on Dean's mother's face.
"Enough", Mr Cole yells. "He's been playing us and now you little bitch are doing it too. We all saw the photos which were taken in Russia. And I know how he ran after you during an argument at work in the parking lot."
"Oh shit, I argued with my ex who cheated on me? Serious, that's your proof? And yes jeez, we were drunk and danced together after a very successful meeting. Kill me because I like to dance, even if it's with that jerk. Admitted I got a little carried away and Igor wasn't prepared to dance with me", I try to play it off. Luckily no one knows what happend after the club at least I hope so.
"Bullshit, why would he be hovering over you like that then now?"
"I don't know, because he may have some decent bone in his body? And he doesn't want his psycho mother and psycho father in law to harm an innocent person?", I hiss. The look on Mr Cole's face is priceless to say the least, for calling him a psycho. But am I lying? Don't think so.
It's even worth the blow I get from him for saying that. I spit out some blood, before answering. "Can't take the truth very well, huh? Too bad, self-awareness is the first step of healing." God I'm so dumb and reckless right now, but seeing as they want to kill me anyway I can at least try and play with them a little. I never shut my mouth and this isn't the moment I'm going to start with it, even if it sure would be better for me.
"I've seen him in your room day for day and even giving you kisses", his mother now addresses me again. She's been in hospital?
"Yes and if you had looked closely you'd seen it's just a kiss on the forehead, never on the lips. That should tell you something", I try once more.
"The whole office has suffered under his moods since your break up. I've seen the way he looks at you, the way he gets possessive over you. Something he has never done before. Our lunch breaks were worse for him, than me fucking Nadine", Logan now steps closer.
"Why are you going along with all of this? I thought you liked me? I thought we were kinda friends?", this is the thing which shocks me most I guess. The second I recognized his voice earlier I was shocked to the core.
"You chose the wrong brother I'd say", I gasp at the word brother. "If you had been mine like I wanted, then none of this would have happened to you. You know I really liked you, you are different from all the other girls. But no, my little brother gets everything as usual. He had Nadine, ok I managed to take that away from him. He has all the money, the fame, the girls, the company and he's even my fucking boss. Taking you on top after all what he did to our mother was simply enough."
For a moment I'm speechless and that's a new for me. "You're brother?", I ask in disbelief. Why did Dean never mention anything of this to me? It's not just because of Nadine cheating on him he wanted me away from Logan, there was more to it than I could have ever imagined.
"Half-brother", he adds.
"Logan here is my son from my relationship before Dean's father. They're only a little over a year apart", her hands gently pat his back. How can she be this affectionate with him and want to harm her other son so badly? Or is it part of her game, to get him to do what she wants him to do?
"Why do you want Dean to suffer?", I ask her once more.
"Because he took my Princess away from me", she spits but I can also see so much pain on her face with those words. "I guess he never told you about his twin sister and how he killed her", I gasp at her words.
Dean wouldn't just kill someone, especially not his twin sister. This must be a mistake. And then realization strikes me, oh my god Dean had a twin sister.
"You know, Logan's father took Logan away from me. He thought I wasn't good enough to be a mother, just because I had a slight depression", with slight depression I guess she means she was already out of her mind or whatever. This behaviour has nothing to do with a slight depression.
"And then your Dean had to take away my little girl, my Princess. She meant everything to me. I would have done anything for her. A girl was all I ever wished for and he took her from me when she was only six years old. My baby was only allowed to spend six years with me, when we were meant to have an entire lifetime together."
Tears do fill my eyes, as sick as this lady is she's hurting for the child she's lost. Carefully I try and get more out of her, maybe I can get her to soften up this way. "I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Please tell me more about her, how was she? What was her name?"
"She was like an angel, just like Dean she had these unusual two different coloured eyes. She had my light blond hair and a nature as soft as can be. She couldn't harm any creature, she'd never kill a fly or anything. Hayley was the sweetest person you could imagine", tears run down her cheeks while talking about her dead daughter.
"What happend? What did he do to her?" I try to formulate it in a way, that she doesn't think I'm taking his side. Whatever it was he was six years old, it can't have been his fault.
"It was winter and those two were obsessed about the pond that had been covered in ice for a couple of days. I had told them to stay away from it, but they just didn't listen. Dean told Hayley she could be an ice princess if she wanted. She was so obsessed about being an ice princess for days and Dean took her to the pond. My baby crashed through the ice and drowned.
Dean only rescued himself that selfish brat. He killed her by setting it into her head and taking her there. And then letting her drown, it's all his fault. He killed his sister, he killed his twin, he killed my little angel. He deserved everything that came after that, too bad I didn't manage to kill him. Now he's going to know what it means to suffer and lose the most important thing in life."
This woman really is insane. Did I get that right, she tried to kill him? Dean was a six year old child and her angel was just as old, it was a freaking accident. From what it sounds to me like, Dean wanted his twin sister to be happy, he wanted to full fill her wishes. How can she entirely blame this on him and then even think he literally killed her?
"You know I was going to torment you, make you suffer a couple of days to make him suffer, before killing you. But when I was in hospital I got this interesting little information about you. You're expecting twins from my son. So in a couple of days time, I thought we'll move from here until you're able to give birth. Wouldn't it be a much sweeter revenge on Dean, taking his own twins away from him? He'll get to know exactly how that feels then.
I can make you suffer in the mean time. And once the twins are born......well I hope there's a baby girl amongst it, then at least one of you three will survive. And I'll have a little angel again."
"You're sick, an absolute psycho", I spit out.
"Oh apparently you're right. That's what they've been telling me all along in the psychiatric ward. Well who cares", she shrugs and laughs. And then she tells me the story how she'd been to prison and after that locked up in a clinic, for trying to kill Dean. The details she gives me about how she tried to kill him are sickening and I finally know where that scar came from on his abdomen.
She tells me how happy she is that Dean messed up with the wrong person who could finally get her out of that place. Obviously in her sick mind she doesn't mind sharing every single little detail with me, how she's been sending Dean letters for years and just recently many. How she's been imagining the look on his face when he loses everything and how she's looking forward to see him first die in pain and then literally die.
This sick bitch is literally swooning over killing her child. It's so disgusting it makes me want to puke. Right now for the first time, I hope Dean doesn't give a damn about me and she can't achieve any of her plans towards him.
Her hands land on my belly. "I really do hope you have a baby girl in there too. I'm going to love her more than anything else in the world."
"You're not going to get my babies. And Dean is going to kill you if you just touch them", seething and in pain I can't keep my anger at bay anymore and I scream it out as loud as I can.
It's the moment Logan comes walking back in, with some sandwiches and water. "She's pregnant?", he gasps.
"Yes, she's expecting twins from your brother. Wouldn't it be nice if you know how it feels to have a little sister? We'll keep the girl and get rid of the mother and the other baby if it's a boy."
His mouth gapes open, his eyes dart down to me and back to his mother. "We can't do this, I never wanted Kiara to get hurt in the first place. She's a lovely girl, she just happend to end up with the wrong guy. Can't we just trap Dean and get rid of him? I mean I could take Kiara to be with me and I would even accept his babies. We can't go killing babies."
Alright I've just come to realize being psycho runs within the family. Thank god Logan isn't as crazy as his mother, but what is he thinking? He wants me to be with him and have the babies together after all this shit? Seriously? What is wrong in their heads?
But perhaps I can use his affection to my advantage to get out of this somehow. After all he doesn't seem quite fond of his mother's ideas.
Mr Cole just stares blankly at the woman in front of him. He obviously knew she was sick in her head, but I think he's just realizing the full extent. Not that he seems too fazed about it though as long as he reaches his goal. And his goal is simply revenge for Dean not marrying his daughter.
From all that I've heard today if I ever manage to get out of this alive, I think Dean needs to explain an awful lot to me. And tell me the rest of the story from his point of view. Also about the whole Nadine thing. Him telling me it was all fake and then hearing what Mr Cole said about it today.
Why did he never talk to me about all of this?
Once Dean's mother and Mr Cole are out of sight I turn to Logan. "Logan please, you know I'm not a bad person and don't deserve this. Isn't there something you can do?"
"I'm sorry Kiara, I really wish things were different", he leans over me and gives me a gentle kiss on the forehead making me want to puke.
"Can you please help me at least get something against the pain? It's getting unbearable", I beg and he nods.
"Here swallow that Kiara, it should help a bit at least", and he puts some tablet in my mouth before holding the water bottle to my lips.
"Thanks Logan", I whisper. I need to get him on my side somehow and if it helps being ever so friendly to him I'll do it.
"What was that?", his mother yells and pulls out a packet from Logan's pocket.
"You little beast", she snaps at me and pushes a knife into the still healing wound where the metal had gone into my shoulder. And pushing my legs down at the same time.
"Mother", I hear Logan yell before I black out from the pain.
A/N: Here are the last pieces of the puzzle. Logan is Dean's brother and was snitching on them.
Remember the argument, when Dean went running after her after their break up and after that he had himself locked up for days in the office? Remember how Kiara saw Logan entering his car while Dean was trashing the trash can?
And Dean had a twin sister, so many secrets being revealed by his psycho mother.
I know this is far from a steamy or romantic story in this chapter and yet I hope you enjoyed it. Next will be Dean's POV again.
Please remember to vote and comment! Love Jackie <3
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