44. News
A/N: I know a lot of you are really angry with Dean (as he deserves), but please don't give up just yet. Things will hopefully be clearer in a few chapters
Dean's POV:
All I wanted and needed was some time with Kiara this weekend. Watching her every single day without being able to be close to her, seeing the pain I am putting her through written on her face, all of it was killing me.
I'm such a fucking jerk for the way I've been treating her the last couple of weeks. And it hurts like hell to know, that I possibly destroyed the best thing I've ever had in my life. Tyler had every right to say all those things to me. Although I'm glad Kiara has him, it scares the shit out of me at the same time. There's no way I want to watch her move on with, Tyler, Brad or an Igor.
That Igor guy was driving me fucking insane, the looks he gave her, the way his hand was on her back. Worse than anything though, was the way she responded to it, smiling at him, laughing with him. There was still the hurt in her eyes, but it lifted a little. God dammit, I don't want anyone else to lift that pain from her.
I want to be the one to make her laugh, smile and even swear as long as I know she loves me and the swearing is just her sassy way. That's one of the worst things I've done to her, I've taken that part of self confidence from her, which makes her this unique sassy girl. The one who drives me insane and at the same time I love this about her so much. At least I got to see some of it again during the weekend.
All I need is some more time, time to figure things out. Get her into the clear first. And once I have, she needs to know the full truth, needs to know I would literally do anything for her. Seeing the pics on the net beforehand sure hasn't made things easier, I should have stayed away from her just a little longer or made sure pics like that couldn't exist.
Last night perhaps shouldn't have happend it wasn't fair and sure not the right moment. But it's not like I regret it either. In my drunken mind I didn't care about the consequences all there was, was this craving for her. Not just sexually but to be as close to her as possible. Having her sleep in my arms again.
My mind has been going insane without her, no chance of sleep when I wasn't totally wasted. The only way to endure the past few weeks ever since Nadine walked back into my office, was getting wasted each night. And after our fight at the elevator when she ran down those stairs and escaped from me, things just got even worse.
And the way I had to blow at her in that moment was killing me on top. Knowing how badly I hurt her.
Maybe I should have talked to dad or Kiara about what's going on, but there was no chance I was going to risk everything. Dad would have gone insane over the whole matter anyway. If I could just go back and change things or linger in the moment of our holiday.
This girl has no idea how much she means to me and it's all my fault. Knowing what she thinks of me and what she thinks about us hurts so fucking bad. When she said I'm using her like a toy it felt like a slap into my face. No scratch that it tore my already aching heart out of my chest a slap would have felt like being caressed in comparison.
After leaving her room, I smashed quite a few things in my own room, before breaking down crying. This is a state I'm not able to take anymore, there's only been one point in my life I remember ever feeling so weak and helpless and that was during my childhood. The whole situation is scaring the shit out of me.
And here I am, sat in my lonely apartment my thoughts again driving me insane. She's only been gone for two hours and I already feel so lonely. Something I never experienced before her either. Jeez I'm even eating a god damn pizza, because it reminds me of our countless carb discussions. Maybe I should have asked if I could come to her race? Even if I worry about her each time, she's so amazing and fucking hot during a race.
My phone starts ringing again, this has been like the tenth time or something like it within the last five minutes. It's Tyler and sure as hell Kiara has told him how I fucked up again this weekend and he is going to give me hell again. Well she didn't solely blame me, she said it was her fault too. I'm sure Tyler thinks different about it.
At the moment I can't even talk to my best friend. Tyler often knows me better than I do and if I had let him close in the last couple of weeks he would have realized something is wrong. Would have looked roght through all the shit.
Seconds later it's a call from Nick's phone. Nick never calls me if it's not neccessary, we'll text. I know it's Tyler calling me from his phone. They were surely all at her race together. As Tyler obviously isn't going to give up, I finally press the speaker button.
"Look Tyler, I know I fucked up and you don't need to harass me about it, so just cut it off, ok? I don't want to talk about it. And I don't need another endless preach from you."
"Shut the fuck up, I've been trying to reach you badly you idiot. Have you got a TV close by?"
"Yea, I'm on my couch", unsure about what's going on, my heart speeds up.
"Switch the news on now", his voice so off. With now shaking hands I take the remote control.
Instantly I let my phone drop in shock. There are pictures of a totally wrecked Mustang. You can barely recognize it's a Mustang at all. There is a small photo from Kiara's face, one from a magazine blended in on the right top corner of the screen. And the headline blended in KIARA SUMMERS IN LIFE DANGER AFTER CAR CRASH
Picking up my phone again I speak to Tyler with a shaky voice. "What do you know? What the fuck happend? Where is she?", my voice breaks as tears start spilling from my eyes.
"She didn't turn up at the race. She had texted Sean she was leaving home and we waited for her, but she never turned up. Alex had heard something over the police radio he always listens into, they said something about a massive crash. We had no idea it was Kiara until someone got the breaking news on to his phone a couple of minutes ago. Sean is trying to get somekind of information from hospitals, but we ain't getting any details. We don't even know where they took her."
Tyler pauses a minute. "Dean there's more, you need to watch the full news. They think it wasn't an accident. The van causing the crash, was driving at full speed over red. And the driver...."
"What about the driver?", fear is rising with every second.
"Witnesses say the driver was wearing full protection and a helmet. Watch the news, we'll be over shortly."
"Thanks Tyler", why the fuck did I ignore his first calls?
As soon as I've hung up, I turn the volume up on the TV. I missed the beginning.
".......we're reporting live out of London where about an hour and half ago, a massive accident happend near the London bridge. Eye witnesses say, the van drove at full speed over the red traffic lights and seemed to have targeted the Mustang, which we now see as a total wreck behind us. From our research, we found out the driver of the Mustang is supposed to be Kiara Summers.
Miss Summers has become very popular on the media and social media in the last couple of months due to her short relationship with multi billionaire Dean Arlington. It has taken the firemen over an hour to free her from her totally wrecked vehicle. According to the chief Miss Summers was trapped so badly they had to cut her out very carefully.
We could watch the ambulance leave only a couple of minutes ago. Currently we don't have much information on her state. From eye witnesses who tried to help immediately we know there was a huge loss of blood and she had passed out already by the time first people came to help. Her state was described as horrifying and very bad.
What seems very disturbing at the moment are the several witnesses saying the driver of the van was wearing full protection including a helmet and was able to escape with a motorbike which pulled up only seconds after the accident. These witnesses all believe it was a woman but it was hard to tell due to the protection.
Was this a planned attack on Miss Summers? Due to investigation reasons the police isn't giving us any information about this at the moment, nor are they denying this though. But they do ask for any further witnesses or people with information about the motorbike to contact them.
If you have witnessed anything, please call the number, blended in at the bottom of the screen.
Stay tuned in for further information, we will keep you updated as soon as we have more information."
They keep the camera roaming around, showing the area and zooming in on the car, while they are stood outside some of this police safety band they put up to keep people away. The car is barely to be recognized as one anymore.
My phone rings again, this time it's my dad.
Dean, have you seen the news?" He asks, worried.
"Yes, dad. Just seen it." My voice breaks again.
"Thank god you weren't in that car." I wish I had been to be honest. I wish I had been with her. "Do you know anything about her? How she is or where they took her?"
"No," is all I reply.
"Look, I know you're back together with Nadine. But I think you still feel for Kiara, don't you?"
"I love her, dad. I love her more than anything. Can you help me find out where they took her?" Now's not the time to explain the situation with Nadine.
"I'll give Dr Pierce a call. You know he's not really allowed to give us any information. But I think if anyone can help us, it would be him. I'll get back to you as soon as possible."
"Thanks, dad."
Just when we hang up, Taylor, Nick, Chris, and Sean arrive. Sean looks like a total desaster, his eyes bloodshot while Nick is holding him upright with a very concerned look on his face. Sean and Kiara are like brothers and sisters, she has told me before. Tyler's arms wrap around me, first in a bro hug, but when I start crying again, his hug tightens. He's known me for so long, but I guess he's never seen me like this before. Even he seems to need the comfort.
"They think it was an attack against her. Who the hell would do this to her? And how would they know how to find her?" Sean asks, upset while we all sit down on the couch.
"By tracking her phone down," Tyler and I reply in unison.
The three of them give us a confused look. Tyler has his own IT company specialized in security systems, and he's really good in this shit. He's done all my companys IT system too. "That's what I did, well kind of anyway. I wasn't spying on her or something. But for safety reasons, Tyler helped me to be able to track her phone down. I'm a multi billionaire, and as my girlfriend, she had a higher risk of something happening to her. This way, I could find her if needed. And I guess those people did the same."
"They might have even gone further and hacked into her phone to find out all the information they needed. Like about the time she'd be on her way to the race. If they read her messages, they knew where and when the race would be. So they probably checked the route from her apartment to the race and hoped she'd pick the same route. They might have even been tracing her for weeks to find out how she drives or which habits on routes she has. And with her sending Sean a message before leaving, they had a more precise time slot," Tyler explains, sighs, and ruffles his hair. A habit we both share.
"And how do we find out where she is? Can you track her?" Sean seems just as desperate as I am.
"She won't have her phone on her. But my dad is trying to get some information from a friend who's a chief doctor at one of the hospitals here. It might take a while, though, if she's at another hospital. And he has to call in a favour to find out or if he can't be reached while being on shift."
Tyler looks around the apartment as if he was searching for something. "She isn't here, is she?"
"How could she be here after a crash like that?" His question confuses me.
"Not Kiara, your girlfriend bitch." I know how pissed he still is about all of this.
"The fuck, no Nadine isn't here." The thought hadn't even crossed my mind they would presume this.
"Dean, you love Kiara. I knew it all along, and your reaction now is telling me the same. So why the fuck Nadine?" All the others are glaring at me now too. This is one of the reasons I have been avoiding everyone in the last couple of weeks. Besides the fact it being unbearable knowing she was with them. The pics they sent into the group chat of her, were driving me insane on top.
"This is not the time to talk or fight about this bullshit." After what has happened tonight, this whole bullshit is over anyway. All I need is for my girl to survive, gain her back, and keep her safe. I thought I was doing everything for her, but it wasn't good enough. I failed so bad to keep her safe.
What seems like an endless time later, my dad calls again. Dr Pierece was off duty, but she's actually in that hospital he works at. He's already heading there himself. My dad and Gale will be going there too.
As we don't all fit into one car, Nick offers to take Sean, while David drives the rest of us. I'm way too shook up to be driving myself. My hands won't stop trembling, and I feel on the verge of breaking down any moment. Over our phones, we stay checked in to see if there is any update on the news.
As soon as I know what's going on with Kiara, I will have security set up for her 24/7. And then I'm going to make sure this stops one and for all.
Reaching the hospital, I rush directly to the ER waiting area where I already see my parents talking to Dr Pierce.
"What's happening?" I ask rushed.
"You know I'm not allowed to give you any information, Dean." His voice lowers to a whisper now, "I've just arrived myself, I've seen the news. I will try and see what I can find out. All I know at the moment is that her situation is supposed to be very critical. Give me a couple of minutes."
Gale gives me a long motherly hug while I'm trying my hardest to keep my shit together.
Dr Pierce comes back with a totally stressed look on his face after about an hour of time and directs for me and my parents to come with him. Will I get to see her now?
He sighs and breathes in heavily while pointing at the chairs. The silence around me seems unbearable, and I can hear my own heart pounding. "You have to know I'm not on this case, so I tried to find out as much as I could through files and talking to the others who aren't in the surgery right now with her. Her injuries are severe, she lost a lot of blood and from what I've heard they are still trying to stop the bleeding.
But her loss was already huge when she came, she's getting blood transfusions, but sometimes that's not fast enough if the bleeding can't be stopped. Her spleen has ruptured, so she has internal bleeding on top of the outside ones. A huge piece of metal is currently still stuck between her shoulder and torso," Gale gasps. "Luckily it went in exactly there, only a couple of inches deeper and it would have went through her heart or lungs.
They are also trying to save her legs. Her legs were completely trapped in the car, that's one of the reasons it took them so long to get her out of there. They have been totally crashed from the middle of her thighs. And with them being trapped like that for so long.....", he trails off. "I do have some good news though."
Expectantly I look up at him, any good news are welcome right now. Can there be any good news at all if she's fighting for her life? "Both babies have survived the crash so far due to the airbag. Now we just need to hope they hang on and Kiara gets through this."
What the fuck? My dad and Gale look just as shocked as I feel. Oh my god, Kiara is pregnant? Oh my god, I'm going to be a daddy. "Did you just say babies?" I ask to reasure myself I heard right.
Dr Pierce first gives me a confused and then shocked look. "You didn't know?"
"She's on birth control. You know these sticks in the arm she told me. I had no idea that she's pregnant." As excited as I am to hear this, there's this nagging at my mind. Did she trick me? Did she think getting pregnant from a rich guy would get her out of her misery?
"There's always a tiny rest chance of still getting pregnant. Do you know how long she's had it? As these things wear off after three years, but sometimes it goes faster."
"I think she said something of two or two and half years." Fuck how do I feel about this? Is this at all mine? No wait these, he said both.
"How far along is she?" Did she have someone else in the meantime? Has she been cheating on me? My mind is running a thousand miles an hour right now.
He checks something up on his tablet. "About nine weeks according to the medical report. They didn't have it in her files, but they found out while doing the ultra sound to examine her whole abdomen region."
Nine weeks..... nine weeks that was during our holiday. Oh my god, these are really my babies.
Oh my god, I'm having babies with Kiara. The woman of my dreams. The woman I want to spend my life with and my entire future. But I just need to know this isn't a setup. I can't see her do this, but many other women would just for the sake of money. I've witnessed it too many times, to not at least think about it. Even I've had a one night stand trying to push a pregnancy on me, which wasn't the case.
"Is there a way to find out if she really has this stick in the arm?"
"Dean," Gale gasps. "You don't honestly think Kiara would set you up," she yells and seems obviously upset.
"I just need to know." My mind is going all over the place right now. The girl I love so much might be dying because she was together with me. Now she's pregnant with my kids, although she said she's on birth control. Did she know? I don't think so, not by the amount of alcohol she was drinking during the weekend.
Gina had told me a little worried about her having blood pressure issues lately. I simply thought she's probably not able to eat again just as me since our breakup. Did she have morning sickness? I mean, this morning, I just thought it was the hangover.
I might be losing her, I can't lose her. Does she love me? The pain in her eyes made me believe so. But what if she was just acting well? Fuck I need to know if all of this was just a major plan or if she really loves me.
"We can find out once she's safe," Dr Pierce assures me.
"Save her," I plead before rushing out of the door and running out of the hospital. Breaking down in front of it, I start puking while tears are streaming down my face.
A/N: Ok, there are still secrets in the air and yet I feel like so incredible much has happend in this chapter.
We finally got to see Dean's point of view on things a tad bit. The full secret is around the corner, but I need them to be revealed at a certain point. Any ideas already?
What do you think about Dean's reaction to the pregnancy?

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