Author's note:
Dear readers,
This is the last part of my trilogy-ish chapter block. Hope you like it!
Yours sincerely, AngelOfMurderers
P. S. This chapter is longer than the last one (which means it is four times the length of randomlolz24's )
🌌💥Ruka's POV💥🌌
I stared up into my brother's face, not wanting to believe this was real. Yet, I knew it was.
Once-brown eyes had turned blood red. That gaunt yet kind face had turned more wolfish and harsh. My brother was no longer who he once was.
"Would you do that?" He repeated the question quietly.
A knot of fear in my stomach, I backed away and lowered my knife.
Lucifer gestured to the mutants. He told them, "Don't attack yet. We might not need to kill her at all."
The rest of the mutants backed away, growling as they went.
Lucifer held out one hand to me.
"Ruka, I know you are thirsty. You are tired. And you are full of hate- for the one in your group who did not estimate how much water you'd need."
"If you join our group of mutants, we could stand strong. We could give you enough supplies. We could care for you."
"And, most importantly, you could get revenge on your group, especially the one whom you hate for not giving you enough supplies."
I was struck by Lucifer's offer. I had never wanted to deal with Chris or Jayden. I had never really had enough things. And I was secretly jealous of the rest with powers. Whenever they used their powers, they seemed to be taunting me, making me feel useless.
I looked at Lucifer. If I accepted, I would be with my dear brother again. Just like it had been before.
"Just one bite and you will be with us and be able to fight your pathetic team."
I looked at my brother, the urge to join the mutants ever growing.
I faltered as I looked at the group of mutants. I could see the wild, feral glare in their eyes.
A memory broke into my mind as I saw the wildness in the mutants' eyes.
I had been like that before- after Lucifer had gone, I had been wild, isolated and cold, never caring about things around me.
It had been the group that had changed all that. The other members of the group had helped me and reached out to me, thus teaching me how to care, as well as telling me that I was never alone.
Treasured lessons, they were.
Would I just break away from the group, to join another with less moral intentions and goals?
I had no choice. This was for the good of everyone.
I muttered out one word.
Even as that word escaped my mouth, I could not help but doubt myself.
I was tempted to just break away. I was tired. Tired of a life with that so-called "ally", Chris. Tired of the unfairness and male chauvinism. Tired, too, of the amazement reserved for those with powers while I took the backseat.
I stared up at the group of mutants.
"Are you sure?"
I really did not know.
In the group of mutants, everyone was equal. No one had powers. No one had special stuff. All had fangs and claws, the same weapons, the same way of fighting.
I was inclined to agree to join them.
Yet, as I looked closely, the more I stared, the more I could see the mutants' selfish desires.
Selfish motives and equality versus heroic reasons and difference.
I felt the heroic fires, which had been covered by my anger, blaze again.
I knew what I had to do.
I nodded in confirmation.
Angry snarls came from the mutants as my decision hit them.
Lucifer raised his own knife.
"Then, since it is useless to try to make you join, die now."
I met him in battle.
Three years ago, when Lucifer gave me that knife, I never would have expected to be fighting him with it.
I swiped at his chest. Immediately, one mutant blocked it and fell to the ground, brownish-red blood staining the top of her torso.
I thrust the knife at Lucifer again, aiming for his shoulder. He ducked.
I kept aiming for him, yet I could never hope to hit this more experienced, stronger 25-year-old. Rather, I was hitting the rest of the mutants, killing them quickly, one hit ending a life.
As I stood panting, a knife shot towards my heart.
I lifted my own knife with my remaining strength and deflected the blow.
"Impressive." Lucifer commented. "Looks like you have learnt."
"However, you learnt from me, and I know your ways."
I instinctively rolled out of the way as a quick thrust of the other knife flew at me.
I stood up and watched my older brother loose his balance and fall to the ground.
Now or never.
My knife plunged into his back, glinting as it slowly started to end its past owner's life.
In those last moments before his life ended, Lucifer pulled me closer.
He seemed to return to his original self in the face of death.
His last words were to me, and me alone.
"Survive, Ruka, and remember you can pull through everything."
"I will watch over you even after death, with all the love a brother can have..."
Lucifer closed his eyes. He moved no more.
Tears wet the ground. I bent over, shoulders shaking with grief, my vision blurry.
The world was slowly turning darker and darker...
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