|o n e| a l i v e
Seven open mouths.
Six angry ninja.
Five minutes.
Four blurry seconds.
Three words.
Two purple eyes.
One unlucky me.
Lloyd, Kai, Cole, Nya, Jay, Zane, and I were all infuriated. "What?" Kai's fiery eyes leveled at Master Wu. The wise old man is calm and collected as usual. "We must keep Harumi for the time being. Others are out to kill her--"
"Sorry Sensei, but I don't think that any of us have a problem letting Harumi--or should I say the Quiet One--take her chances out in Ninjago." Cole crosses his arms. All six of them were very angry at the news discovered five minutes ago. In less than four seconds, a million things had happened. "We hate you!" Jay screamed, and a bunch of other comments went up. I would have said something, but I was grounded in place by a set of eyes.
Two purple, snakelike eyes, searing right into my very soul.
"Y/N will be taking care of Harumi for this time period."
"What!?" The word pops out of my mouth quickly.
A smirk forms on the former Jade Princess's lips.
"I'm sorry Y/N, but it's our best option." Misako comforts me, laying a hand on my shoulder. Her voice is soothing to my madly beating heart. "We will have to keep her locked up, but you are responsible for her wellbeing."
"Why can't any of the ninja do it? They have powers?"
"And with their power comes responsibility." Master Wu interjects, and I hear Jay mumble something about Spider-Man. "They have to defend the city, and they can't do that while watching a guest."
"A GUEST!?" The seven of us shriek, glaring at the handcuffed girl.
"Or have you forgotten the greatest way to defeat your enemy?" Master Wu's eyes slowly meet each one of ours. I remember this. Being Jay's cousin, or more like sister since my parent's death, of course I remember the lesson Sensei taught the ninja. I never directly had to answer the question, but I always benefited from Master Wu's teachings.
"Yes, Sensei." We chorus with a groan.
"Good. Then show our guest some hospitality." Sensei sips his tea and exits. I slouch.
"We just can't have the city being put at risk because the ninja are babysitting Harumi. And we can't jeopardize the ninja's powers if Harumi decides to take advantage of them in that way." Misako tells me, and I sigh.
"So you mean because I'm not special, I have to watch the brat?"
"You are special, Y/N." Misako tells me.
"Yeah, you're important to us." Kai puts an arm around my shoulders.
"A friend." Zane nods.
"A sister." Jay smiles.
"A teammate." Cole adds.
"A strong fighter." Nya grins.
"A babysitter." I mumble, and everyone laughs, me included. Well, almost everyone. My eyes drift over to Lloyd. His green eyes are layered with pain. This must be so hard for him, seeing Harumi again. I think. I'll just have to put on my brave face. "Where am I taking her?"
I glance around. It's a small, dark room. Well, about 40% smaller than our bedroom and other rooms here in the Bounty. No windows, and a bathroom. There's a little bed, with white sheets, a wooden chair, wall chains, and that's it. Misako nods. "It's small, but better than a cell." Nodding to the chains, she adds, "We won't have to use those unless you give us reason to." She smiles at Harumi, who doesn't return the smile. This is one of those times I really admire Lloyd's mom. Even though she has her own anger and problems, and Harumi broke her son's heart, she looks past all of that to deal with the current situation. "What am I supposed to do? Sit outside or inside and watch her all day?" I ask in annoyance.
"No. Sit inside and ask her questions we need the answers to." Misako says, handing me to key. She leaves us be. I sigh and lead her inside, locking the door for now. I sit down on the chair and motion for her to sit down on the bed. I swallow my emotions, my anger, confusion, unforgiveness, and everything else I'm feeling right now. It's then I realize I don't know what to say. I feel like if I open my mouth, all of my negative feelings will spill out instead of a question. Words pound in my head. Responsible for her wellbeing, greatest way to defeat your enemy, their out to kill her, we hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you--
"You hate me, don't you?" It's the first time Harumi has spoken since she's arrived at the Destiny's Bounty. The shock must have shown on my face, because she explains with a smirk, "It's obvious. Your actions, your face, your emotions practically bleed through. It's like you're trying to wear a mask." Her voice is near a purr, but I know she's ready to growl.
"You know a lot about masks, don't you?" I ask coldly.
"You must be upset with me for wreaking havoc on Ninjago." Harumi continues, ignoring my remark. "For trying to kill you and your friends. And for breaking that pathetic green ninja's heart."
"That's enough!" I stand up, blood rushing to my cheeks, fists clenching at my sides.
"Perhaps you want to see me tortured or killed." She flicks the ideas on her chained hand. "Imprisoned for life. Maybe you want my heart to be broken." She pauses. "But that's too bad. I don't have one."
"Stop!" I yell.
"Maybe you'd like to watch me suffer. Maybe you'd want to watch everything I cared about burn. I suppose that would be nothing, though, wouldn't it?" She muses. "Well, I did want to tell you I regret it. I regret not killing off your friends. I regret--"
"Shut up!" I scream. "Shut up! I've had enough!" I grip her shoulders, eyes aflame with rage. She laughs, and I realize I've given her just what she wants. To watch me lose it. Control. I remove my hands from her shoulders and shove her back. Glowering, I take my seat. I close my eyes to regain my cool.
"Did I hurt you? Did those words hurt?" Harumi whispers.
My eyes flash open.
"No. Because words from a snake like you are only lies and things said to infuriate me and make me think I've lost control. But I'm in control here, and don't you forget that." Her expression is shocked, and she's left open mouthed. I hear my name being called, and a knock at the door.
"I guess I'll be seeing you later."
(Wowww, 1,113 words! Here's Chapter One, I hope you guys liked it! Bye my little flames (what I call my readers/followers). Hoping to write and publish chapter two soon. . . Lemme know what you thought about this! -Ash)
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