Pokemon Teams
Here are the teams for Hope and her friends!!!!!
A) Hope Ketchum
1) Pikachu (companion)
2) Mimikyu
3) Eevee
4) Emolga
5) Mincinno
6) Fenniken
7) Herdier
B) Colin Ketchum
1) Growlithe (companion)
2) Squirtle
3) Bulbasaur
4) Piplup
5) Gible
6) Decidueye
C) Steven Empire
1) Gengar (trade later on in book?)
2) Onix
3) Goedude
4) Rockruff (companion)
5) Cubone
6) Glaceon
7) Raichu
D) Julie
1) Skitty (companion)
2) Meowth (not Team Rocket's Meowth!)
3) Ponyta
4) Persian
5) Deerling
6) Shaymin
7) Vulpix (ice)
E) Punkalina Ketchum
1) Noivern
2) Eevee (evolves into Umbreon)
3) Arbok
4) Chandelure
5) Phantump
6) Spiritomb
7) Togepi (can you imagine?! XD) (companion)
F) Sara Sycamore
1) Torterra
2) Swampert
3) Wobeffet
4) Mudkip (companion)
5) Venusaur
6) Roserade
7) Mantyke
8) Ludicolo - lab
9) Horsea - lab
G) Andy ____________
1) Psyduck
2) Vaporeon
3) Blastoise (companion)
4) Lapras
5) Gyrados
6) SlowKing
H) Esther _________
1) Pichu (companion)
2) Rowlet (sorry, I changed Jigglypuff! 😢)
3) Snorlax
4) Dedenne
5) Turtwig
6) Sylveon
7) Ralts
I) Gabriel "Gabe" Oak
1) Charizard
2) Arcanine
3) Flareon (companion)
4) Infernape
5) Torchic
6) Talonflame
Any Pokemon that isn't it's final evolved form will either evolve throughout the book, or stay the way it is. There are still some Pokemon I wanna use, but I'm unsure as to how to use them. Maybe they belong to these guys but their back at the Pokemon Lab? Here are those Pokemon I still wanna use:
1) Charmander
2) Jigglypuff
3) Teddiursa (Esther?)
4) Zigzagoon
5) Pachirisu
6) Buneary (Esther?)
7) Amaura
8) Tyrunt
9) Pancham
10) Litleo (Esther?)
11) vanillite (Esther?)
12) trubbish (Esther?)
13) whimsicott
14) Audino (Sara?)
15) lillipup (Esther?)
16) Stufful/Bewear (Andy?)
17) Noctowl
18) Joltik
19) Garbador (Esther?)
20) Tepig (Esther?)
21) Houndoon
22) Lycanroc
As you can probably see, I have a lot of ideas for Esther. XD
I can just imagine Esther being the one to find weird and unusual Pokemon and bringing them home, like Garbador and Tepig. And then getting into trouble for what the Pokemon did to her/her friends/her family/her home. XD
What do you think? Lemme know in the comments below if you like their teams or not! Thanks for reading!!!!
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