Quotes about being angry
"Pretending you don't have feelings like anger,sadness,or loneliness can mentally destroy you."
"It’s not as simple as just being either angry or not – it’s a bit more complicated than that. Think of it as if on a scale. There are varying degrees of anger ranging from annoyed to rage."
"While a very heavy pen pressure can suggest tension and anger; a moderately heavy pressure is a sign of commitment. A soft pressure means you're empathetic and sensitive."
"Anger is a social emotion.You always have a target that your anger is directed against (even if that target is yourself). Feelings of pain, combined with anger-triggering thoughts motivate you to take action, face threats and defend yourself by striking out against the target you think is causing you pain. "
" It’s usually some outside factor that you feel leads to you becoming angry. However, there are many factors that can make you more susceptible to feeling that anger. These are things such as hunger, heat, exhaustion, dehydration, or other circumstances of annoyance."
" Anger can also be a substitute emotion. By this we mean that sometimes people make themselves angry so that they don't have to feel pain."
" You can use anger to convert feelings of vulnerability and helplessness into feelings of control and power."
" Anger increases the desire of possession in people. People make more efforts to obtain the object that is associated with angry faces."
" Anger is a natural and mostly automatic response to pain of one form or another (physical or emotional). Anger can occur when people don't feel well, feel rejected, feel threatened, or experience some loss."
" It is impossible to remain angry at someone you truly love. Anger lasting for more than three days indicates that you’re not in love."
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