[Tag] Ahomine's a maggot
A screw you AlexandraOHara for making me do this... *sigh* well lets do it!
1. Must post rules
2. Must tag 13 people
3. People tagged have to answer 13 questions about themselves
4. You have to answer all 13 questions and leave another 13 questions for those tagged
5. You cannot refuse (yah got that?)
6. Tags back are allowed (i swear to holy Ahomine if you do!)
7. Must be done within a week or creator gets to pick punishment (hehe ;P)
8. Create a unique title (I kinda like mine!)
9. Must be published in one of your books
1. What is your favourite song?
Ugh, why make me pick?! Atm either Close by Nick Jonas or We Don't Talk Anymore by Charlie Puth!
2. What are your dreams/aspirations
Shit is gonna get reaaaalll. Uh, I would love to be a doctor. I believe that nobody (no matter how 'bad' or 'good' that person is) should have to go through pain or their family around them have to experience it too. I have my reasons but they're kinda personal so lets move on...
3. Are you superstitious?
Nah fam. Sorry!
4. What do you like most about yourself?
THE FACT THAT I HAVE THE EXACT SAME EYES AS AHOMINE THE MAGGOT! Jk jk, I like how I hate hugging people but when I'm laying in bed I become a marshmallow....
5. What do you like least about yourself?
Uh I dunno...probably that I'm kinda a jack of all trades. I'm okay at most things but I'm not 'good' at anything...
6. What is your phone percentage right now? (Lol a little bit random, Alex...)
80% YO!
7. What is your favourite number
8. Do you have/want any pets?
I had a cat but he died and no, I don't want any pets because I'm *sneeze* allergic!
9. Where would you like to travel?
Tokyo or Hong Kong
10. Who do you want to meet the most?
Uh, I dunno...I'm kinda struggling but if I had to pick...probably Josh Hutcherson?
11. Any celebrity crushes
Does my framed picture of Josh Hutcherson sum it up for you?
12. Favourite colour?
Green or silverrrrr
13. What has been your best experience of your life
Either riding a camel or running for a plane. Both are scary but also fun~!
1. If there was a fire and there was a handicapped baby and mother in the house, who would you save?
2. If you could go back to any point in time (you don't have to be born yet) and live there for a day, what time period would you go to?
3. If you could either stop wars or stop disease, what would you stop?
4. If you could dye your hair nay colour, what colour would you dye it?
5. If you could be part of any fictional world, which one would you want to live in?
6. If you had the option to leave this earth and go to a knew one but everyone you know forgets about you but you still remember them, would you leave?
7. If you could delete one person in history, who would it be?
8. If you could marry anyone, who would it be?
9. Alex from Target or Damn Daniel?
10. Email or text?
11. If you could move to any country, what one would it be?
12. If you could be blessed with any talent, what would it be?
13. If you could be me, would you want to be?
Imma tag my fam -
FINALLY DONE! i seriously hate you Alex....from target...sorry fam
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