[Tag] 100 Truths
I did this in my old tag book but then I deleted it so... I'm doing it again!
100 Truths
1. Real name: Abbie Dalziel
2. Nickname: I dunno, people call me Abs or Abstar
3. Favourite colour: Dark blue, dark green or silver
4. Male or female: Female
5. Elementary school: We don't have those, sorry
6. Middle school: Don't have those either
7. High school/Academy: I go to Academy but I can't tell you which one!
8. College: Not there yet!
9. Hair: Long, dark brown, wavy but I straighten it 24/7
10. Tall or Short: Well I'm 14 and I'm 183cm so...I guess I'm pretty tall
11. Sweats or Jeans: Are sweats joggers? Well I only wear jeans!
12. Phone or camera: Camera
13 Health freak: I eat healthily and do a lot of sport so I would say I'm healthy but I'm not obsessed over it!
14. Oranges or apples: I can't stand the smell of oranges so it has to be apples!
15. Do you have a crush on some: Kinda, kinda not
16. Guy friends or girl friends: I mostly hang with my chicks but I have a few guy friends who are hilarious
17. Piercings: My earlobes
18. Pepsi or Coke: Coke but IRN-BRU ALL THE WAY!
19. Have you ever been in an airplane: Many times!
20. Been in a relationship: Nah
21. Been in a car accident: Almost, we crashed into a wall once because our car slipped on black ice but we were okay
22. Been in a first fight: Not physically but verbally with my step mum many times
23. Best friends: Leigh, Charlotte, Natalie, Lana, Kirsty, Kirstie, Katie, Kirsten and Maia
24. First award: My birth certificate! Joking, it was when I won the 100m backstroke
25. Fist crush: The ginger cat from 'The Cat Returns'
26. Fist words: Daddy
27. Any talents: I can ski and I'm pretty good at swimming! Oh and I can say I'm a pretty hella good cook
28. Last person you talked to: In real life, my sister but on Wattpad Kakashi_the_copycat
29. Last person you texted: Katie / HungerGamesObsessive
30. Last person you watched a movie with: My sister
31. Last thing you ate: Fruit salad
32. Last thing you drank: Rumane
33. Last movie/show you watched: Haikyuu!! Second season
34. Last thing you listened to: Heathens by twenty one pilots
35. Last thing you bought: A book called 'The boy in the stripped pyjamas'
36. Last person you hugged: I hate hugging people and the only person I can stand hugging me is HungerGamesObsessive / Katie
37. Food: Sushi especially from Yo! Sushi
38. Drink: Rumane, Japan's most popular soda
39. Bottoms: My emerald skirt or my ripped skinny jeans
40. Flower: Lily's because they reminded my of mum because that was her favourite flower
41. Animal(s): Giraffes
42. Movie(s): Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Meet the Parents & Beautiful Creatures
43. Favourite subject: English or physics
Have you ever
44. Fallen in love: No
45. Celebrated halloween: Yep!
46. Gone over tests: Aren't you mean to?
47. Been heartbroken: When my mum passed away and then when the only close person I had, my uncle, died
48. Had someone like you: Yeah...
49. Hated how someone changed: Yep, and I have to see it everyday of my life
50. Got pregnant: No and I'm still a virgin
51. Had an abortion: Obviously not
52. Does something you regret: Yes
53. Broken a promise: Yeah
54. Hidden a secret: Yap
55. Pretended to be happy: Yeah
56. Met someone who changed your life: Nope!
57. Left the country: Yeah seen as my country is tiny
58. Pretended to be sick: Nope, and I hate it when people do
59. Done something you normally don't like but liked it: Yeah, I tried ginger again and I loved it
60. Cried over the silliest things: I don't cry
61. Ran a mile: Hell yeah!
62. Gone to the beach with friends: Yes, I recently just went with Charlotte, Kirstie and Leigh
63. Gotten into an argument with a friend: Many a time
64. Disliked someone: Only two people at the moment but that's it
65. Stayed single forever or two years after having a bf/gf: Nope!
66. Eating: Nothing
67. Drinking: Rumane
68. Listening to: Heathens by twenty one pilots
69. Sitting/lying: Sitting
70. Plans for today: Make a successful chicken katsu curry
71. Waiting for: A snap back from HungerGamesObsessive / Katie
72. Want kids: Not too sure but I dunno
73. Want to marry: I'd like too but if you are so in love with someone, why do you need a ring or a piece of paper to prove it?
74. Want to travel: Yep, ready for Tokyo HungerGamesObsessive ?
In a partner
75. Lips or eyes: Eyes all the way
76. Shorter or taller: Honestly I don't think I'm going to find a man table rhtna me (I'm going to be around 6ft 3) so I'm not bothered anymore
77. Older or younger: Doesn't matter if it is true love
78. Romantic or spontaneous: Spontaneous
79. Trouble maker or hesitant: Hesitant
80. Hookup or a relationship: Relationship
81: Looks or personality: Personality but you have to be sexually attracted to them too
Have you ever part 2
82. Lost glasses: Yep!
83. Snuck out of the house: Hell yeah, I'm a little rebel. Well, more like a tall rebel!
84. Held a gun or knife in self defence: Yeah I've held a knife against my sister before and I think my step mum too but that was a long time ago
85. Killed someone: Nah but I wanted to kill my step mum
86. Broken someones heart: Yep and they ended up yelling at me
87. Been in love: Haven't I already answered this? No
88. Broken a bone: Yeah
89. Cried when someone died: I told you I don't cry
Belive in
90. Yourself: Yeah
91. Miracles: No
92. Love at first sight: Definitely not but I had someone confess to me saying it was love first sight
93. Heaven: Yes and no
94. Santa: Ummm, no?
95. Aliens: Yeah totally! There is so many other galaxies and universes out there! There has to be at least another one with life on it!
96. Ghosts/Angels: Nah
97. Is there some out there you want to be with right now: Nah
98. Believe who your real friends are: Some of them I'm not too sure
99. Believe in God(s): Nope. Please don't take any offence but god in my eyes is a dictator. If you love me then you'll go to heaven but if you don't then f*ck you, off you pop to hell.
And finally
100. Post this as 100 Truths: Sure thing!
Rules: Answer truthfully
Tag 20 people including the people who tagged you
1. Well I tagged myself from my old account so heres to the other 19 people. I know most of you have done it though!
2. Bry_anime
7. Aster_oid
9. Shania1804
10. geeker01
11. XxDjCoL7xX
12. hqheaven
13. ChibiJeira
15. -ohmyzerkaa
16. BookNinja02
18. Saintly-Waffles
20. Anyone else who wants to do it!
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