Two months had passed, his plan went exactly as intended. The majority of criminals looking for illegal items flooded his orders, and he was happy to accept. After all, it allowed him to charge insane prices. Not only that but it was exciting for once. Sometimes though he got caught between two rival villain groups both wanting information on eachother, and he usually ended up screwing both parties over in the end. All the while his business was growing, he was also gaining something very valuable.
He knew the location of every single person that came to him for his services, and he kept them archived. In a few short months, he'd gained a lot of influence. He got hundreds of applications a day now, which he had to admit was exhausting. However, killua enjoyed it. He never felt fulfilled while he was standing idle. Killua was somewhat of a workaholic. No matter how exhausting the work was, he needed to be doing something to feel like he was worth something. And that's enough of depressing thoughts for today. He thought, taking a large bite of a doughnut he'd bought earlier that morning.
He scrolled through his copious amount of orders that he'd accepted, pondering on which one he'd choose to do first. Hm...find school files on some kid who was on the news, or locate some lost drugs and booze. Killua shrugged, flipping a coin. He genuinely couldn't decide, both sounded fairly exciting. He wolfed down the rest of the doughnut as the coin landed on heads. Guess I'm breaking into a school. He did some google searching on the school, it was called Aldera High. The school seems pretty backwater, should be easy enough to sneak in. I wonder if I can order a uniform online...
Approximately 2 hours later killua was putting on the uniform, it was pretty plain looking. He hummed, putting some temporary hair dye in and styling it to conceal his true identity. If he got caught, he still wanted to be able to roam the streets without being recognized. It would be easy enough for him to pretend to be from another country, that way nobody would notice he didn't belong. Killua exited his house, following the instructions on the GPS to the building.
He walked through the halls, only half faking a confused expression. Of course he'd seen schools before, but not one like this. Killua had been home schooled all his life, so he'd never actually stepped foot into one before. "Hey uh...you seem lost" Killua blinked and glanced behind him. There was a shorter male with curly green hair standing there, he had freckles and a kind smile. Killua coughed. "uh...no speak...japanese...well" He said, faking a thick british accent. He was fluent in both english and japanese, so he could easily play off not being able to speak one or the other language. The boy blinked. "oh you're an exchange student?" Killua stared quizzically at him for a moment, as if he didn't understand.
There was a few moments of awkward silence. "uh...well-" Killua spoke over him. "Principal....office. Where?" He asked, glancing around. A look of understanding went across his face. "oh- here" he gave killua a school map, then pointed to a room. "you got here. Got it?" Killua nodded, then thanked him and went on his way. That was too easy. He thought, a grin just barely eluding his face. He made his way to the principal's office, then checked the handle. Locked. He hummed, quickly picking said lock with the appropriate tool, before sliding in and locking it once more. Now, looking for a 'Katsuki Bakugou' He thought, going through the files as quickly as he could while also expressing maximum efficiency.
He'd done some research on the hot headed teenager before accepting, Killua wasn't sure what someone would do with some school files on a teenager, but they agreed to the hefty fee so he might as well see the job through. Killua located the files and quickly downloaded them, then slipped the flash drive in his pocket. Suddenly footsteps started approaching the room. Shit- Killua turned and quickly opened the window, before sliding down and dangling from the side. Just as he'd done that, the door creaked open. "Ugh, what a long day- the hell? Who left the window open?"
780 words
To be continued...
another cliffhanger, what your lovely author is best at UvU as usual if you have any thoughts, ideas, or questions, feel free to ask! After i started writing again i remembered why i used to spend hours making content for you guys, and i just want you to know i love you all SO much, which is why i try to reply to every comment i see. wuifwu this is sappy im writing this at like 1 am to post tomorrow-
make sure to drink water and eat frequently as well (things i constantly forget to do lol)
yall make me SO happy, and i enjoy making content for you all!
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