"my quirk has been passed down from generation to generation, with every one the power growing, taking up the legacy. Young Killua you have shown incredible strength, heart, and courage. I offer you this power, so you may become the next symbol of peace"
Huh-? Killua stared deadpan at Allmight for a few seconds. "nah" Allmight blinked, looking shocked. "huh?" Killua shrugged. "as I said before, I don't need one. Give it to someone else who will actually use it" he said, placing his hands behind his head once more. That explains why he was examining me so closely earlier, what a joke. Killua had no interest in playing hero, the only thing he wanted was a way back home. Allmight looked hilariously shellshocked for a moment, obviously not expecting rejection. "but....young killua, you need a quirk to get into U.A-"
"what part of no do you not understand?" Killua said wryly, growing increasingly more irritated. "I said I don't want it, I'm not taking it. I'm sure you'll find someone else who'd love that power grab but I'm good, thanks" He abruptly turned, and walked away. "alright...young killua..." Allmight mumbled sounding very confused and concerned. Killua sighed, turning the corner on the street. Although I suppose I got a plus as well, I now have blackmail on the number one hero. Not sure when I'd use it, but if I ever need it, I have it. Killua concluded that the situation wasn't as time wasting as he'd originally thought. Having dirt on someone could go a long way, especially if that someone was the number one pro hero.
Killua placed the chocolate in his mouth and let it coat his tongue, his face softening a little as he enjoyed the sweetness. Nothing could improve his mood like chocolate, nothing at all. "dammit, that bitch-" Killua blinked over his shoulder as he heard the gruff voice. Some woman was walking away from a middle aged man with something in her hand. The male sighed. "damn gold diggers" Killua thought for a moment. What if i.... "ten bucks and I can get it back for you" The male blinked. "eh-?" Killua grinned a bit at him. "she took something from you right? Ten bucks and it'll be in your hands again" The man laughed. "ah your funny, no hooker's gonna let go of a watch like that though..."
A watch? Easy. Killua winked, then proceeded to walk casually in the woman's direction. Time to take my acting skills for a test run for the first time in this place. He sidled over to the woman, eyes shining a little in faux interest. "your pretty ma'am" he said, with a cheerful smile. The woman glanced over and giggled. "why thank you darling" she said, obviously the type that flattery swayed heavily. Killua kept and upbeat and friendly air projected around him as he conversed with her for a few minutes. She blushed and looked away after killua complimented her luscious locks. He quickly swiped the watch, then made up an excuse about how he was late for schoolwork. "sorry ma'am I gotta get going, homework!"
The woman giggled. "we can chat any time deary" Killua whistled and walked away, the shiny watch in his pocket. Worked like a charm. But of course it did, he'd been practicing faking a smile since he was three. After that it went from a smile to emotions, then from emotions to an entire persona. Ha. I bet I could kill someone with my bare hands and talk my way out of it while I was standing over the body. Killua located the male again, then hummed and flashed the watch to him. "this yours?"
His eyes widened. "i- wha-" Killua snickered. "make it twenty bucks and ill hand it over" The male groaned, then handed him the money. "fine" Killua chuckled and let him take the watch, then walked off. That was easy. I wonder... a grin spread across his face. I have just the idea.
759 words
To be continued...
it makes me antsy not to have backup chapters wehwufgw but here we are, managed to scrap this together for yall! i think ill be shortening chapters from now on, sorry shippers.
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