Killua was walking the streets again, an irritated scowl on his face. He'd researched this city's society for about an hour and a half and felt utterly disgusted, and irritated. Mainly by the appearance of quirks, if nothing else. Children were just handed power, then had the gall to say it made them superior to others. Just as you shouldn't spoil a child with a fortune, you shouldn't hand them power on a silver platter. No wonder there were so many 'villains'. Most of them were most likely just adolescent rebellious teenagers trying to make life exciting. Killua sighed, then swore under his breath as he felt a tug in his ear.
Someone with a magnetic quirk walked by and it yanked on his earring. He walked down an alley to avoid the sensation. It didn't exactly hurt. However with the fact he was in a constant state of zetsu, if the magnetic power increased it might rip his ear and he wouldn't be able to really do anything about it. Killua had trained much of his body to withstand great lengths of pressure and pain, but his ears weren't one of them. Caught in his musings, if he hadn't trained himself to be hyperaware of his surroundings he probably wouldn't have noticed the footsteps coming up behind him. "do you need something?" he asked, turning his head.
A large muscular male was standing there, one that he recognized from that billboard. The one he also knew by the name 'allmight'. Honestly though, killua wasn't intimidated. "hello there young man!" he said, with a grin. Killua stuck a lollipop in his mouth. "hey" he said, casually. Allmight hesitated. "young man do you know who I am?" he shrugged. "yeah, you're the number one hero. It's cool, I guess. But I've met people like you before" Killua replied, thinking of that irritating but powerful old man. "people...like me? Care to elaborate young man?" Allmight said, curiosity laced through his tone.
Killua licked the lollipop, leaning against the alley wall. "his name was netero, kinda the you where I'm from. If that makes sense" he said. "where are you from?" the hero asked. Killua chuckled. "nowhere you'd ever heard of" doesn't even show up on the world maps I looked at. "well, I saw the...incident, at the burning school" he said, and killua shot him a dry look. "if you came to scold me, your reprimanding will fall on deaf ears" Allmight laughed. "no, not at all. I just wanted to say that was very heroic of you young man. Tell me, what's your name?" Killua pondered how to respond for a moment. I could use my fake name, but then again maybe if I use my real one someone may recognize it. That could be a good or a bad thing though depending on who... "Killua" he said, discarding the now bare stick that once held his lollipop.
Allmight nodded. "mhm, very good. Well young Killua, I've got things to do!" he said, and Killua noticed how his body seemed to be...steaming, slightly. That doesn't look normal. Allmight sped away the very next moment. Killua just shrugged it off and kept walking. That was pretty odd. The old man had seemed to be.. Scrutinizing him, for what reason killua wasn't sure, nor was he sure of whether he should be concerned or not. I suppose I should find a place to crash though. Maybe get a job. He groaned at the thought of trying to make an honest living. Since he was nearly sixteen it would be possible for him to get a job now, but he really didn't want one. I suppose there are...other ways, of getting money. He thought, with a grin. Killua did some quick research on a phone he stole, then made his way to the nearest bar.
He pickpocketed some money on his way, just eighty five bucks. That was all he really needed. Time for a little bit of gambling. He walked in, then rang the bell on the bar. A fair skinned female with emerald eyes walked up. "beat it kid, your underage" Killua hummed. "well, I could make it worth your time" he said, sliding forward the money. "one bottle of vodka, then we'll go from there" the bartender frowned. "what are you planning to do with a full bottle of vodka?" he smirked. "both of us are going to benefit from this, trust me" he said. She sighed, then slid over a bottle. "fine. Long as you keep my name out of the transaction, not getting in legal trouble for this" she said, disgruntled.
Killua cleared his throat, then grabbed the bottle and stood on a table. Usually he didn't like attention, mainly when he was on the streets. But occasionally, especially in a gambling setting, he loved it. Only a few people turned towards him in curiosity. "who wants to bet if I'll still be standing after chugging this whole bottle of vodka?" at that, most of the bar glanced over at him. The bartender's eyes widened. He grinned. "a hundred bucks on the line, any takers?" one of the tables closest to him had a short male with a beard. "hah! As if" he slapped down the money. "I bet two hundred" Killua hummed, then silently leapt down from the table and placed his money on top of the male's. he'd had a hundred bucks in reserve. "alright here we go" he shook the bottle a little, then popped it open and brought it to his lips, downing it.
There were exclamations of shock as he set down the empty bottle and snatched the cash. "hey barkeep, can I have another?" she blinked a few times, then passed over another bottle. "better pay up when your done kid" he smirked. "you bet" about an hour and 18 bottles later, killua was tipsy. Not only was he tipsy, but he'd accumulated 2000 bucks after he paid back all the money for the booze. The barkeep whistled. "damn kid, you got a crazy tolerance. I'm guessing it's your quirk" Killua just laughed, not saying anything. "need a place to crash, this place got beds?" she hummed. "not technically, but because of the revenue you've brought in I can let you crash in the back for free. Killua snickered. "anytime, that was fun as hell" he said. Killua loved pushing himself to his limits, especially his poison tolerance.
Killua rested his hands behind his head with a sigh, collapsing onto the bed. He hadnt been intoxicated in a pretty long time, due to how hard it was to get himself drunk without spending thousands of dollars. Being practically immune to poisons had its weaknesses, as well as its strengths. Killua fiddled with a loose strand on the bedsheet, bored. Maybe tomorrow I'll find an actual job. Or maybe he'd just gamble, what could go wrong? Even if he lost he could just pickpocket for anything he really needed, then keep gambling with the rest. ah ill figure it out tomorrow, man this place is fun.
1177 words
To be continued...
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