This is an incomplete guide of pronunciations in the Lost Isles. If there is any confusion on how to pronounce anything, please comment on this chapter, and I will clarify.
Aelrindel - al-RIN-dell
Aliea- Ah-lee-ah
Alisine - al-ih-SINE
Amnestria - am-nest-ria
Arcaena - are-cane-ah
Atlantis - AT-lan-TISS
Ciyra - SEE-rah
Ciyradyl - SEE-rah-dill
Cohnel - cah-NULL
Devdan - Dev-den
Elora - el-oh-rah
Flinar - Flin-ARE
Gaelin - gay-linh
Halinia - ha-lee-nee-ah
Ievos - EE-vose
Lyrik - LIE-rick
Nexxis - Neks-sis
Parados- Pare-ah-dose
Vedya - ved-YAH
Vestele - ves-TEEL
Xinglong - zing-LONG
Zentha - ZEN-tha
Dewas- dew-ass
Nyna - NIE-na
Galyrd - gal-YURD
Skiddidivel - skid-ih-divel
Quintessence - QUIN-tess-ense
Yonol - Yawn-ole
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