6. invite
"Okay class, that's all for today. Make sure to study at home, you'll never know when we'll have a surprise quiz."
The teacher dismissed her students, ending school. Y/n was fixing her things quietly beside Suna, and he did the same.
I need to get home. By bus, right?
The girl nodded on her own and approached Suna. She took out the notes, neatly written on the papers. He looked impressed and ruffled her hair, thanking her.
Wow, feeling close. Joke.
Y/n was about to leave the classroom but Suna called out to her. She stopped and turned to him, he was walking near her.
"Hey, I was wondering if you wanna watch me practice?" He asked.
She raised a brow and he sighed. He dragged her by the sleeve of her (his) hoodie to the gym, where they could already hear the sounds of shoes squeaking and balls thudding on the ground. Y/n was confused, but she let him do what he wanted.
Suna opened the gym doors and entered with the girl's sleeve held with his hand. He let her sit on a bench as he disappeared to the locker room to change.
She blinked before realizing everyone was looking at her confusingly, some are even nervous.
"Ah! L/n-chaan~!" Atsumu smiled and approached the girl, Osamu followed suit. The other members raised a brow, shocked at this gesture.
"It's nice that you wanted to watch us practice. We don't usually allow girls here since they're noisy as hell," Osamu said, taking a seat beside her. She shook her head before fiddling with her fingers.
"Come on, don't be shy. I know you want to," Atsumu teased and took the seat beside her.
She was kind of uncomfortable with the stares, so she just looked down.
Please come here, Suna.
The girl slightly bit ber bottom lip before nodding. The boys high fived each other, but froze when they heard a voice.
"Atsumu, Osamu. Get back in the court."
They nodded vigorously before going back to the court. The twins waved at the girl and she waved back.
"Sorry, Kita-san," Atsumu muttered.
Kita sighed and approached the girl. He stood infront of her with a blank face before crossing his arms, "Y/n."
The said girl quickly snapped her head up, seeing her childhood friend's face. She immediately stood up and hugged him, he hugged back.
One of my safe spaces.
"This is a nice coincidence," He muttered beside her ear.
"Woah, Kita-san. You know Y/n?" Suna appeared and approached them.
He nodded, "Childhood friend of mine."
"I see," Something flashed in his eyes but disappeared. He turned to the girl who pulled back from the hug.
"In case you didn't know, Kita-san is the captain of the team. Don't be afraid to reach out to him–or me, if the twins annoyed you," He ruffled her hair and turned to Kita.
Stop doing that.
"She can't speak right now, her throat is in the process of healing from some injury," He nodded to Kita and went to the court.
Kita turned to the girl, "It's okay, I'll understand you. I always do," He smiled a little before patting her head.
The captain went back to the court and told the coaches that she can stay. She fidgeted slightly at the other boys' stares, so she took her phone out to distract herself.
To: Mom
3:12 PM
mom, i'll head back home a little later.
Almost immediately, she replied.
From: Mom
3:12 PM
It's okay, your dad and I are almost done unpacking anyways. And can I ask why you're going to be late?
The girl hesitated to reply, but she didn't want to lie. Her thumbs slightly hovered on the screen, before carefully replying.
To: Mom
3:13 PM
my classmates wanted me to watch them practice for a while. i'll go on and head home right now if you'd like me to? btw kita is here
Y/n sighed and waited for a reply, slightly panicking.
From: Mom
3:13 PM
No no no no hun. It's alright! Just head home before 9. I'm so happy you already have friends on your first day :')
and shinsuke?! oh my god I miss him! ok ok have fun okay??
She released a sigh and left her on seen. The boys were really good at playing the sport, it was satisfying to watch them. Atsumu waved at her when she caught his stare, and she hesitantly waved back. Osamu nodded at her before playing with her brother.
Kita shot her a thumbs up, asking if she was okay. She returned it with a blank face. He nodded and focused back to the play.
The court was really clean, and the lights made sure the whole court is seen. The coaches were really great at teaching them, too. It was a strange experience for the girl since she never did this from the previous schools she goes to. She never had time.
They're really tall.
A coach approached her with a smile before sitting next to her. She just stayed quiet and watched the boys play.
"You're really quiet. Don't you want to cheer for them? They're playing extra nice today, maybe it's because you're watching their performance?" The coach was testing her, he was wondering if she was any other girl. Usually, the girls who came to watch them play just screamed and squealed, the players were really annoyed. So most of the time the coach just lock the gym doors and never allow girls to enter. There are times where he forgot to lock it though, so they easily get in.
She shook her head, not knowing how to respond. But even if she did, she can't. The coach hummed, impressed.
"You're a quiet one. Do you like writing? Taking notes? Helping people?" He asked her.
The girl was a little overwhelmed, but nodded. Helping is indeed her favorite thing to do, and taking notes is just a hobby for her. The coach hummed and nodded before standing up.
He looked at her with a kind smile, "Why don't you become a manager for the boys?"
Huh? Manager?
She furrowed her brows in confusion. He laughed, "Manager. As in, taking notes and observing the boys' performance, cleaning their jersey for them, filling bottles with water for them to drink, and coming with them when they have matches. Basically you manage a bunch of idiots," He snickered at the end.
Seems tasky .. but I don't really have extracurricular activities myself. Why not?
Y/n thought about it. It was a thing that she did when she was elementary, but she stopped because someone told her not to. At least she was somewhat similar. She looked at the coach who had a pleading look in his eyes.
He sighed, "It's... okay if you don't want to. I just really want someone to manage them, they can be quite a handful."
The girl stood up and nodded, shocking the coach. He smiled widely, "Really?! You will be manager??" He exclaimed a little too loud, getting everyones' attention.
Jeez. Was that really necessary?
The girl slightly jolted. Atsumu and Osamu was making weird noises, choking each other. Suna had his brows raised, and Kita walked to her with a slight smile.
"Y/n. You're willing to become manager?" She shrugged a little, "What if you get bullied because of it?" He slightly frowned.
Yeah, a huge hassle. Certainly I wouldn't die because of it.
The girl looked down and fiddled with her fingers, she looked up to him. She gave a thumbs up, indicating that it's okay. The coach looked at her confusingly, then to Kita.
"You know her, Kita?" He asked the boy.
He nodded, "I've been friends with her since we were kids."
"Ah, also. She can't speak right now. Her throat is a little injured," Kita continued, the coach nodded.
"Alright, if you do want to be the manager, come with me. I'll give you the club application form–unless you already have a club?" The coach slightly panicked.
She shook her head and he sighed. He turned to Kita, "It's okay now, thank you Kita. I'll just explain some things to her."
The captain nodded and left after giving the girl a slight pat on the shoulder. She followed the coach, trying her hardest not to exchange stares with the players.
Did I choose a great decision?
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