30. sway
2nd POV (third change of pov)
So far, you and Atsumu's relationship is going really well amidst the slow burn heavy load of works.
He was very considerate of dedicating his free time with you whenever he was able to get one. Actually, you scolded him for that albeit being grateful.
Right now both of you are facing College. Obviously you would want him to focus more on his path in education and preparing for his career, you weren't those types of some girlfriends that yearns for their boyfriends' attention 24/7— ripping, forcing, or asking them to clean their schedules just for the sake of hanging out.
It was unfair and you believe important stuff like studies should come first before you, there's always perfect times to reconnect and hang again.
One might be thinking; no you must not think like that, it would also be unfair for the other party. Or, some would say it would rust the relationship.
It's true that relationships are big deals and should not be taken lightly of, but either are education and future path of life.
There will always come a time.
And it just so happens that one of those is now.
The dance will start in 2 hours and a half, but you and Yuna woke up late. Both of you figured one did not set an alarm— and the one that didn't was the midnight head herself.
It barely surprised you when you saw how she was unbothered and just casually hopped in the shower after laying her gown on her bed, as if being late was one of her routines.
So now, obviously, both of you are rushing (just you, Yuna's taking her sweet time) while simultaneously trying to take it lightly in hopes of avoiding mess.
Two things unite in your mind. Them being making good efforts for making yourself look better than average for Atsumu, and making good effort for the sake of the blonde's image.
Somewhere deep inside you, you didn't want to look like a pebble beside a diamond like him.
I mean— let's face it. Miya Atsumu was beyond, beyond gorgeous. Literally on his first week of college, he already have groups of both genders swarming him, mainly girls.
It didn't really angered or annoy you that much. You expected this in the first place, and you were very understanding of that.
The blonde was proud at you for it, so proud that he rewarded you on bed with something 'exciting'.
His words, not yours.
And no, both of you didn't do what others might think.
It was just close to that. No regrets, though.
Back to the event happening now, both you and Yuna finally finished with each others' looks. The hallway was quiet and empty indicating that most of the students had already gotten to the main venue, which was at the heart of the school near the lobby.
The theme was formal but no one was really advised to wear something extravagant. Just a simple gown or suit— it works.
The gown you're wearing was picked by your roommate because you said anything was fine when she asked what you liked, you were cooking at that time and you didn't get time to pick. Now you're wearing a f/c gown that was floor length, tailored to your size, and was off-shoulders. It was simple fit for the theme and you were impressed she was able to pick something decent in a short amount of time before the actual event.
Yuna, on the other hand, was completely breathtaking with her black attire, heart shaped on the front with lace from neck to wrists.
There was no way you could bring yourself to compare your look to hers— she was on another level of radiance even with a dark outfit. Yet she still managed to make it work effortlessly.
"Hey, you good?" She asked you with a hand resting on the door handle.
Your head shot up to hers, "Oh, uh, yeah. I was just thinking stuff."
"Like what?"
Smiling faintly, you shook your head, "Never mind. It's nothing serious anyways."
The girl blinked before nodding slowly, opening the door for the both of you to enter.
Inside was beautiful with variety of colors that popped in every direction. It was kind of neon, and the tables were clothed in black same as the chairs.
You remembered the blonde's text saying he was on the very front table with other players he was teaming up with.
Walking to the said area, you halted after a while when you noticed your roommate going in the same direction.
"Yuna, are you going there?" You asked her.
She only nodded and proceeded to walk after you continued.
"You know someone staying there?" The midnight asked while looking straight forward, unbothered by the stares she and you was receiving.
She, however, believed the stares were meant for you only. In her eyes you were probably the prettiest girl there was. And probably because you were the only one she knows.
The girl hated socializing.
Finally you and her reached the table. You blinked as if you were a deer caught in the headlights but not for extreme reasons, you were just kind of immobilized because the boys sitting there got their eyes on both you and Yuna. They were really tall, too.
"Yo," Suddenly your cousin Sakusa faintly waved as he was seated on one of the chairs of the table.
Your eyes widened in surprised, "Kiyo-nii, I didn't know you were going to attend here?"
"Well," He sighed and leaned back on his seat, "I didn't, either."
His eyes slurred from you to Yuna who had a bored look on her face, he gave a small teasing smile, "I thought you weren't going to attend?"
"I figured you'd be a loner when I didn't," She said and finally sat on the vacant seat next to him.
Sakusa rolled his eyes but casually propped his arm on the top of her chair, sipping on his drink as he silently conversed with her.
You squinted at them. Are they friends or are they together?
The voice you needed to hear sang out as he snaked his arms on your waist from behind, smiling as he rested his chin on top of your shoulder.
"Where were you?" You asked.
He lightly blew on your neck, "I recently found out that 'Samu was still sleeping after I was preparing. He didn't want to come but I told him to because the event will have variety of foods he liked."
You laughed and just spotted a bored looking Osamu with his hands on his pocket.
Atsumu let go and pulled a chair for you to sit at. You thanked him after and he just smiled before taking his seat beside you. Osamu sat on your other side and immediately ate the sweet appetizers.
The place was buzzing with smooth music and people were conversing left and right. The actual event will happen after a few minutes when the principal and other faculty members are present, right now people were just doing what they want. On your table, the players were conversing with each other like friends, some brought a partner and some didn't.
You also took note of how Sakusa was a whole different character when he talks to your roommate.
Osamu asked you and Atsumu if he could go to the table filled with food. The blonde teased him about being impatient but you pinched his cheek, causing him to whine, and told the younger twin that he was allowed with a smile.
The boy jokingly stuck his tongue at Atsumu before completely disappearing to bring back heaven.
A voice hummed teasingly and you saw Yuna slightly smirking with her cheek propped on her palm, "Y/n-chan~, I didn't know you had a boyfriend."
You blinked.
"Well we didn't get enough time together to talk about it," You lightly chuckled and almost jolted when the blonde rested his arm on top of your chair, the same thing Sakusa did earlier.
You crossed your arms and returned a small smirk, "What about you? I didn't know you were with my cousin."
"Sakusa?" She raised a brow and caught the jet looking at her when she turned. He quickly looked away nonchalantly. Yuna leaned back on her seat, "Ohh, your cousin huh. I can see the similar personalities now that I think back about it."
The blonde just rested the side of his face on your shoulder as he scrolled through his phone. You just conversed with the girl about stuff and whatnot, both your partners were busy with their phones but still kept contact when needed.
When Osamu came back, he came back with a lot of food. Like, a lot, a lot.
No one seemed to mind, though they are shocked. They let the cute twin eat happily on his own while using his phone. Every now and then you'd offer him a tissue when a sauce got on the corner of his lips.
The music halted to a faint and a voice started to speak. The principal.
"Good evening everyone. Welcome to the start of your University life. I am Hatake Kakashi, your principal staying strong for quite a lot of years now," He flashed a smile.
The guy went on with stuff, like brief information about the school. Until the rest of the school members were present enough to start the school dance.
"Alright, grab your partners and dance the night away. Hope you enjoy this night— you have an interesting school life ahead."
Poor Osamu just stayed on his seat with his food as others went to dance.
The blonde offered his hand to you and you gladly took it. He brought you to the dancefloor and ignored the stares, only focusing on you. You asked him if his twin was going to be fine and he said it would be alright.
Actually, you weren't all that much worried. Since there are literally girls lined up behind him, about to ask for his hand to take on the dancefloor. Still though— you wondered how he would cope.
The music started normal until it comes to the point where it gradually became slow but still had a rocky texture. Atsumu surprisingly knew how to dance, you barely got by, but he was a really good support and so you relied on him.
You sneakily looked behind to see Sakusa silently panicking and confused. He looked like he didn't know how to hold Yuna— which is surprising because he doesn't like holding much people except when it comes to people he was sure is neat.
The midnight sighed hopelessly and rested her arms on his shoulders, having to crane her neck up because he was too tall. The jet's hand slowly made its way to hoop her hips. Once again your brows raised at how comfortable he looked with her.
He looked like he trusted her.
That made you smile.
You looked back at Atsumu who was looking at you with a smile, "What's up?"
He shook his head and laughed.
"Have I already told you that you looked overwhelmingly beautiful? Baby, you're stunning hard right now," He purred and sneakily kissed your neck, sending excitement through your whole body.
You just smiled and continued to sway with him.
"You're illuminatingly charming right now. Have I ever told you that?" He laughed after you said that, burying his face on your neck.
The night went really relaxing and beautiful so far. You even let Atsumu take a seat so you could dance with Osamu who agreed desperately to get away with the girls. The blonde just pouted the whole time you were dancing with the silver head, who would sneak teasing glances at his brother just so he could piss him off.
You wished the days ahead was this chill and worth while.
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