29. pink
Time sure flies fast.
Inarizaki high school days were really fun and worthwhile, but of course not everything can just easily last forever. Their last year was interesting with new regulars without the previous 3rd years who graduated— they even won against teams that have defeated them before.
And now college. It was a tough study session with the twins just so they could go to the college suitable for them, and Y/n just so happened to be their tutor. But it was okay it was also a review for her.
It was good and bad. She took the business course the same with Osamu, but that meant no more quality time with Atsumu like the lot they had when they were still at high school. The only way she and him can meet is through half their lunch breaks, maybe free time, stay for a while in his morning practice, and when Y/n is free so she can go to the blonde's practice.
Unfortunately time doesn't wholly agree.
But that doesn't mean they can't get time to be with each other.
"Atsumu, I need to unpack my stuff inside my dorm you know?" The girl sweatdropped when the blonde refused to let go of his hug behind her, his face buried on her neck as he took in her sweet, soft scent that brings him comfort. Ever since she overcame her phobia through loads of therapies he had been cuddling and hugging her more than ever.
He lightly bit on her neck, "Buth I'hm gonhna mith ymou!"
"Stop it, you're gross," Osamu flicked Atsumu's forehead, pulled him away, and smacked the back of his head. Doing it all with onigiri on his other hand.
The blonde whined, "What the heck!"
"Thank you 'Samu~," Y/n mockingly said and snickered quietly.
Atsumu looked at her with betrayal in his eyes.
"Hahaha!" The silver head and her laughed together.
"Mean," He pouted.
The girl sighed and got on her tip toes, pecking him on the lips, "Don't get down now, you still have to organize your dorm as I also need to the same."
He blushed. Even though soft pecks are their thing now— he just couldn't get used to the sweetness she delivers.
Osamu held in his gag and looked at them with his face twisted, "Really? Right in front of my onigiri?"
Y/n laughed while Atsumu had a glare off with him.
"Alright that's enough," She hummed and gripped her backpack tighter with the other hand holding the handle of her luggage, "I'll go on ahead now. Dinner at that ramen place at 7 PM right?" They all looked at their phones' clock as it says 3 PM.
Atsumu huffed, "Can someone just please handle my stuff so I get to cuddle with my Y/n until dinner?"
"Don't get so obsessed. It's not like she'll be going to another planet or something," Osamu frowned at him.
The girl poked his forehead with her pointer finger, "Forgive me Atsumu. Next time, okay?"
The boy frowned deeper and literally needed to get pulled by the arm by Osamu just so he can walk away from the outside of the girls' dorm building before the guards could catch them.
"See ya later baby!" Atsumu shouted while waving his hand, Osamu dragging him faster.
She laughed and waved back, "Later, duckling!"
He pouted before completely disappearing out of her range of view.
The girl sighed and proceeded to enter the building. She slightly jolted when the receptionist rang the bell to get her attention.
"Hey, you new?" The girl in front of her said with chin propped on top of her palms.
Y/n nodded, "Yes."
The receptionist pointed her lips and blinked rapidly, "Just fill this out and I'll give you your room key."
She nodded and did what was asked. Other students who were seated and conversing with each other stole glances at her, taking in her pale bleached hair and black evident roots.
The girl ended up getting a room at the 7th floor which was the 75th. She took the elevator and slightly bowed when the girl from earlier waved at her.
This is completely new... I don't think I'll warm up soon. Y/n sighed as she took in the extravagant view through the transparent glass of the elevator as it elevated up tunil the 7th floor. Grass from afar were bright green, concrete was clean, fancy cars were lined up, the large gate, and the tiny people from her view were evidently buzzing with life.
Finally she reached the floor. Stepping out, she proceeded to go near the 5th room.
Why am I getting nervous for no reason? She gulped and slowly inserted the keycard to open the door.
A girl with midnight hair and pink colored eyes froze awkwardly as she stared at her.
Y/n's eyes widened and panic rose from her chest. She hurriedly put her luggage and bag aside to stop the girl from jumping off of the chair with a noose hung on a beam at the ceiling.
"U-Um please get off!" She panicked and tightly grabbed on her arms.
The girl just blinked at her.
She frowned, "Why would I?"
"Because suicide is not—"
"Pfft," The pastel pink eyed girl had a slight blush as she snickered slightly at Y/n, "Suicide? Death is great and all but I like to savor its pain first."
She sighed and took her head out of the noose, "You're my roommate, yes?"
Y/n stared at her, dumbfounded. She was shocked at how the girl casually shrugged her off and untied the noose from the beam, landing on the floor with a silent thud to put the chair away.
"Pardon....? Wait, are we just going to ignore the fact that you were about to commit something wrong??" She sweatdropped with her brows crunched in disbelief and confusion.
The midnight blinked at her as she rolled the noose to minimize its size, "I'm not, chill. I just like to strangle myself sometimes."
"What?? Why??" Y/n is nearly losing her mind.
The smaller girl wandered to the kitchen and ate a strawberry mochi, "Hm, I don't know. I just thought it was fun. I'm not looking forward to death at all times, though."
"But— what?? How can you be so casual about this? Are you going through something or??" She continued to have worry cloud her eyes, approaching the girl and sitting on a stool of their kitchen island.
"No," She swallowed her mochi, "Not quite—"
Y/n panicked even more when the girl's eyes widened and she choked, "Eeek!! Who even swallows a whole mochi?!"
She patted her back repeatedly and took a bottle of water she found in the fridge, making her drink some and ease down. The girl just held the bottle and continued to let herself cough to the point where Y/n had to push the open bottle to her mouth so she could drink.
Y/n had never panicked and felt confused this much in her life.
"Woah," The pink orbed girl laughed, "What a choke."
?!?! Y/n stared in disbelief and shock.
"Can you please never do that again? Don't act like it's no big deal," She frowned and sat back on her seat.
The girl tilted her head to the side in confusion, "It's not though? 'S not like I'll die immediately."
"You're suicidal, it's not healthy."
Shrugging, the girl sat on the seat opposite of hers near the stove, "I'm not don't worry, it's cool. I've been doing it since I was a kid and escaping death multiple times."
"And that's simple for you because??" She looked at her in confusion, "Where did you even get the noose?!"
"Eh? Nowhere," The girl blinked, "I made it myself instead so it gets the size of my neck right."
".....," Y/n just frowned.
The midnight sighed and stood up from her seat to go to the living room but thought she needed to introduce herself first, "I'm your roommate for the rest of college, right?"
"Yes..," She mumbled and stood up as well.
Humming, she turned to her with a small lipped smile, "My name is Michiko Yunakami. I took business as my course because I don't like the others. How about you?"
"Um," She blinked, "L/n Y/n. I took business because I wanted to follow my parents' footsteps.... Nice to meet you, Michiko."
"Yuna is fine," She waved her off and walked to the living room, "By the way— there's a dance happening tomorrow. Let's just order online from the malls here in the campus, I don't like to go out there with so many people."
"Oh and," Yuna stopped and turned to her, "I took the room with the wider window. Don't worry I won't do stuff you're thinking," She sighed as she held her phone on a hand and about to exit the room, "Lock the door when you leave. I won't be back until midnight, I'm meeting with a clean freak."
Y/n nodded with bits of worry in her eyes and remembered her unpacked stuff, "Alright.."
Clean freak... so she knows one? Whatever it's not like I'll get to meet whoever that is. The girl sighed, got inside a modern looking room and started to unload her belongings to organize in place.
A suicidal roommate. That's... interesting and worrying. Y/n sighed for the nth time.
She hoped time goes by fast at the moment. It hadn't been past 1 hour and she already missed the twins.
hello :D
your roomie is some oc i made under my name
Michiko Yunakami
Nicknames: Michi, Yuu, Yuna, Kami
Age: 18
Course: Business (Early 1 year pass in college even though she doesn't want to because of high academics)
Height: Smaller than yours by 2 cm
Favorite Food: Spicy stuff that extremely burns her tongue
Likes: Painful things, Sky setting
Hates: When some people calls her Kami-sama (indicating God)
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