26. confession
yall better like this chapter as much as i did, =_= my eyes ache but my heart said it was worth writing this chap ♡
"Damn it, 'Samu! Give me back my pillow!"
"Why the hell would I?? This is mine!"
Kita, Aran, and Oomimi sipped their tea as the twins circle around the room on the other side, chasing each other for the pillow that belonged to Suna but thought it belonged to one of them. Ginjima and Suna were quiet on the table with their phones, playing multiplayer games to pass time (they don't really give a shit about the twins).
"Can someone please shut them up?" Akagi whined as he tightly pressed the pillow on both sides of his ears to drown the noise out.
Kita sighed as he raked his hair with his slender, pale fingers, "A good night before a big game tomorrow, and they're acting like this."
"Kids," Oomimi sighed and continued to sip on his cup of tea.
Aran frowned, "That's it. We're booking them another room."
"Ye bastard—" Osamu gritted his teeth as Atsumu and he attempted to pull on each other's hair.
A soft knock was heard and the door slid open, revealing Y/n wearing a crimson red fitted Yukata with her hair on a messy bun. The twins stopped and froze on the spot when they noticed how clung the cloth was to her body. Even Suna's eyes torn from his phone to her.
"Hey, the coaches can't sleep with your quarrels. Could you both please stop it already and save it for tomorrow?" She asked with a gentle voice.
"....," They were all silent after that.
She blinked, "Did I say something wrong?"
The captain stood up and walked over to her, grabbing the collar of her yukata and covering her front better. He looked away with a slight blush, "I knew the hotel staffs would offer you a smaller yukata after seeing them look at you with interest."
"Oh," Was all she could say.
Atsumu shoved Osamu off and approached Y/n, "Hey there, what brings you here?"
"Atsumu," Kita warned.
The blonde frowned, "What? Am I not allowed to greet my manager?"
"Our, manager," Suna coughed out loud, Osamu nodding his head in agreement.
"Don't be selfish, 'Tsumu," The silver head deadpanned.
Atsumu's jaw dropped, "What the— I'm not even— I didn't even—!"
"That's enough. Both Miyas follow me and pack your belongings," Y/n said and turned around to leave.
The twins' eyes grew big, "O-Oi, yer not kicking us out are ya?"
She turned to them with a confused expression before frowning, "What? No. I'm moving you both to my room."
All of the members in the room had their eyes widened when she said it so casually like that.
Who wouldn't be dumbfounded? The girl literally invited two males into her own room as if it were nothing— or it was just normal in her perspective.
"Hold up— are you aware that you're inviting two males to your room? Aren't you worried if something could happen?" Suna intervened with a raised brow.
She furrowed her brows, "Something like what?"
"My room has a spare bed. The twins can sleep there while I sleep on my own separate one. Using the bathroom is no problem— I can sort it out," Y/n said and fully got out of the room. Kita followed her as the twins rush to fix their things, hurrying to see who would be the first one to go inside the girl's room.
This girl.... is she really aware of possible dangers the twins can put her through? Kita sweatdropped.
He shook his head lightly to which Y/n was confused at. No, no. The twins won't do anything out of boundary like that. She'll be fine with them both. Trust them, Shinsuke.
"Shinsuke, are you alright? You look kinda tensed," The girl asked and rested her knuckles on his neck. He tensed up even more.
He nodded and held her hand, "Y-Yeah, I'm good. Did you finish your night routine?"
"Not yet. I'm going for a 2nd bath because it felt really nice," She wore a small smile, but enough to make Kita's heart flutter.
He smiled back and patted her head softly, "Alright then. How's your germaphobia going?"
Excitement was evident in her eyes as it sparkled.
"I've gotten great therapies these past 8 months, after trainings and on weekends. I think I might fully overcome it by the end of the school year!" She excitedly said, a beautiful smile carved on her soft lips.
Beautiful. Kita smiled.
"I'll get going now. See you tomorrow, Shinsuke," She lightly beamed and went off to the girls' spring bath area of the hotel.
He sighed and looked over to the opened door, the twins jabbing each others' faces with their elbows as they fought to be faster than the other. Kita looked at Atsumu and frowned.
The boy felt that he completely lost to Atsumu.
Almost everyone— no, everyone of them, knew that Atsumu and Y/n's bond was getting stronger as each day goes by.
And their suggestive interactions are hard to ignore.
As time goes by, both of them were beginning to look more like a couple rather than a manager tending to her player.
Osamu and Suna decided to stop when they came to that point. They were really shocked when they asked Atsumu his thoughts about Y/n, and all he answered was:
"An angel I never knew I needed in my life 'til now."
They were mostly surprised since Atsumu was never the type of guy who would engage with a girl, much more if he treats her like his literal other half.
But of course for the fun of pissing Atsumu off, Osamu decided to play rival.
He loved his twin's expression everytime he said something about Y/n treating him better than the blonde.
Now both of them are slightly breathless after a long fight from three rooms away to Y/n's room.
Atsumu's right cheek was slightly purple, and Osamu's left cheek was a paler purple. Both problems can be solved by ice.
The blonde thought that as the older twin, he would let his younger brother go wilder than him. He had that much brotherly love.
They both whipped their heads towards the girl who held a key up, "This is the key to the room. Please sleep early, I'll just finish my bath."
Atsumu took the initiative as his hand brushed softly with hers, "Thanks. I'll make sure to play 'Samu's lullabies."
"Actually 'Tsumu would have a hard time arranging his stuffed toys so I'll make sure to help him out," Osamu glared at him.
She chuckled lightly, "Alright then."
With that she walked away to the bath area, leaving the twins outside the door. Even when far away, their manager was honestly breathtaking.
"Oi, open the door. Don't gawk at her like she's some meal— you're so disrespectful," The silver head exaggeratedly cringed.
The omelette head scowled at him, "I've had, had enough of you 'Samu. One more and I swear I will make sure to injure yer ankles before tomorrow starts."
"Idiot you can't injure me, I'm your best coordinated spiker," Osamu grunted and walked past him when he finally opened the door.
Osamu plopped to the bed and immediately dozed off, arms spread as a side of his cheek laid on the soft matress. Atsumu however, saw Y/n's neatly folded clothes on the side of her bed.
Did she leave it on accident? Maybe she forgot? His eyes widened. If that's the case— how will she come back here with no spare of clothes?!
Making sure his twin was asleep, he put the clothes neatly on a clean plastic bag and dashed out to the girls' bathroom area.
What am I doing what am I doing what am I doing
No it's fine, this is important. It's for Y/n. Hopefully there re no others in here.
He sighed in relief when no one was there. Only the bright lights kept the steamy room illuminated, fragrance complimented his sense of smell— it was a mixture of chamomile and young rose scent.
Atsumu almsot felt like he stumbled upon Cupid's domain.
"Y/n?" He hesitantly called out.
The boy slightly jolted when he heard a mild splash of water before regaining his composture, "Um, you left yer clothes in the room. I brought it here because I was worried—"
"Atsumu, what are you thinking?"
He got confused, "Well,—"
The blonde heard a light, soft hearted laugh, "Idiot, you didn't need to do that."
"What??" He repeated, finally finding his vocals.
"I have an extra yukata here. It wasn't necessary for you or anyone to bring me clothes."
His face burned as his soul seemingly repeated tipping on limbo. The embarrassment he was feeling right now was hard core and a tempting lose of dignity.
"....But it's okay, I guess. Thank you anyways."
He cleared his throat, "Y-Yeah, no p-problem."
Atsumu closed his eyes and cursed under his breath after stuttering like an idiot.
"Come inside."
"Atsumu, you there?"
He slowly turned to the door that leads to the bath, "....Pardon?"
"I said, come inside. It'll be a waste if you travelled up to here with my clothes for nothing, right?"
"Right...," He muttered, entering the steamy room with his eyes half closed.
"Don't worry, you won't see me naked or something."
Atsumu almost tripped but gained balance. He saw Y/n sitting calmly on the opposite of him, the steam covering her body.
He blushed mad, "Y-Y/n!! Are ye sure this is appropriate?? And fine?? For you??"
"Chill," She laughed, "It's not like wexre doing something illegal."
The boy just awkwardly sat on the bench in front of her. She was staring at his eyes but he was the first one to look away— he couldn't handle it.
Because first, he was shy. Second, she was breathtaking. Third and last, he felt afraid of the thought of accidentally seeing her without the steam helping to cover her body.
Is this the right time? Am I making a right decision?
She answered— no turning back now.
He fiddled with his fingers, "Do you.... like someone at the moment? Or that one setter in Fukurodani?"
The girl blinked. His sudden question was surprising. But it was no harm in answering it, so she did.
She sighed and leaned back, "I lost interest in him."
"Oh..," He slowly nodded, slightly sad that she didn't atleast hint he could be the possible guy she'd like at the moment given the times they've spent together. At least, that was only his expectations. Reality doesn't always go according to what we might have planned.
She lightly smiled, "But for a guy I like... there's one, I think. I don't know. Maybe I just look up to him."
"Who??" He was quick to ask.
Y/n playfully grinned, "I'll tell when you tell me who's yours."
Huh...? Y/n blinked.
Both were silent and equally shocked. Y/n did not expect that, and Atsumu didn't expect himself to dive straight on without hesitation. He felt even redder, leaning back to his seat with his eyes on the ground.
Little did he know that the girl's face started to become hot.
"Wow um," She looked down and tried her best not to smile widely, "That's.."
What is this?
I've never felt this before??
She looked up and saw Atsumu sheepishly smiling at her, her face grew hotter.
"Yer red...," He nervously scratched his cheek with a finger, "...I take it the feeling's mutual?"
"Well," She gulped, "I, um.."
It was silent for a few moments before Atsumu started to laugh whole heartedly. The sound strangely felt like soothing music to the girl's ears, sending waves of fluttering butterflies of sweetness throughout her whole body.
He smiled at her, "I never thought you'd feel the same way, Y/n."
"Well," She laughed, "I never thought you'd confess first while I'm taking a bath."
They both laughed together with genuine feelings. Anyone would notice the glint of excitement in both of their sparkling eyes.
Atsumu stood up and sighed, looking up at the ceiling, "This might be my best night yet."
"I won't lie, it seems my case is the same with yours," The girl snickered.
He looked back at her with a beaming grin, "I can't contain my excitement— I can't wait to cuddle again. But this time, it would be a lot better."
"Mhm," She sighed and looked at him in the eyes, "Wait for me outside, okay? I'll just finish up and then we can talk properly on the way back to the room. Oh and, leave the clothes here."
"Yes ma'am," He slightly saluted, "Or should I say.... yes darling."
She shivered but had a faint smile on her lips, "Go easy on me. I might not take it."
"Of course, anything for you," He smiled and waved before disappearing on the other side of the door.
Throughout the whole time she was changing, a smile remained on her lips and a happy aura domed around her.
Y/n had never felt this ecstatic ever, and Atsumu just so happened to be the first one to give her that heartwarming joy she would love to have forever.
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