2. nurse
"Whew," I quietly exhaled as I cleaned my desk and pens. My hands felt worn out after a lot of writing.
"And that's all for today, you may have 10 minutes early break. Go to your next class after that," The teacher sighed and rested on her seat as she typed away on her laptop.
"Suna looks so cute when he's asleep, eek!" A girl squealed, the group of girls around her nodded in agreement as they blushed furiously.
I didn't glance at them and focused on finalizing Suna's notes, putting small designs so it won't look too boring to read. Suna shifted but remained his head on his desk. He must have heard the girls.
Someone approached me with their arms crossed, she glanced at the teacher who was busy and turned to me with a smirk.
"Hey new girl, you don't mind moving to another seat right?" Her smirk widened as I fixed my belongings, "Your silence means 'of course!', right?"
I stopped and glanced at her, she was wearing a flirtatious gaze as she stared at Suna who was sleeping.
I frowned as I realized what she was doing. She's taking advantage of my injured vocals, and even if I shook my head she won't listen. The group of girls from earlier also smirked at me, approaching Suna's sleeping form.
I took a deep breath and shook my head, surprising her. Her eye twitched as she harshly pulled my arm. I winced as I felt her nails digging into my skin. I almost rolled my eyes but my arm felt painful. If I rolled my eyes, tears would probably come out from the pain and I'll get hurt more.
If I cried I get hit.
I tried my best to shake the memories that were threatening to appear and focused on my arm. She was smiling with an evil glint in her eyes.
A girl sat on my seat, throwing my bag on the floor but I caught it with my other hand. I flinched as I felt my arm was gripped harder, droplets of blood soaking my white sleeve.
The teacher looked up from her laptop as Suna's sleepy voice had called out to him, she immediately saw the girl who was gripping my arm. Her eyes widened at my blood designed sleeve.
"You! Detention after school," She angrily said and approached her.
The girl pulled her hand quickly from my arm and pretended to be innocent, but the teacher didn't believe her. I bit my bottom lip to stop myself from crying.
"Come with me," Suna stood up and grabbed my hand gently. I pulled away subtly and he was confused. I just held to a piece of his hoodie. Suna was confused but let me be. He nodded at the teacher as he pulled me away from them and got us out from the classroom.
I felt their glares but I focused on breathing, my arm felt really painful. I glanced at Suna who was looking at me boredly.
"Why didn't you just reason out with her? You wouldn't be hurt right now if you just did," He raised a brow and walked, gesturing me to follow with his hand.
I almost rolled my eyes at him. Did he forget that I can't speak at the moment or is he plain dumb?
"Oh, right. You can't speak," He snickered. I glared at him, he saw it and smirked lazily.
I just sighed and looked away, noticing that we were heading to the clinic. I ignored the pain in my arm and just continued walking.
My hands are itching to clean and sanitize where she had touched me.
I felt anxiety kicking in but I shove it far, focusing on the pain I'm feeling right now so the fear from the past would go away. I felt Suna staring at me but I paid no mind.
"Hey, you okay?" He asked as he took out his phone.
I nodded, not looking at him. He sighed and just continued walking with me. Good thing he doesn't talk too much.
After a slightly long walk we finally reached the clinic. I glanced at Suna who was scrolling at his phone.
I quietly walked away and went inside the place, the smell of fresh air conditioning and sanitizers filled my nose. Forgetting my pained arm for a moment, I let my senses calm down as I took in the clean environment of the place.
A nurse approached me, "Hello! What brings you here?" She smiled.
I showed her my bloodied arm nd she nodded, "This way."
She had made me sit on the soft bed and went to get a first aid kit. After a few minutes, she approched me with a clipboard and first aid kit in each hand.
"Your boyfriend is outside waiting, I told him to stay there since we need the place clean for every patient," She casually said and handed me the clipboard.
I shook my head at her, which she just stared in confusion at. I wrote my name on the clipboard and a 'not my boyfriend' on the side. Good thing it's just a pencil.
The nurse blushed in embarassment and bowed a dozen of times. I looked at her confused.
"S-Sorry! I didn't know you were the special patient that the principal told us of," She nervously smiled.
That's what she was embarassed about? Not over the fact she assumed a stranger was my boyfriend?
I frowned under my mask as she proceeded in pulling my sleeve up and treating my wound. It was not anything extreme, but the girl's nails must be sharp to be able to give me these shallow cuts.
"L/n-san, please take off your mask and drink this painkiller. It would sting when I rub alcohol on your wound," She said as she placed a painkiller and a glass of water on my hand.
I wanted to tell her that I am used to it, but I couldn't speak. If I shake my head she'll dismiss me. I removed my mask and popped the pill in my mouth. The nurse got what I meant when I pointed at my mask, she nodded and went to get a new one.
My throat throbbed a little when I swallowed the small pill. I cringed and set the glass down. I looked at my bandaged wrapped arm and frowned.
I should bleach my arm when I get home.
I laid back on the bed and took a long sigh, I never imagined my first day like this. But then again, what would I expect? Almost every school I enrolled at, people like her would harm me.
I should go now, I'd be late for next class.
Another nurse walked in with a smile and placed a new clean short sleeves blouse on the table beside me. I thanked him with a nod and carefully strip out of my bloodied blouse.
What the hell?
A frown made its way on my lips as I looked the blouse I was wearing with disappointment. It was a little small and fitted. Sighing, I grabbed my bag and went outside my area.
The nurse that treated my wound approached me and handed me a new mask, she eyed my blouse and also frowned. I gave her a pleading look, she nodded. The guy that gave me the blouse from earlier was no where to be seen.
I noticed the nurse talking to Suna and he nodded as he took his hoodie off. I squinted for a bit, did she misunderstood me?
I approached them and I shook my head at the nurse, she raised a brow but had a teasing smile.
"That's the only blouse the clinic has for girls, and it's a little showy on you so I asked your boyfriend to let him offer you his hoodie," She left us with a teasing wink at me. She totally did that on purpose.
I noticed Suna staring so I took my eyes off of the nurse, I raised a brow at his frowning face.
"You look like you're off to seduce someone," He slightly shivered and handed me his hoodie.
I shook my head and gave him a thumbs up, but he gave off an annoyed look. He sighed, "I'm really in a kind mood right now so just wear the hoodie, you can always give it back to me tomorrow."
I'm not fond of wearing other clothes than mine. But I have no choice, just have to endure ...
I slightly pouted and took his hoodie. I was in the middle of wearing it but he panicked and held onto the hem of my blouse.
I looked at him over my shoulder, he looked annoyed and the tips of his ears were red. He looked away from me, "Your blouse was rising and revealing your stomach."
I nodded and wore his hoodie, his grip on the hem of my blouse tightened as he gripped it in place.
Have to endure ...
I finished putting it on and I caught the nurse from earlier silently squealing and giving me thumbs up. I pouted at her and she giggled.
Suna's grip on the hem disappeared and I turned to him. I nodded at him, and he looked away.
I grabbed my backpack and hung it on my right shoulder, we both bowed to the nurses and went outside. That nurse was weird, so was the guy nurse.
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