Quiet Burdens
Chapter Forty-Eight
(I GET TO DROP IT! YES! FINALLY! This has been planned for a LONG time! Like I said last week, this has been a long time coming, and I'm happy to say I get to drop it today! :D please! Enjoy!)
Chapter Start!
The group went to Sky's house, she had let them stay the night at her place.
When they got there, she had four extra rooms; her house was large, and empty.
Rita, Silvia and Emmy took over one room, calling it the "Girls room" because it had two bunk beds in it, and none of the other rooms has as many beds.
Daisy wasn't too happy about this so she took Jaylen and Hector and went to the room next to it, which had two twin beds in it, and stayed there.
Ryan and Ralph claimed another room; they ended up getting the one with two queen sized beds.
Gil and Cole ended up rooming in another room, this one had three twin sized beds.
They all said good night, and crashed, they missed real beds.
When Sky had gotten everyone settled down for the night, she went outside to Roland; they sat at the front porch.
The two were silent for some time, listening to the night.
The Sky spoke "So, about the 'long lost kid'" was all she said before Roland turned to her, pleading "I'm So Sorry! I-I know what you're going to say! How Could You Let Him Get Hurt!? I Sent My Two Best Crew Members With Him! I'm Sorry Sky!" Roland melted, "I know I Promised!"
Sky looked at him, "Ah, what? Oh! You mean- the scar?" she questioned the man; "Yes..." the normally large and strong man was timid.
"How did that happen?" she questioned.
"Well" Roland started, "They went to the Golden coat Oasis, in the Pinstern Desert, and it turns out Rita's brother ratted them out, so Captain Trials-"
"Wait, Trials? Is he still trying to capture him?" Sky looked at him.
"Yes, he's still after the boy. Anyway, he went back to the Inn, and Trials attacked but didn't find him until after he beat up Gil and Rita, so he ran... And Trials shot fire at him..." Roland told the story Gil told him.
"Trials did this?" she looked at him, "yes"
Sky stood, "I Will Beat Him Up!" wind formed around her, anger in the air.
"Yeah... Gil cut off his hand"
Sky stopped, and looked at Roland.
"I Like This Kid!" she smiled.
After she calmed down, the woman sat down, and looked at Roland; "So I have a quick question" the man looked at her, "Why didn't you keep his name I gave him!?"
Roland shrugged, "Well, because I didn't think living on a ship was the best idea, I left him in the care of the inn keeper on Crytinia Island. So because the island is visited by both kingdoms, we had to change his name or word will spread too fast. Rose and Carl decided to take two letters from each of their names and make it into his, so, they named him Cole"
Sky looked at Roland, "Well, Does he know?" She gave him a look. "No" Roland looked down.
"Well, I'm telling him tomorrow!" the lady walked back inside, and Roland sighed, that was his cue to leave.
In the morning Cole throw a pillow at Gil, "Wake up!" he basically yelled.
Gil opened his eyes, and chucked the pillow back at Cole.
After they had gotten up and dress Gil laughed, "This place is so nice, even the Inn wasn't as nice" Gil turned around to look at Cole.
"Yeah it's nice, but it's kind of hot here..." Cole looked at his clothes, "Maybe we should all buy shorts..." he thought out loud.
Gil gave him a look, "Cole, it's fine! We're just going to go a little bit more south to an island of ...Lava... Yeah we should buy shorts" Gil thought for a moment.
"Other than it being so hot here, It's a nice town" Gil smiled, picking out some money to get shorts with.
Cole looked around the room; "This place seems familiar..." his voice was low, and sentimental.
Gil gave him a look, "Like the Inn?"
"Yeah" Cole pulled out his sketch book, and opened it to the page with the painting of the Inn.
"What like you've been here before? Do you think..." Gil gave him a look, "I'm not sure, I know I didn't live on Crytinia island until I was like two or three..." Cole muttered.
"Well we can ask the Captain!" Gil gave a smirk, and started for the door, right before he opened it, someone knocked.
Gil gave Cole a look, then turned back to open it, outside was the woman who let them stay in her house; Sky.
"Hello" She said with a small smile, only to see Cole, the saw his scar, then giving him a pained look.
The boy noticed, and quickly went and grabbed his bandana, tying it around his neck he turned and shoved his sketch book into his back, then grabbed some money as well, to get Shorts with Gil.
"Hi" Gil said, taking her attention back to him. He noticed the look she gave Cole, and gave her a look himself.
The woman looked back at Gil, then said something he didn't expect, "I was wondering if I would talk to you Gil" The woman said, she looked up to him, Sky wasn't that tall. The woman was in her late 40s early 50s, and she was a good foot shorter than Gil, but just around the Height of his friend.
"Why can't we talk here?" Gil took a minute to process and reply.
"I wanted to show you something as well! Captains orders, ya-know?" She gave him a small smile.
Gil looked at her, "Oh yeah... you know the Captain..." his voice was sour, "Alright..." Gil took a step out, then turned to Cole, "Hey! I'll be back in a little bit, don't leave without me! And get Silvia to come!" Gil pointed at Cole, and shut the door hearing his friend yell "Okay!" as he did.
Gil followed Sky down the halls, then to a kitchen, she turned, closing the door behind them, making sure no one followed.
Gil gave her a look, but shrugged. "So what's up?" he asked.
Sky turned to his, "I have a request!" she gave him a look.
Gil tensed, "What kind of request?"
"I need you to help me with something"
"Yes what?"
"I have to tell Cole something"
"Okay what?"
"Well... Umm" she didn't know how to say it.
"I don't know how to say it..."
"Well just say it"
"But... Mmmmm"
"Here I'll give you a count of three, when I say three, say whatever you want to say, no introduction, so build, just say it" Gil explained to Sky, she nodded.
"Alright" he put his hand up, "One" he counted with his fingers.
"I Am Cole's Real Mother!"
Chapter End.
And it's out.
Until next week.
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