Ok so let me get this strait. U do not know how many best friends I have. I have like 30 right now. And everyone is like "No your suppose to have only 3 best friends!" But you know what I don't care cuz I can have as many best friends I want. Yes, I have boy best friends and girl best friends. I can't name a lot so heres a list of girls. We got Jewel, Victoria, Jianna, Abigail, Chalinda, Angelina, and Melanie. Those are only some bffs that are girls and all those people I said, they're mostly the people I talk to a lot, so I'm sorry for the people I didn't say there names. And now for d boys. Luis, Ethen, and Cristian aka Cj. Okay so there is a lot more boys I could of said but those two are mostly like the top 3 boys that are like my BFFL. Oh yeah heres a problem with some people. Ready? If I'm best friends with a boy and hang out with them all the time, all my friends be like oooooooooh Cristian and Ashley likes each other! And that is totally not true cuz I totally don't like Cristian. Back to the point, I'm like bruh, girls hanging with boys aren't saying that they like each other. Its like the entire opposite. If a person likes someone I bet they even barely talk to each other, so I'm like "Bruh, if I liked someone then I wouldn't even be hanging and talking to Cristian right now" Fact for all the people out there, just saying. Is this Hansel and Gretal all over again? No it aint, cuz I be chopping heads all up in here. Shout out to that Dark version of Hansel and Gretal!
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