Sore loser
| Author's Note |
I'm alive!
I'm really sorry I haven't uploaded a chapter in a week it's just I've been kinda busy and lost for inspiration and my anxiety has been kicking up again and making me feel sad a lot and just *long sigh*
But I'm back to normal and I'm uploading again,yay ^-^
And I was thinking of doing a contest,I don't know I just find them exciting XD
If you guys would like a contest,please let me know in the comments!
Also,if you want to follow me I'll sometimes post important messages on my conversation board but long messages I'll post on here!
Frans rolled his eyes,"Wow,how long did it take you to figure that out,genius?"
Fell Frans growled,his eyes glowing ever brighter.
"Stop it,Frans"Claire hissed at her boyfriend,who crossed his arms,looking grumpy.
"All,we want to know is"Claire started,"if Chara has been seen in this timeline"
Fell Frans nodded,"Yeah,she's in this timeline but I have no idea whereabouts she is"
Frans sighed in exasperation,"Great,juuuuuuuuuust great"
Claire ignored him and scanned the area.
Snow was falling and growing in large clumps on the ground.
"It's cold,we should head inside"Fell Frans suggested and Claire nodded.
Fell Frans started making his way towards a small,wooden building and Claire grabbed the sleeve of Frans's jacket and dragged him along behind her into the building.
The building was full of overturned tables and broken chairs.
The room was pitch black except the light coming from the open door.
Fell Frans stopped dead in the doorway and looked around.
Dark stains ran along the floorboards and walls.
Frans joined him and scanned the dark room.
"Turn on the lights when I tell you to"he whispered and Fell Frans nodded,stretching out his arm towards the light switch.
Claire stared into the darkness,straining her eyes.
"Wait,Frans"Claire whispered,tugging on his sleeve,"It's a trap"
"What do you me-"Frans started but a quiet laugh issued from the darkness.
Both Frans and Fell Frans whipped back around to face the dark room,their eyes ablaze with red and blue.
"You really were quite clever,Claire"an almost-sad voice erupted from the black again.
"Come out ,you bloody coward"Frans growled and a root struck up from the floor and yanked him to the ground,smashing his hand on the floorboards.
Claire rushed over,bent down and lifted his head onto her lap.
The blow had knocked him unconscious.
Fell Frans looked taken off guard before regaining his confidence,"Who are you?!Come on out!"
When no answer came, he growled and shouted once more,"Don't let your house plants fight your battles for yo-"
Another root had struck up from the floorboards but Fell Frans acted quick,stretched out his arm and impaled it with a sharp,red bone.
The plant gave a tiny shriek before recoiling into the floorboards,dragging the bone with it.
"Not that easy,is it?"Fell Frans grinned with triumph.
"Bravo,Fell Frans"the voice chuckled,getting closer.
"How does he-"Fell Frans muttered before a root came out of the darkness,smashing him against the wall.
Claire looked up to see her ex-boyfriend staring back at her.
Claire glared at him,"You" she hissed and Asriel smiled cruelly.
"Hey there,babe"he cooed.
Claire opened her mouth to say something,when Frans had gotten up and was facing Asriel,his two eyes glowing and his forehead covered in blue blood.
"You have no right to call her that"he growled,balling his fists.
Asriel smirked,"We meet again,Frans"
"How could you betray us?"Frans asked,his voice venomous.
"Chara and I were always the best of friends but I never agreed with her killing your mother,I was always a friend of your mother's"Asriel spoke quietly.
Fell Frans had gotten up and stumbled over to join Frans at his side.
"In fact,your mother was more than a friend to me"Asriel continued,"except,the only boy she ever noticed was your father"Asriel spat,"and then...they had you"he said,looking disgusted.
"So that's why you betrayed them and joined up with Chara?"Fell Frans asked,raising an eyebrow.
"Exactly"Asriel replied,crossing his arms.
"Talk about a sore loser,am I right?"Fell Frans muttered loudly to Frans who smirked slightly.
Asriel looked outraged and more than a dozen roots shot up from the floorboards but the boys were ready and struck them down with red and blue bones.
"So,here's the deal,goat boy"Frans walked forwards,"Mess with me and I'll rip you to shreds"
"Oh,that won't be necessary"a giggly voice erupted from behind them causing Asriel to smirk and Frans to freeze.
"Claire was right,it was a trap"Chara came into view as she walked around them,"What can I say?Like mother like-"
There was a blood-curdling crunch,a scream and a thud as Chara fell to the ground,writhing in pain.
Claire stood over her,looking furious,her fist covered in blood,"I will never be like you"
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