New Experiments
| A/N |
Well,it's been a while XD
I am so sorry for the long break from this book,I've just been really busy irl and kinda lost interest in Undertale for a while but I will still be updating this book XD Anyways,the contest winners' characters are in this ( da_unknown_unikorn ,harley_quinn133 ,keeda4203 )
So,with that said,enjoy!
~ Privilegee
"Now,that's not very knife"Sans grinned and Chara whipped round with wide eyes.
"How did you-?"she started.
"He got some help from us"a voice issued from the corner of the room where two figures stood.
The girl that had spoken had long blonde hair with blue streaks running through her locks.
The light from the room reflected off her black glasses that sat perfectly on her face,slightly magnifying her blue eyes.
She wore a blue hoodie that looked comfy and warm,light blue jeans with several rips and tears in them and black and white converse.
The girl next to her had dark brown hair that fell past her shoulders and her eyes were hazel.
This girl's clothing style was a little different from her friend's.
She wore a white shirt,covered by a jacket,light blue vans,a choker was wrapped around her neck and a beanie sat upon her head.
Chara,Asriel,Claire and Frans stared at the girls and then at Sans,all of them with one eyebrow raised.
"Gaster's new experiments" Sans explained with a sigh to which he was responded with four 'ohhhh' s.
Sans shook his head and glared at Chara again,"I would advise you to step away from my son" he growled and Chara merely laughed.
"And if I don't?" She smiled sweetly.
Sans chuckled.
"Well then,you're gonna have a bad time"
With that,he threw forward his arm and shot a beam of blue light speeding towards Chara who bounced out of the way.
The two girls sprung into action also,and started running towards Asriel,who became distracted and his grip on Claire fell loose and she kicked him in the stomach and stood beside the other two girls.
Frans tried getting up but winced as the wound seemed to expand and he collapsed on the ground again and clutched his chest.
"I can't just lay here like a helpless kid" he thought and tried to think of a plan but his mind was blank.
He looked around wildly and spotted his dad and Chara duelling in the far corner.
He averted his gaze from them and found the two girls and Claire battling off Asriel's plants that had shot up through the floorboards.
The girl with the blonde hair and blue highlights, got flung back from being hit by a plant and landed next to Frans and looked over at him and grinned.
"Alright there,Frans?"
Frans couldn't help laugh through the pain in his chest and nodded before his face turned stern.
"Listen..uh.."he started.
The girl laughed,"Taylor,my name's Taylor"
Frans furrowed his eyebrows,"How did you..?"
Taylor grinned and tapped the side of her nose.
"Anyways,Taylor"Frans started again but Taylor interrupted him.
"You're gonna bleed out if you don't get that wound patched up"she said gravely,staring at his chest.
"I'll be fine"Frans shook his head,"just listen"he said sternly and sighed.
"Did Gaster make any more experiments like you and that other girl?"he asked.
Taylor bit her lip,"there's one more but we weren't sure how you would react to her" she mumbled.
Frans raised an eyebrow but shook his head,"I want you to go get can teleport right?"
Taylor nodded but still looked worried,"Frans..are you sure?"
Frans looked at her with a pleading look,"Please,Taylor"
Taylor sighed before teleporting away,leaving a trail of blue mist in her wake.
Frans looked around again but his vision had become blurry from the loss of blood.
He could just make out two figures being held up by thick,green roots.
"Claire.."he mumbled,and with that,passed out.
When he woke up,he felt wide awake and when Frans' eyes focused,there was a new figure fighting beside his father.
It was a girl and she had long white hair,pale skin and wore a blue hoodie with jeans and boots.
Frans looked down and seen that that was the same clothing choice that he had chosen and also noticed that the wound in his chest had disappeared as if it had never been there.
He looked back up at the girl again who had turned to look at him and his eyes narrowed but she just grinned and got back to fighting.
Taylor appeared next to him in a flash of blue light,"So,what do you think of her?"she asked warily.
"Are you guys trying to replace me with..her?"his eyes had both lit up with blue flames.
Taylor looked alarmed,"No-duck!"she yelped as a root came towards their head and Frans grabbed her and they hit the ground.
"Why does she look almost identical to me?"Frans asked,glancing over at the girl again,who was now fighting with Asriel,next to a confused and startled looking Claire.
"Well,Gaster accidentally mixed some of your DNA with her blank DNA"Taylor explained carefully.
"Wha-why does he have my DNA?!"Frans asked incredulously as he pulled her out of the way of another root.
"Y'know,for science"Taylor grinned and teleported beside Claire.
"Why is my girlfriend now?"Claire asked,kicking a root out of the way.
Taylor laughed,"Don't worry,that's not Frans,she's an experiment that accidentally got mixed with some of Frans' DNA"
"What?!"Claire exclaimed but Taylor had already teleported away.
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