District 9
District 9 Female
Name: Raylen Hollow
Gender: Female
Age: 15
District: 9
General Description: Shy, long dark hair, fair skin and green eyes
Weapon of choice: Intelligence and natural objects
Celebrity look a like: We don't know her name 😂
Raylen's POV
The sun rises on Reaping Day to find me hiding in the wheat fields. I hate having to stand there in the suffocatingly huge crowd waiting for a name to be drawn and a fate to be sealed. Despite my hatred for the crowd, I find myself rushing to get there. After all, I don't want the Peacekeepers to realize that I'm missing. I arrive just in time to be pushed into the huge crowd before our escort and victors start the ceremony.
They finally get to the actual reaping and I'm glad that it's almost over. Our escort pulls a slip from the girls ball and reads off the name. It takes a second to realize that it was my name. Raylen Hollow, being said in the strange accent of the Capitol. After that, all I remember is thinking
"How? I've never registered for tesserae or done anything else to get my name in more, how could it be me!?"
District 9 Male
Name: Casper Talon
Gender: Male
Age: 17
District: 9
General description: Tall, muscular, dark hair, grey eyes
Weapon of choice: Spear
Celebrity look a like: Logan Lerman
Casper's POV
"Wake up Casper!" My two brothers shouted, one 11 and the other 16.
"You know what day it is...."
Yes, today in fact was yet to be one of the WORST days in my life, all because of a tiny slip of paper...
As we got up and dressed I noticed a look on my youngest brother Alec's face. A look of fright and sadness, one that could only be achieved by a small child.
"Alec, don't be nervous! You still have another year!" I said with hopes of cheering him up.
"I know. I'm worried about you and Samuel." He replied, trying to fight back the tears. I couldn't think of what to say, so I gave him a look saying 'everything will be ok'
We finished getting dressed and we headed out of the door to go to the Reaping. We arrived about five minutes later as we live so close to town.
"Why hello there District 9! Today's going to be...interesting." Effie Trinkets voice boomed over the loudspeaker. Everybody groaned.
"Ok, we all know what day it is, so let's just get on with it. Like always, ladies first!"
At this point I wasn't paying attention for fear that my name would be called. I wasn't really scared for me, but for my brothers!
"And our male tribute is..."
Tension builds up.
"Samuel Talon!"
I gasp as I see my brother walk to the stage, walking slowly with his hands over his face, hiding the tears. Without thinking, I stood up and yelled,
I ran up to the stage. Samuel blocks my path.
I nodded. A lump rises in my throat and I say,
"I have to."
The last thing I heard was Effie saying,
"Happy Hunger Games!"
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