Why am I Heere?
Jeremy's Point of View
Queer Camp. Or as my friends and I call it, Hogwarts for Queers. I was going back after a long school year I spent 2 weeks at home and then off to the summer program with me. I shouldn't have been neverves, I was better at faking, and I had friends so I was all set.
"Jeremy?" My dad looked at me for a second. "Are you sure, you want to be gay?"
"It's bi, and I really think I'm improving." I lied, this was a place where I felt good about myself. "Dad don't worry, by collage I'll be straight. " The rest of the trip was pretty boring, dad put on some boring old 80s music. When I got there my dad waved bye and popped the trunk open and I took my stuff. I walked though the gate. There stood all of my friends and a very frantic looking Elder Price.
"Jeremy, how are you?"
"Okay, now beside Heather." I went over to Heather. Heather has been my buddies since I came here. What they do here is that everyone gets a straight buddy whom you have to hang out with whenever parents come to check.
"Kevin! Calm!" We heard Elder mickinly run up to us. "He will be the last of the 8th graders for year rounding. We just can't take any more."
Michael's Point of View
What is wrong with me? What did I do to deserve this? I'm gay but I was fine in Canada. Why did my parents have to be the only homophobic parents in Canada? I'm going to a gay transition school and camp.
"Son, you know why you are going right?" My dad gave me a stern look at my rainbow patch on my oversized red hoodie.
"Because I'm valid but you won't see that." My dad hit me from the drivers seat. "Eyes on the road." My dad hit me harder this time and I let a tear down my face.
"See gay boys are weaker then real men." I rolled my eyes and put on my headphones to listen to Hamilton.
"The room where it happens!" I wake up to a sudden jolt of the car being stoped, I look out to see a Hogwarts looking school but smaller. My dad got out and so did I, I only have one bag so I throw it over my shoulder. When the gates open these 3 men in whites ahirts and black pants and ties greet us.
"Hello. I'm Elder Mickinly, this is Elder Price, and this is Elder Cunningham." Elder Mickinly is a tall man with red hair, Elder Price is tall as well but with brown hair, while Elder Cunningham is short with curly black hair.
"These are the other year rounders of grade 8." Elder Price showed me a line of kids. "Zoe Murphy!" A girl with long light brown hair steped forward. Her clothes are a punk style clothing. "She will be his girlfriend." My dad looked proud. "Kids follow Mckinly while I talk to umm,"
"Mr. Mell."
"Okay well see you kids later." The of kids moved with boys and girls hand in hand. When we got in we went though some doors and ended up in some office with anti gay posters everywhere.
"Why am I here?" I gave the Elder a stern look.
"What are you? Like gay, bi...
"Gay." I interrupted him, "And I don't care about what you or anyone else says I'm not broken! No matter what my parents SAY! I should've stayed in Canada!" Elder Price came running in as he fell on Elder Mckinly.
"His dad is crazy!" He looked over to me. "No offence but like I hate lying."
"What do you mean by lying?"
"Oh, we are a school where you can be yourself and we can't stop you."
"But this is America, that's against the law right?"
"Well no." A tall boy wearing all black steped beside me. "They found a loophole so there." He flipped his long curly hair.
"Okay now that that's out of the way let's set up the cabins." I went in to the group of kids beside some one in a bule striped shirt. "Cabin 1 is Brooke, Veronica, and Zoe. Cabin 2 is Alana, Jenna, and Christine. Cabin 3 is Chole, Anne, Heather, and Martha. Cabin 4 is Jeremy, Adrian, and J.D.. Cabin 5 Is Evan, Rich, and Jake. Cabin 6 is Connor, Percy, Grover, and Michael." Everyone ran out with their Cabin mates except me and long hair boy. "Connor, can you show Michael around and tell him the rules?"
"Sure. Come on!" He grabbed my selve as we ran out to a yard by a beach. It's beautiful, the cabins in a semi circle, a place for fire, trees behind the cabins and a beach in front. He took me to the right most one, we got in and there sat down on the beds beside each other and across from us were 2 boys, one of them had short brown hair, the other has curly short brown hair.
"Hi! My name is Percy, this is Grover." The one with non curly hair said. Grover was right across from me. "We're going to see if Race's gonna go swimming." They ran out.
"Let's go tell you everything." We went out to see 2 girls, "That's Pinkberry, Brooke and Chole." Brooke is blonde and Chole is Brunette. "That's Jazzband, Zoe and Alana." Alana has black long hair. "Rake, Rich and Jake." Jake is a little taller then Rich. "Frostbite is Adrian and J.D.." Adrian has bule hair and J.D. has a big trench coat. "Jenna and Christine are Drama Lamas." Christine has short brown hair and Jenna has long light brown hair. "Goat Sheep are our Cabin mates. Princess Bride is Veronica and Martha." Veronica was wearing a bule skirt and shirt, and Martha a unicorn shirt and pants. "That's Anne and Heather, or BOOKS!" They looked over, Heater has blonde hair and Anne has darker brown hair. "Mr and Evan are Treebros," He pointed to the boy I stood beside. "And that's Jeremy." A cute boy was sitting by himself, his curly hair floping in his front of his face. "I had no idea anyone could blush that much." I hit his arm with my selve.
"Get your swim stuff on! We are going SWIMMING!" Grover yelled running past us into the cabin.
"Ya!" Percy ran almost knocking me down.
"Let's go." Connor pulled me in.
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