What just happened?
I couldn't believe it when they wanted me to tell them about the forest. I know everything about trees, I'm a tree expert. We went though, the 7 of us, until we got to a giant oak tree, my favourite tree. "And This tree is my favourite." Everyone ran up to it except for me, Michael, I think that's his name, and Jeremy.
"When will you confess to Connor?" Jeremy asked me.
"W-WHAT?" I tried to hide my blush.
"Is it not obvious that you like him?"
"And he likes you too." Michael added.
"Come guys, you two tota..."
"You can shut..." Jeremy was cut off by a scream.
"J.D.!" Rich and Jake ran to us and Percy and Connor were on the ground.
"Well, it seems like Percy's little boyfriend isn't here to save him." His hand knock down his head so Percy was on the ground. "And treehugger doesn't seem to care about you. And I thought you liked each other." He sneered. His foot on Connors head Percy rolled away as Anne, Rich, and Jake left carrying him.
"Lookie here!" Michael was dropped to the ground by Adrian. He got up with the help of Jeremy and me. "Jeremy and his little Canadian boyfriend." He went over to J.D. as they held Connor up. "Why won't treehugger help YOU? Isn't he your boyfriend?"
"Frick off Adrian!" I yelled being held back by Michael and Jeremy. "Connor I... I..."
"SHUT up!" J.D. Yelled slamming Connor into the tree. His sweater was all torn up. "Looks like we aren't the first to hurt HIM! He already hurts himself."
"Let's split." Adrian dropped Connor as they ran into the woods.
"CONNOR!" The let go of me so I could ran over to Connor. "Oh no. His face." I traced my fingers over the face of Connor. There was blood all his face. Jeremy checked his pluse.
"He's alive at least. I guess that's a up side."
"I'm sure Anne will get some one." Jeremy suggested. And he was right. Anne came running to us with Elder Mckinly behind her.
"Which way did they go."
"It's not use." Anne panted. "They will have gone too far by now."
"How much medical stuff do you know?" Jeremy asked.
"Well, not much." Mckinly admitted.
"WHAT? Why did you have to be the Elder I could get the to?"
"I have no idea."
"You guys are so lucky I have training." Anne took the Medical Kit from Elder Mckinly and kneeled down to Connor. "Nothing to bad. He'll live this though. We need someone to keep an eye on him until he wakes up. Evan can you?" Anne looked at me. "If you don't..."
"Of course I can."
"Maybe he'll confess his feeling for you." Michael punched Jeremy.
"Wait. They aren't dating?" Mckinly asked.
"Come on help me get him up." I helped Connor on to her back making sure his arms were around her neck. "We can talk about their love life as we walk."
"What about you Jeremy?" I looked at Jeremy.
"Shut up tree boy. Your crush is more likely."
"Tree boy?" Michael asked.
"He loves trees so much." Mckinly answered.
"Are there any other kids our age?"
"Yes. You gays are the year rounders, there are also summer camp kids, and school kids."
"Why the fuck else would you be heere?"
"I, don't know?" We walked back the rest in semi slince. Jeremy wouldn't stop flirting with Michael, I made sure Connor stayed on Anne, and Mckinly was laughing at Jeremy trying to flirt.
"You know humans have stopped evolving."
"What?" Jeremy gave me a strange look.
"Yeah, I read about it."
"Oh. I also read about." Anne spoke up. "Jeremy didn't seem to care at the time."
"Shut up tall girl." It's true, all the girls, except for Christine, are taller then the guys, I mean Jake is the taller then us but there's a reason for that.
"Why do you ship us Elder?" I asked.
"Because what else would me and Kevin do on date night?"
"Top 3 favorite ships go!" Anne called out.
"Books, Treebros, and Rake."
"Yeah, you and Heather are cute together." Jeremy chuckled.
"Shut up! She doesn't even like me that way."
"That's like saying Evan doesn't like Connor." Michael punched Jeremy again for being mean.
"Kevin!" We got out of the forest to see Arnold and Kevin.
"You have to come! I have no medical TRAINING! And I'm worried about HIM!"
"Who is IT?" Anne rushed towards them.
"Merida." She mumbled under her breath. We got to the cabin with Elder Cunningham leading us. "Evan look after Connor." She placed him on the bed and went over to Grover.
Percy's P.O.V.
"What happened?" Anne raced towards me and Grover. Grover had cuts all over his face and arms.
"Ad... Adr..."
"Those little." She took a closer look at the wounds. "Grover. Hey. Look at me." He looked up from the ground. "I don't care what they said to you, you are okay. It doesn't matter. No one cares but them." He smiled a bit more. Grover happens to be half goat, a satyr. And I happen to be a half-blood. "I know you wish you were different, but we don't. Pan loves you." She wrapped up his wounds.
"Crazy shit has happened today." Jeremy declared.
"It's been half the day." Anne reminded him.
"Oh. Heck!" He sat down. It was just me, Evan, Grover, Michael, Jeremy, Connor, and Anne in the cabin. "Where's Zoe when you need her?"
"Making out with Alana?"
"True." Michael looked at his phone and started laughing. "What's up?"
"My friend just sent me a picture from her summer camp." His smile turned a bit less happy. "Who's Pan? Isn't there a God Pan? God of the wild?"
"Should we tell him?" Anne asked me as Grover was still quietly sobbing into my shirt.
"Sure. I'm Percy Jackson, the son of Poseidon."
"I'm Anne Chase, daughter of Athena. And this is Grover, the baby satyr, as he was called."
"Wait? WHAT?"
"We were all at camp half blood, but, Percy's step dad found out about him and Grover and sent them Heere. And Mrs. D sent me Heere to make sure they don't die."
"That's deep." Michael broke a 2 minute slince. "I've always looked up Athena. She is my favourite God."
"Oh, she's my least..."
"If you finish that Percy, you will die."
"Percy. Be nice to Athena." Grover looked up at me. "I can't have you dead." He rubbed his eyes. "Not someone else dead."
Authors Note: Oh My JAM! This already has a third of the views "Dear Jeremy Hansen" has. I would love it if y'all checked that one out. I have a feeling that I'ma gonna get people like, "Anne Chase? What the HECK?" But I have plans. Just you wait! Just you... WAIT!
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