Michaels P.O.V.
I took Connor a few minutes to calm down, but he did, and we went back to the cabin.
"Where were you two?" Percy asked as we walked in
"Connor was out with Evan. And I was smoking in the woods."
"Evan hates me now." Connor looked down at his shoes.
"Why?" Percy gave him a concerning look.
"Evan started talking about the moonlight, and how it hit things perfectly, then he mentioned my hair and ran off."
"Aw. Poor you." Percy got up and hugged Connor. "It'll be okay."
"No it won't" Connor started crying onto Percy's shoulder. "I ruined my chances. He's never going to talk to me again."
"You need some sleep Bro." Percy and I made sure we got him some NyQuil. And then he slept. "Hey, Michael."
"Thanks for getting him back here. Last time he was in the forest it took us two days to find him."
"Two days?"
"Yeah, Lana had to climb a tree."
"She sure can climb. Anyways we should get some sleep, night dude."
One week later
Alanas P.O.V.
I woke up early to find Jenna and Christine jumping up and down with excitement.
"What's going on?" I yawned.
"J.D. Is leaving!" Christine yelled.
"What?!!?" I jumped out of bed.
"Yeah, his parents are picking him up today." Jenna informed me.
"Okay, woah." Anne and Ronnie ran threw the door.
"Did Y'all hear!?" Ronnie asked us.
"We're FREE!" Anne yelled.
"From what?" Chloe walked in with Brooke and Martha. "You guys woke me up."
"J.D. Is leaving!" I squealed.
"Wow." Martha yawned.
"KIDS!" Elder Mickinly yelled. "Get dressed and come out! We have to say goodbye to J.D. And welcome a new kid!" the girls all went to their cabins and we all got dressed.
"What up?" Anne and I walked together to the front gates.
"Not much." I shurged.
"We should really catch up some time. Please."
"Why?" I kicked a rock.
"Because," She touched my shoulder. "I miss you. And I feel like a jerk for leaving when I did."
"It's fine. You did it for everyone."
"I want to be friends again."
"It's been so long. I miss you. I miss talking to you. I miss just being friends."
"So do I. But, it's been so long."
"That doesn't matter. It only matters that we're friends again."
"I want that." She smiled at me, and I smiled back.
"There you two are." Elder Cunningham walked over to us. "Let's get you two to the front." We nodded and walked over to our straight buddy's.
"Everyone in order?" Elder Price asked us. Everyone nodded. That's when I remembered that the Murphy twins were gone for the week.
"So, Ronnie, your new buddy will be this new kid."
"Yay!" She raised her arms in the air.
"IN LINE! THE CAR!" Elder Mickinly shouted. The car went though the gates and a young lady walked out of the car, and from the other side a boy walked out, he has black and orange glasses, with short brown hair. I almost reorganize him.
"Go get your stuff from the car fag." the lady told her son. He got his stuff from the car. "This is my son, Jared Kleinman. He thinks he's gay." he got to beside his mum
"Don't worry, we'll correct him. Veronica come here." Ronnie walked over to Elder Price. "Veronica will be his straight buddy."
"And that's why this school is the best hon" she kissed his forehead. "Well, I'll be off now. She you at Christmas fag." She got into her car and drove off.
"Hello Jared." Elder Mickinly bent down to reach his height. "Hey, don't look so sad kid. Here you don't have to not be gay. We teach you how to pretend, to be safe. You'll be in a cabin with Adrian and Jeremy."
"Hey." Jeremy walked over. "I'm Jeremy."
"And I'm Adrian." Adrian walked over as well.
"Come with us." they pulled him over to their cabin.
"Well that happened fast." Elder Mickinly rested his chin on Elder Price's shoulder.
"LET'S GO SWIMMING!" All the kids but Anne, Evan, and I ran to the cabins.
"Didn't he look like Jared from our old school?" Evan asked us.
"Yeah. He did." I started nodding.
"Oh my jam. Yes." Anne was nodding as well. And then the Murphy twins walked thought the gates.
"What up?" Connor. Asked us.
"We got a new kid." I said.
"Ohhhhhh. New kid." Zoe smiled.
"Zoe got dumb indigo streaks in her hair." Connor flipped Zoes hair.
"They look cool." Evan said.
"They look pretty." Anne said.
"The look cute." I smiled at her.
"Thanks guys." Zoe blushed a bit.
"J.D. Is gone!" Anne yelled.
"WOOp!" Connor threw his arms into the air.
"Where's everyone?" Zoe asked.
"They wanted to go swimming." Evan told them.
"Then let's go buddys." We followed Connor down to the cabins.
"Hey, Anne, Alana." Zoe wrapped her arms around us.
"I really like your hair." Anne told her.
"Thanks girl."
"We should all become friends."
"Yeah, that'll be great." I smiled.
"Now, let's go swimming with other kids." and then we ran off.
Jareds P.O.V.
What up, my name is Jared, I'm 13, and I have problems reading. My mom and I have a weird relationship, she calls me fag but sends me here for good. And it seems like fun. Jeremy and Adrian are nice. But 3 of the kids that I've seen look like Anne, Evan, and Alana. But, no way it's them.
"Evan Handsoap!" The 3 kids that look like my old friends came running towards the beach. The one with long hair yelled that.
"I can't run." the one that was called Evan fell over.
"Ev!" a boy with long dark brown hair ran over to the kid. "Stop running." Evan got back up and shook his head and started running again. The girl with long black hair and the one with dark brown hair caught up to Evan and stopped by me.
"Hi, I'm Evan Hansen."
"I'm Alana Beck."
"And I'm Anne Chase."
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