Settling in
Jenna's P.O.V.
It's odd, really. Everyone just assumes I'm in love with Christine, I'm not. I'm in love with Brooke. But she's in love with Chloe so I'm out of luck.
The beds in the dorms are set up kind of like the Gryffindor dorms. There's a rainbow statue in the middle of the room. Our beds are in a circle. There's a White and silver chest in front of each one with a black lock and black shelves beside the beds.
My bed is Crimson and is beside Peggy's and Anne's. Peggy (yellow) is on the right, Cadence (red) beside her, then Heather (light pink), Brooke (orange), Christine (peach), Chloe (white), Martha (Green), Ronnie (blue), Zoe (Indigo) , Alana (Black), then Anne (Grey).
"Hi, I'm Peggy. This is my friend Cadence." Cadence quietly waved. Peggy had a bright smile on her face.
"Oh, I'm Jenna. It's nice to meet you." I shook their hands.
"How long have you been going to this school?"
"Ever since 6th grade, I've been here for a long time." I smiled slightly.
"Oh, wow, who else has been here since the start?" Cadence asks me.
"Evan, Jeremy, and Alana."
"Wow, really?" Peggy looks around and sees Alana. She's curled up in a ball on her bed. Her hair almost completely blends in with bed. She's honestly been through way too much.
"Yeah, her dad was forced to send her here." Cadence nods and goes over to her bed. her ginger hair falls across her shoulders as she takes out her ponytail and puts the band on the side table.
I look back at Alana and see Zoe with her. Zoe looks nervous. I snap a quick pic with my phone, maybe I'll need this for later. Suddenly there's a knock on the door. Ronnie gets up and opens the door, Mr. Jefferson comes in. "Hey kids, how's it going?"
"Horrible, Alana's crying again." Zoe said softly. she ran her hand through Alana's hair.
Mr. Jefferson nods and walks over to the crying girl.
This happens every year, she feels like an absolute fake. Aces are kind of allowed in America, but Demis aren't. They're "Not real", but that's just not true. Zoe gets up and sits on her own bed. I kneel down beside Alana. "Hey." I say with a quiet and soft voice.
"I'm sorry." she mumbled and looked at me. Her brown eyes were filled with tears.
I gently hold her hand. "Hun, your dad is getting a job here." I give her smile.
She quickly sat up and wiped her eyes. Sure, it wasn't what normally made her happy, but she hasn't seen her dad since 6th grade for her. "Really? That's amazing." Her eyes lit up.
"So, finally a parent who's not a bitch?" Chloe looks at me.
I nod and sigh. "Yes, Mr. Beck is a therapist, He can help with mental health for all the kids." I stand up. "I'm going to check on the boys, You'll meet him second day of school." I smile and leave. I walk down the spiral stairs and wipe my forehead. Some of these kids have serious mental health issues. Evan probably has anxiety of some sort, Michael too. Some of these kids probably self harm. And Jake has that thingy, Ugh, i forget what's it's called. I head up the curved stair case to the room where the boys are. I can already hear that new kid, Michael I think it was, I hear him yell something. I open the door and look at them. He's sitting on his bed reaching out at Jake who has a pair of white headphones in his hands.
"Come on Jake, give it back!" Michael yelled.
" Come on Mike, You need new ones." Jake rolled his eyes.
"No, I can't get new ones!"
"Boys." I stand in the doorway. "What'S going on?"
"Jake wants Michael to get new head phones." Adrian sighed.
"I just care about Mike.'' Jake sighed.
''Just give him his headphones." Jake gave Michael his headphones and went over to his bed. "Anyways, now to tell you guys why I'm here. We're getting a tharipisht. His name is Mr. Beck and I think he'll be of good help."
"Beck? Like Alana's dad?" Evan looks over at me.
"Yep. now don't treat him like trash. bye." I leave the room and smiled. They really are good kids, they're like every other kid, just... you know... queer... like the title of the book... I mean what?
"Hey Tommy." Mr. Madison (James AKA best boi) walks over to me.
"Oh, hi James." I smile at him. we walked out of the dorm area together. "How are your kids?"
"They're happy we'Re getting some help" He keeps looking forward, like he's focused on where he's going all the time-
Dang, Hello. My mental health fucked me in ass for a long time but I'm back. I'm planning on just writing for the rest of the summer so i can post during school. Also i'll be busier because I,m going into high school. Anyways, comment if I should actually update my stories. Bye my queers and allys.
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