New Kids
Christine's P.O.V.
We all had to wake up early because Anne had to go home. We got in line beside our straight buddies, so I was stuck beside Rich. Rich isn't that bad, but he hits on everyone, and it makes me uncomfortable.
"What's up Chris?" He asked me as we got beside each other.
"Not much. You?"
"Nothing, except for the fact that 2 new kids are showing up today."
"Yep, best friends Cadence and Peggy." Wow, 2 new kids, that's going to be so dang cool. They sound cool just by their names.
"ARE WE IN PLACES?" McKinley shouted once Anne's car was coming close.
"Yes." we all moaned and groaned.
"Where is the brat?" A middle aged man came out of the car.
"Oh, um, Anne." McKinley called for Anne and she walked up in front of her father.
"I see you've changed." The man said.
"I see you haven't." Anne mumbled.
"Let's get going." Anne nodded and waved one last time at us.
I looked to my right where Percy was and saw tears forming in his eyes. "You okay Percy?"
"Yes, I'm fine." He was clearly lying. the another car showed up in the driveway and 2 young girls came out and a teen girl.
"Hello," McKinley greeted them. "I am Elder McKinley."
"I'm Carrie. I'm Cadence's older sister. Our mom couldn't drop these two off, so I'm doing it."
"Well hello Cadence and Peggy." The girls shyly waved.
"Before I go, I really like what you're doing."
McKinley smiled. "Well correcting queers is what we do here."
"Not that." she laughed a bit. "The safe place it is here. My friend came here a few years ago. She told me everything. So, Thank you, and please take good care of these two."
"We will."
"Kay. See you at thanksgiving Cat." Carrie entered her car and drove off.
"What did she mean by safe place?" Peggy asked.
"My mum told me that I was going to be 'corrected'." Cadence added.
"Well, she lied to you about that. You're here in a safe place. Not many know of our secret, but those who do praise us." They both looked confused. "Christine, can you explain?"
"Yep!" I smiled as I walked over to them, Cadence is pretty tall while Peggy is about an inch taller then me. "Unlike most correction camps and schools, here you're allowed to be gay. We get taught how to pretend and other things that would never be taught somewhere else."
"So, we're not here to be corrected is what I'm getting at." Cadence said.
"Yeah, basically." I smiled.
"You two can stay here for a few minutes while everyone else goes to get their stuff, then you can follow the girls to the dorm." McKinley told them and they nodded.
The rest of us ran to our cabins and started packing out bags. "Yay, school is starting in a week." Alana squealed.
"Booooo, screw school." Jenna pouted.
"Oh come on Jenna, it'll be fun."
"For a nerd like you, school sucks for everyone else."
"I'm not a nerd."
"Yes you are."
"No I'm not. You're just not smart."
"I am smart!" Jenna stood up."
"Then you'd know that I'm not a nerd!"
"Yes you are!"
"Whatever." Alana left with a huff.
"Nerd." Jenna mumbled. I stayed quiet and left as soon as my stuff was together.
"Hey Chrisy." Jeremy walked over to me as I headed for the school.
"Hey Jer."
"Are you excited? New dorms."
"Yeah, I hope they don't have bunk beds in them."
"Same. I had to share one with Alex so it wasn't that bad."
"I had to share one with Heather. And it's not that heather is bad, but I just don't like the feeling of someone above me."
"Well, I hope you have better luck."
"Same to you." We entered the school and the first two people we see are heather red and green.
"If it isn't The stagedorks." The red Heather laughed.
"I'm surprised that they're still here, I mean, everyone hates them." Green sneered.
"Shut up Heather. No one likes you." Jeremy Tried to walk away but Red got in front of him.
"Little brat doesn't seem to know his place. Duke..."
"Get off him!" I turn around to See John.
"Why should I?"
"I'll tell your mom."
"Fine. Let's go Duke." And just like that, The Heathers left.
"You okay bro?" John asks Jeremy.
"Yeah, thanks for that."
"No problem."
"Where's Alex?" I ask John.
"He'll be here in a week."
"Convent timing, Anne's coming back that day."
"She left to her dads." We all started walking up the stairs.
"And then she's going back to camp half blood for four days." Jeremy added.
"Makes sense."
"She really looked like she was going to cry when her dad showed up."
"You haven't heard of half the things parents of half bloods do to their children." Jeremy gave me a strange look. "The parents make it seem like the child isn't even theirs, can the gods don't care about them, that's why most half bloods run away. That's why Anne ran away."
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