Martha Saves Some Lifes
Percy's P.O.V.
"What do you mean?" I asked Grover.
"Nothing. Just nothing to know about right now."
"I bring gifts of FOOD!" Zoe bust though the door with Alana, they had sandwiches. "We were told to bring these to you guys since you missed lunch." She threw them at us. "Bye!" Alana followed Zoe out the door.
"Good thing these are in Zoplac bags." Michael said as he picked them up from the ground and handed them out. "So, Greek Gods."
"Yep." Anne nodded. "Camp Half-Blood is run by a baby God."
"Dyinous the god of wine?"
"How do you know so much?"
"I'm a Greek geek."
"Nice name." We sat in slince for a while, eating.
"What did they do to you?" Jeremy asked Grover.
"That's IT!" Jeremy Jumped up.
"You sleep in the same Cabin. Don't get to into this." Anne put her hand on his shoulder. "You shouldn't probly go back before they highjack your bed or something." He nodded as they both left.
"Sooo, you and Grover." Michael pointed at us.
"Sooo, you and Jeremy." I shot back.
"Don't taught him. He's new."
"Fine, but only because you told me too." Grover ran his hands though my hair.
"What about these two?" Michael asked pointing at Evan who was on the side of Connors bed.
"They have massive crushes on each other." Grover laughed. "Like bigger then Stolls ego."
Connor's P.O.V.
I woke up, opening my eyes a tiny bit and hear Evans voice. "So what if I like him? He's just so cute, and his bule eyes."
"Then ask him out!" I heard Grovers voice.
"He deserves better then me. I'm so messed up, and he's perfect in every way I know of."
"I'm not." I sat up in the bed causing Evan to jump onto Michael's.
"Y-you heard that?" He asked frightened.
"I'm not perfect. You deserve better. You deserve a king, not me."
"I just..."
"And I also like you. I guessed you'd never like me the way I like you." We just stared at each other for awhile.
"Who are we shipping next?" Percy asked Breaking the slince.
"Before that, let's get Anne to do her magic shit." Grover led Percy out as they went looking for Anne.
"So, are you two dating now, or what?" Michael asked us.
"Only if he says..."
"YES!" I cut off Evan off.
"OKAY! NO KISSING TIL I MAKE SURE HE BE HEALED!" Anne walked in on us. Evan started blushing and I laughed. "You two were so close to kissing." She knelt at my bed checking my wounds. "You're good now. Just don't go to rough on the child." She laughed as Michael, her, Percy, and Grover left.
"So, do you ship Jeremy and Michael?" I asked.
"Yes." His voice cracked.
"You good?"
"It's I... I've loved you since... day 1."
"Same. I just didn't know how to say it."
Jeremy's P.O.V.
A week after Evan and Connor got together everyone else has been fine. Adrian and J.D found my diary and found out about my crush on Michael. I sat on my bed crying uncontrollably, I made them mad and now everyone will know.
"Jeremy?" Heather came though the door. "Jeremy!" She ran over to me. "Everyone's waiting for you. What happened?"
"W-why do I ne-need to be the-there?"
"J.D. and Adrian are going to tell us all something. They really wanted you."
"Fi-fine." I was still crying, but I let Heather lead me to the fire place. I sat down beside Michael and Connor.
Adrian stood up on a block of wood. "Hello, now here in my hand is one diary from a mister Michael Mell. And J.D. has Jeremy Heeres'." Michael fell off the log we were sitting on.
"You can't do that!" Veronica stood up from beside Martha. "Don't be dick heads and think you're going to be popular and shit!" She was about two rulers away from Adrian.
"YEAH!" Brooke, Martha, and Chole stood up.
"We don't want to hear shit about thier lives from anyone but themselves." Alana stood getting Zoe up with her. Then stood Heather and Anne, followed by Jenna and Christine.
"Looks like almost all the girls are standing." J.D. looked around. "Jaclyn, why not..."
"Give those back!" Adrian yelled at a Martha who was running away. "Let's chase this fat ass!" They started running, but Martha ran faster. Martha is a bit fluffy, but so is Anne and Michael, and Michael is beautiful. They ran for like 10 minutes gay, until J.D. and Adrian fell into the water.
"That's what little shittie asses get!" She ran back to us as we clapped.
"Martha!" I ran up and hugged her. "Thank you."
"Hey, no problem." She handed me my book.
"How did you run so fast?" Jake and the other boys walked over to her.
"They were making fun of my friends. What else would I do?" Martha gave Michael his book and went back to Veronica.
"What else would she do?" Rich asked.
"She could've done nothing." Percy pointed out. "The girls are our best friends right now. Let's hope nothing happens to..."
"They did it!" J.D and Adrian were walking towards the girls with Elder Cunningham.
"Why did you guys push them into the water."
"That's not what happened." Brooke steped up. All the guys were behind the girls at this point. "These two were going to read Jeremy's and Michael's diarys, but Martha took them and ran around until they fell. It was the right thing to do." She nodded.
"Well, I guess you two should go clean up then." Cunningham took them into the school.
Heather's P.O.V.
That was either super smart or super dumb. Everyone went off to their cabins, well Anne went off to Percy's. I went inside the school. The main entrance was so dark, but if you go the right way you get past the anti gay posters and you get to a nice school. I went to go to the computer lab to email my friends when I see the other 2 Heather's. This is going to be a long day.
Authors Note: Thank you to everyone that's been reading this story. I've been really happy to see that 4 people kept reading. YAY! If you don't like it so far, keep reading, I have a plot that I'm getting to. Also, happy mental health day. Know that I love all of you and that this may sound strange, but if you need to talk I'm here. Til next time, bye!
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