Two Birds
a/n: this chapter might be confusing. if you don't understand who's perspective it's in, THATS GOOD. that was my goal :) but feel free to comment who you think it's POV it is! and it's really short so :)))
It was after the Winter Formal. The beautiful looking brunette in her boldly colored red dress glanced down at her phone.
The night had been amazing. She had spent time with her close friends, danced with a few guys who normally wouldn't have even approached her. Whether they didn't have the guts or purely weren't interested, she didn't know.
Hey, it's L. My phone died so I'm using my sister's number. Could you meet me outside the woods? I've still got your bag lol.
Can't I just get it tomorrow? haha
Noo, come get it now. Michael Kors best not be left unattended! :D
P.S. I'm already waiting out here :((
Ugh fine. Be there in 5.
She sighed, slipping the phone away in the concealed pocket of her dress.
Something about the night had made it seem like a reverie. Almost a dream. It seemed to good to be true.
For once she didn't worry about her secrets, the things she hid from the cops. She didn't worry about how she treated people in the past.
The cops, they were way too smart. She didn't like it. Already they were onto all the students at St. Helena's. They knew all of them weren't as innocent as they seemed.
Like some liked to date teachers, some liked to shoplift, some liked to cheat the grading system. Some even killed. Some were murderers.
Some got into street fights. Some people were stigmatized. Some fell in love with the wrong people. Some got too addicted.
She halted in her tracks, pausing as she heard the crackling of dead leaves from another direction.
It was just an instinct. Being alone in the woods at the middle of the night wearing heels and hearing something that clearly wasn't her could make the girl just a tad frightened.
She tried not to show it, but she got scared easily. Many didn't know this.
It was cold.
She turned around slowly, wondering if she had gone crazy, if she had heard a voice.
Leaning against a tree, her blood chilled. Suddenly, she knew maybe coming out tonight into the woods hadn't been the best idea.
Probably the worst. She couldn't scream, move, she was paralyzed. Frozen.
But suddenly, as if she had been blessed, she ran.
Ran faster than she thought she could have in those blood red heels.
Ran and ran until the oxygen in her lungs was gone, but kept going.
Until she fell.
She never got up again.
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