Her body jerked as she woke, cold sweat trickled down her brow. She sighed heavily, running a hand through her silky blonde, almost white, hair. Her heterochromatic eyes drifted to the bright LED clock at her bedside, 8:40 pm. Humming, the blonde slid out of bed and padded quietly to her bathroom.
She turned on the shower and undressed as she waited for it to warm up. When steam began to rise, she stepped under the hot water.
Once she was clean, she stepped out and dried off, then got dressed in a black sports bra, black leggings, and a white tank with a skeleton hand flipping the bird. The blonde towel dried her hair, then left her room in search of food.
"About time sleeping beauty graces us with her presence." "Fuck off, Damon." she sighed, tying her thick blonde tresses into a messy bun. "So rude, Clem." the ravenet mused, to which she rolled her eyes at and flipped him off.
Clementine let out a sigh as she rinsed off some grapes got herself a can of soda and cheese before joining the others in the foyer.
"What are you doing here?" Elena sneered, "None of your fucking business doppelbitch." Clementine snapped, the brunette was about to say something, when someone knocked on the door.
"There you are." Damon spoke up, looking at the newest arrival.
"Sorry I'm late." AlariKlaus said, Clementine waved her hand, "It's fine.. you didn't miss much." the faux history teacher nodded, eyeing the doll-like blonde as she popped a grape in her mouth. "Yeah.. Hey, I need you to put Clem and me down as chaperones for the dance tonight. Klaus made his first move."
"Hey, wait. What makes you think I'm apart of your stupid 'Save Poor Elena Gilbert' crusade?" she scoffed, AlariKlaus raised a brow, he couldn't help but smile at the girl's attitude.
"Because you love me, and I'll buy you all the sweets you want." Damon mused, a smirk tugged at his lips as the young woman groaned loudly, "Fuck you and everything you stand for, Salvawhore."
"You would." the ravenet fired back, making the blonde laugh, "Oh, sweetie, I am not that desperate."
"Could've fooled me." Elena muttered, scoffing softly, Clementine glared, "Back off or I'll let this Klaus guy kill you." a scarily honest edge in her tone.
"Can we just get back to the main topic please?" Stefan sighed, interrupting another one of their many verbal bouts, "As you wish, your royal broodiness." Clementine smirked, leaning back in her seat.
"So we find him and then what, hmm?" Elena chimed, "What's our plan of attack?"
Bonnie piped up, "Me. I'm the plan. He has no idea how much power I can channel. If you can find him, I can kill him."
"It's not gonna be that simple." the blonde sighed, "Clementine is right. I mean, he's the biggest, baddest vampire around." AlariKlaus added, to which the blonde motioned to him, "See, someone has common sense."
"Alaric has a point." Damon hummed, "Hey!" Clementine huffed, "I mean, what if he..." ignoring the blonde once again, the eldest Salvatore sped at the Bennett Witch, only for her to throw him across the room without moving a single muscle.
Clementine laughed heartily, "Shit, I was impressed." she raised a hand up, her smile widening as Bonnie gave her a high five.
"It doesn't matter if he's an Original. I can take down anyone who comes at me." the witch said, "I can kill him, Elena. I know I can."
"What are you wearing?" Damon chuckled, eyeing his blonde friend, "I don't know.. I just kinda threw it together." she sighed, fiddling with the rose quartz necklace around her neck.
She was clad in a long army green skirt, a brown top with geometric designs, sandals, rings, a bag, and round sunglasses pinning her hair back.
"Does it look bad?" she inquired, "No. You look great." he assured, pressing a kiss to her head, "Thanks, Damon." she smiled, receiving a warm one in return, "Well, I wasn't gonna lie. Anyways, I've gotta go talk to Bonnie."
"Okay." Clementine hummed, "Keep-"
"An eye out for anything out of whack, I know." she smirked, cutting her best friend off, "That, and stay safe." "Aye aye, cap'n." she mock saluted, earning a laugh before he left.
Now alone, Clementine started to wonder around, keeping her eyes out for anyone that's not 'sixteen and pimply' as Damon put it.
The blonde didn't understand why everyone would sacrifice themselves for Elena. She personally hated the prissy bitch, even more so since it was her fault Caroline was turned. Elena had caused so many hardships for everyone, and it honestly pissed the older Forbes sister off.
"What's got you so angry?" a voice snapped Clementine out of her thoughts, humming, she looked over to see Klaus, not that she knew it was him.
"It's nothing, Ric." she sighed, waving off the question, "You shouldn't bottle things up, it'll only hurt you." he retorted, she sighed, "Really, I'm fine. Just... let's just worry about Elena first."
AlariKlaus went to reply, but cut himself off after realizing her attention was elsewhere.
"We have a special shout-out tonight!" Dana, a junior at Mystic Falls High, announced, her tone upbeat and peppy, "This is for Elena and.. Clementine. From Klaus."
"Why the fu-" the blonde was cut off when someone wrapped an arm around her waist. "Special dedication, huh? This guy's a little twisted." AlariKlaus mused, Damon scoffed, "I'm not impressed."
"I'm mostly confused." Clementine muttered, leaning into Damon's side, who lightly kissed her head. AlariKlaus internally growled, not liking how close the vampire was to the blonde.
"Don't worry, I've gotcha." he whispered to the blonde, who sighed and nodded. "No?" AlariKlaus mused, masking his anger to the best of his ability as to not blow his cover.
Damon sighed, "Let me know if you see anything out of whack."
Once again, it was just Clementine and the possessed teacher. "So.. you and Damon seem close?" Klaus mused, Clementine hummed, "Damon's kinda been my rock to be honest. He saved me..." she trailed, the hybrid-to-be watched as she held a hand over her stomach, then shook her head and half-smiled, "Never mind, forget I said anything."
She walked away, wanting nothing more than to leave this stupid dance. She was so close to the exit, when someone stopped her. The small woman sighed, turning to the person who now had a hold on her wrist.
"QB, you okay?" it was none other than her baby sister, Caroline Forbes and her date Matt Donovan.
"Yeah, I just need some air." Clementine assured, flashing a warm smile to the other blondes. The last thing she needed was Caroline finding out... she needed more time.
"Are you sure? I know you've been sick lately.. I-I'm worried about you, sis." the younger frowned, the older sister sighed, giving Caroline a smile, "I just.. I have a lot on my mind. I need some time, Care, but I promise, I'll tell you later.. okay?"
"... Okay." Caroline hesitantly agreed, Clementine smiled and kissed her sister's temple, before leaving the gym.
An acidic taste rose in her throat as she hunched over, coughing into a trash bin. She heard footsteps draw near, but didn't pay it any mind as she emptied her stomach. Whoever it was gently held her hair whilst rubbing small circles into her back.
If she hadn't felt to sick to her stomach, she probably would've acknowledged the warm tingles dancing across her skin.
After she was done, she lifted her head, meeting AlariKlaus' striking blue eyes. "Thanks.." she sighed, wiping her mouth with some tissues she kept in her bag.
He shook his head, stepping closer to her, "You're beginning to worry me, love." "I'm fine, honest, Ric." she chuckled, this only made him frown, "You-" Clementine's phone rang, cutting the Original off, she sighed, "Sorry." and answered.
"Clem, where are you? Are you okay?" Damon was panicking, he couldn't find the older Forbes daughter and was growing more worried by the second.
"I'm fine. I was just dealing with late night morning sickness. Ric's with me." she assured.
"That's not Ric." Clementine's brows furrowed, "That's-" AlariKlaus snatched the phone from her, "Bye, Damon." he quickly hung up on the ebony hair vampire before turning back to the blonde.
Clementine tensed as his blue eyes met her mismatched hues, "Rest now, love."
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