Name: Clementine Angela Forbes-Jackson
Alias': CJ, Clem, Angie, Angel, QB.
Age: 18
DOB: September 25th, 1991
Hair Color: Fair Blonde
Eye Color: Green(left), Blue(right)
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 115 lbs
Species: Human/Demon Hybrid.
Relatives: Bill Forbes(Father), Elizabeth Forbes(Step-Mother), Amelia Jackson(Mother), Caroline Forbes(Little Sister), Unnamed(Daughters/Sons-to-be), Evan Jones(Ex-boyfriend).
Likes: Sweets, cuddles, reading, music, gymnastics, dance, art, singing, cooking, taking naps.
Dislikes: Elena Gilbert, people, sour things.
Strengths: High stamina/pain tolerance, determined.
Weaknesses: Holy water.
Personality: Cold, protective, kind, sweet, caring, cuddly, stubborn, hard working, sassy, sarcastic.
Fears: Loosing her family, the dark, being alone.
Abilities: Telekinesis, Odynokinesis, Pyrokinesis, inhuman strength/senses/speed, teleportation, possession.
Appearance: Long fair blonde hair, deep green/blue eyes, pale porcelain skin, full pink lips, 'bite me' tattoo on right side of ass, rose tattoo left arm, crown tattoo left thigh, multiple flower tattoo right hip/abdominal area.
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