Chapter 6
Before we left the room Baldy made sure my wrists were alright in the handcuffs. I smiled internally at the gesture. As we walked down the hall I had to block out everyone's thoughts. I may have experience with dealing with them, but this many gave me a headache.
"When we reach his office you'll have to go in alone. Agent Morse and I will stay in the hallway. Don't try anything funny." Baldy warned as we reached the door.
"Wouldn't dream of it Baldy." I smirked before walking into the room. I heard Bobbi snicker before the door closed.
"You must be Miss Queen." A voice spoke from the far end of the room. I turned towards him. The man was African American with an eye-patch and a black trench coat.
"That's me." I answered in my soldier voice.
He gestured to the seat infront of his desk. I sat down in the chair. My back ramrod straight.
"My name is Director Nick Fury. Agent Coulson told me of your proposal." At my confused face he clarified. "Baldy as you called him." I nodded.
"I forgot to mention it to the other Agents but at Hydra I was a weapons specialist. I will include use of my specialties with my proposal." I informed him as I fiddled with my hands. He hummed.
"I have to say, I'm suprised. Why the change of heart?"
I grimaced at his phrasing. "There was no changing of any sort." Queenie and I took co-control of our body, our voice resonating power. "Hydra is an evil force that must be stopped. Myself and the others were not given a choice as to whose side we were on. It was decided for us. We were experimented on and told to battle against whoever they told us to or we would be punished. There was no choosing in that. Mr. Director." We snarled together. He seemed taken aback by our outburst. But then he did the wierdest thing, he smiled. It looked really creepy.
"Well Miss Queen. I have to say your proposal is interesting. I'll see what I can do. In the meantime you will be taken to a secure facility. There you will be watched and evaluated. If you try anything we deem worthy of distrust, we will reject your offer and we will put you under surveillance. Are we clear?" He spoke with a slight threat to his tone.
"Understood." I spoke quietly. I was using my energy to prevent Queenie from lashing out. "I have just one request." At his nod I continued. "I need to relieve energy every so often, so I will need a plot of dirt, and a training room. During training no one is to come in unless they want to die."
He grimaced slightly. "I'll see what I can do. Agent Coulson." He ordered to the door. Said Agent came through the door and stood next to it. "Phil could you remove her cuffs?" Phil did as told. "Miss Queen could you give us a moment?" I nodded and left the room. I stood next to the wall as Bobbi was no where in sight.
Meanwhile, in Fury's office
"Get Miss Queen ready for transport. She'll stay at a safe house near the academy. I want her mental intelligence to be tested and recorded. I also have a feeling this could help her integrate into society. From the files our undercover student recovered she was only 6 years old when Hydra took her. For reasons still unknown due to those files being redacted. Until we can figure out who she is, she is to be under constant supervision of trustworthy agents." Fury finished his order.
"Yes Sir. If it's alright with you, I think Bobbi should take first watch, I'll take the second. We are the first faces she's seen here, it might make her trust us more." Phil input his thoughts. He still wasn't going to trust this girl who seemed to change her mind on a die. She tried to kill several of his Agents! He wasn't going to turn his eye away from her for a second.
"That's fine with me. Just make sure a memo is sent." Fury waved Phil away. He had more important matters to attend. His team in the Atlantic found something and he needed to contact them asap.
Phil nodded curtly before heading off to escort the girl to her new quarters.
I was leaning against the wall when Agent Coulson came out of the room, thoroughly scaring the crap out of me. And with Queenie resting I did the only thing I could think of, I hid behind an inn table in the hall. I curled into the tightest ball I could, my arms covering my head.
Coulson took notice of my fearful state. He came around the inn table to where I was crouched and squated down to my level. "Why are you so scared all of a sudden?" he asked curiously.
I lowered my arms and peered up at him. "N-no reason." Queenie's not here and I'm normally scared when she's quiet for too long. I resisted the urge to voice these thoughts. If they find out I have multiple personalities they might try to 'figure out' how it happened. And I don't need another highly resourceful agency after me and my loved ones.
He didn't seem to believe me. He stood and sighed. "Whatever the reason is, we need to relocate you to a secure location." I stood as well.
I nodded. "Of course. I would be suprised if you allowed me to roam freely around your agents." I smirked.
He looked at me funnily. "It's more like, who can be trusted. Whether it be you or our agents." He began walking down the hall. "Now come on. We don't have all day. We have a jet to catch."
I looked at him. "Why would we catch a jet? I don't think we have the strength to catch it."
He snorted before looking down at me. Noting my confused expression. "You're serious? Have you been living under-never mind. We're gonna have to catch you up to modern slang and such."
I nodded. "Yes, that would be useful."
"I just need to find our pilot." Agent Coulson stated. We continued walking down several hallways, past a few open rooms with Agents lounging or playing cards, when we passed a room where people were fighting, Agent Coulson had to stop me from stopping the fight, telling me it was a simple sparring match. Despite my confusion I stood to the side as Agent Coulson went to stand next to the ring. After observing the match I came to the conclusion that this was simply a minor test of skills. I watched as when the match was done both parties greeted Agent Coulson with a smile. He spoke with them for a few moments. During which the two would glance at me. The raven headed with curiosity and the red head with distrust. I waved awkwardly and loosely placed my hands behind my back as I delved into my mind to take in this new information. I smiled as I felt Queenie's energy grow stronger. She would be strong enough to take over soon.
Agent Coulson called me over to the side of the ring. The red head eyed me. "You'll have to get her an exam done before anything." she stated.
I tilted my head at her words. "Why must I take a test?" I questioned her.
She smirked slightly. "It's an evaluation. Of your physical and mental health." I paled at this, remembering Hydra. The officers. The guards. The doctors.
My breathing picked up slightly. "No." I whispered as I looked at them. All held a slight level of curiosity and concern. My eyes moved frantically between them before turning and running. I burst through the doors. Raising the floor in front so they couldn't get out. I ran through several halls. I vaguely registered how agents began to chase me.
Suddenly I saw a familiar head of dirty blonde hair. I quickly ran to her and wrapped my arms around her waist. "Non! Non! Ne fais pas laisser leur faire mal á moi! S'te plaît Bobbi! S'te plaît!" I spoke in the tongue I was the most familiar with.
Bobbi seemed shocked at my sudden appearance and attitude. "Whoa, what's going on kiddo?"
I switched to english. "They said they had to do an evaluation on me. I don't like when people touch me. I don't like it!" I cried. Suddenly I noticed agents closing in on us. I moved to hide behind Bobbi, holding onto her shirt like the scared child I was.
Luckily Bobbi seemed to understand why I was so scared of evaluations. Her look was of pity to me before looking to the agents. "Get back to work, I'll handle this." She spoke with authority to the agents. The agents listened to her and went back to whatever they had been doing. She then turned to face me as I released my hold on her shirt. "I won't let them hurt you. If you feel too uncomfortable I want you to squeeze my hand three times. I'll tell them to stop. Alright?"
"Promise?" I asked quietly.
"I promise." She spoke quietly and held her pinky out to me. She explained. "A pinky promise is a sign of a promise that won't be broken, hold out your pinky," she then showed me how to make said promise. "There. Now we gotta find Phil, he won't be happy." I nodded solemnly. Bobbi grasped my hand gently before giving it a reassuring squeeze.
We made our way through the halls. Agents either ignoring our presence or nodding in respect to Bobbi. As we got closer to the gym where I trapped Phil and those women, I began to lag farther behind. "Don't worry little one, they aren't going to hurt you." Bobbi spoke quietly.
I looked to her shocked. "B-but, I endangered a commanding officer! That's the worst thing I could've done!" I curled in on myself as we stopped in front of the door.
Bobbi smiled motherly at me. "How about you see for yourself? Let them out and see how they act. If they try to hurt you, I'll stop them. Alright?" I nodded hesitantly.
Looking back at the door, I straightened my posture. I let out all my breathe and raised my hand, then gently brought my hand down and began circling it to even the ground. When the floor was even under the door, it swung open to reveal where Phil had been leaning against it. As he righted himself I hid behind Bobbi as the occupants left the room. They all stood in front of Bobbi. The raven haired woman looked slightly irritated. The red head held a more calculating look. Her eyes held no malice, just simple curiosity.
Phil took a step towards us and I squeaked before hiding more into Bobbi's back. My brain was still muddled from tuning out their thoughts so that option was blocked. This may have been good for the headache prevention, but not so much for sensing danger. Phil smiled gently at me.
"Are you all right?" he asked. I looked confused at him and then up at Bobbi. She looked to me and gently gripped my hand before pulling me to her side and putting her arm around me in a mothering way. I leaned into her touch slightly, still not used to being held positively by anyone other than my cellmates.
I nodded in response to his question. He smiled before looking to his companions.
"What in the hell happened here?!" I heard a very angry voice shout at the end of the hall. I turned quickly to see Director Fury looking angry. You could say, he looks furious. I mentally groaned at Queenie's pun. "Miss Queen, we have a few things to discuss." Fury spoke as he held a file up for me to see.
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