Fletcher Farm Field Trip
Days later, we went to the old farm. Henry and Mr. Fletcher came along too. They looked so happy to see it. The farm house was a museum/director's office. We went to the farm house, a white headed woman came out.
"Good afternoon everyone, I'm Mrs. Tilly and welcome to Fletcher Farm! During the Great Depression, it was a workplace for child victims, most children, mostly teenagers ran away to look for work. You'll be given a tour of the farm house, the farm. the bunk beds, and the woods where one certain young lady played in. I have her biography. Sally Hawthorne's biography Queen of The Woods! Before we start, I was one of the children who were here back then. And, ya'll have any questions?"
I raised my hand.
"Yes ma'am!"
Me, Henry, Kyle, and Mr. Fletcher went to Mrs. Tilly.
"Light blonde hair, blue eyes, was here with me. Dottie!"
Dottie started to cry.
"Sally! Sally Hawthorne!"
"Dottie, I can't believe it!"
We hugged. Dottie looked at Henry.
"Mrs. Dottie!"
They hugged.
"This our grandson, Kyle."
Dottie shook Kyle's hand.
"Who is this man right here?"
"Dottie, you don't recognize your own boss?"
"Mr. Fletcher!"
She gently hugged him.
"Dottie, it's so good to see you."
"Everyone, we have a very special guest. This is the boss man of Fletcher Farm."
They clapped.
"May I help with the tour?"
We started the tour. We went to the porch.
"Me and my late wife used to sit in these rocking chairs, we would hear the children sing every now and again. It was music to my ears!"
We smiled. We walked to the kitchen.
"While we're here, I'll tell you all the schedule we followed every single day. Wake up at six in the morning-"
Me, Henry, and Dottie recited the schedule.
"Breakfast, morning work, free time, lunch, optional extra work, evening work, dinner, and lights out!"
Mr. Fletcher smiled.
"That's right! And you remember how strict we were about time. Not being late in routine."
"Yes sir," we said.
We went to the farm.
"The children worked in here, taking care of the cows and chickens."
We walked to the girls bunk beds.
"The ladies' beds!"
"I remember my bed," I said pointing to the bed right across from the door.
"My bed was on the far end to your left," Dottie said.
"Annie's was over there and Marie's was over here next to mine..."
We went to the boys bunk beds.
"The gents' beds."
"Oh I remember having tons of fun here. Sal, you remember playing cards here with Petey and David and everyone, well, almost everyone?" Henry asked.
"Yes, Mr. Fletcher caught us."
"Yes, you weren't supposed to be playing with my cards."
"Mrs. Fletcher gave us permission."
He nodded.
"Let's move on," Dottie said.
"It's my farm Dottie, I'll be the one to say move on!"
"Yes sir."
"Sally, you remember the time you and Dottie got into trouble-"
"Here we go," Dottie said.
"Dottie! Let me talk. You two were fighting in the mud one time."
"I discriminated her...racially," Dottie said ashamed.
"Oh yeah. Mr. Fletcher gave us a big whippin'!"
Dottie and Mr. Fletcher nodded.
"Let's continue," Mr. Fletcher said.
We went to the woods.
"That tree was my happy place," I said pointing upward.
"How come?" Kyle asked.
"It was hard being black back then up until the sixties."
Kyle nodded.
"That reminds me of the time Sally beat the crap out of a white fat rich kid in town," Henry said.
"Oh yes, a car contest, he was being an ass to us, especially me and Henry. I couldn't take it, I was punching him in the nose."
"Wow grandma!"
"I was around your age Kyle that time! I've been here for two years."
"The last day of work when the second world war started, we played in the pond. Petey got drafted," Mr. Fletcher said.
We nodded.
"Mr. Fletcher, tell us the time you met Mrs. Fletcher, to close the tour?"
"We met on the Titanic, we were teenagers."
"Oh my God!" Kyle said shocked.
"Don't use the lord's name in vain boy!" I said.
"Yes ma'am, sorry. The Titanic, Mr. Fletcher?"
"Yes, when it sank, we lost our parents. We landed in New York, we were inseparable, even after we moved here and got married."
"Are we ready to close the tour?"
We went back to the farm house.
"Do you have any questions?" Dottie asked.
A lot of people were raising there hands, including Kyle.
At home, we sat at the table for dinner.
"Grandma, grandpa?"
We looked at Kyle.
"What son?"
"Thank you. Thanks for the trip, I learned more about you two. Really! I met your boss and an old friend."
We smiled. I gave him a big hug.
"I love you," he said to both of us.
"I love you too Kyle!"
"Let's eat!" Henry said.
We continued to eat our dinner.
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