#8: Interhigh Preliminaries (Part 2)
It was finally the first day of the Interhigh Preliminaries. Haneul stood in front of her home, with a bandaged arm and tears in her eyes. Since the way to Sendai City Stadium was close to her home, they were going to pick her up, but how could she explain to everyone that she couldn't compete? Should she even go?
Looking at her phone, she finally decided to mark Takeda's number. "Ah, hello, Kazama-chan. We just started to get the things in the bus-" "I don't think I'm going," she interrupted shyly. "Eh?! Why not?!" She took in a deep breath, glancing back at her home. It was an apartment situated in the second floor of a corner shop her uncle owned. She could see him opening boxes inside.
"I-I hurt my arm, falling down some stairs... I'm so sorry," Haneul tried her best not to sound like she was crying. Takeda sighed through the phone, "Let me talk to Ukai. Hold on a minute." She could hear him muffled, speaking to Keishin. After a few seconds, Keishin was on the phone. "Haneul? Are you there?" "Yes, coach," she wiped away her tears using her jacket sleeve.
"Listen, kid. I won't obligate you, but you should come. Remember that you're still a manager. These kids need you." "Y-you're not mad?" Haneul breathed, sitting in a nearby bench with her bag. "It was an accident, and accidents happen. If it's all good, you can play tomorrow. Now, should we pick you up?" "Yes, please..."
"I'm sorry!" Haneul bowed once inside the bus. "It's okay, Ha-chan!" Nishinoya smiled, "I got your back." Haneul smiled at him slightly, taking a seat aside Keishin. "Which arm was it?" He asked, and Haneul proceeded to take off her track jacket, revealing her bandaged right arm. Keishin took it and examined it, moving her arm up and down. "Does it hurt?" He asked, gaining a nod from the brunette.
"I can't raise it. And I got a bruise on it too..." Haneul demonstrated, only being able to raise her arm straight go her chest. "Well, it's certainly not broken," Keishin said, undoing her bandages. He got the first aid kit and applied some thing in her arm, telling her to leave it uncovered.
Once they made it to the gym, Haneul helped carry the bag where their snacks and first aid kit was, since she didn't bring anything. Takeda went to park the bus, while Keishin went to sign the team up. In a few seconds, Haneul began walking with the team inside the gym, but they were stopped once they heard someone call them the "clipped crows".
"What was that?" Tanaka intervened in the conversation, a deadly aura surrounding him. Daichi grabbed him by his collar and apologized, dragging away the second year. "You need to stop picking fights, Ryuu-senpai," Haneul said, and he nodded. The short brunette walked infront of the group, leading them to the spot where they will put their things, and hearing all sorts of comments.
"They look so dark."
"One of them looks like he doesn't belong in high school."
"I-Is that who I think it is?! It's Karasuno's Azumane!"
"Er, who's he?"
"You don't know? I heard he got his underlings to beat up some guys from North High, and he tried to sell a questionable substance on the street. And he got held back five years."
Haneul looked at Asahi, who was in a gloomy mood. "There, there, this is how it always is," Sugawara said, followed by Daichi, "That's the image you project." "All I wanted was to look a little wild on the outside, that's all!" The two third years then proceeded to say that Nishinoya is what they call wild, making Asahi more glum.
"You look cool enough, Asahi-senpai!" Haneul said with a smile, causing Asahi's heart to skip a beat. "Y-yeah?" "You're like a big softie! And that's cool!" While Kei, Sugawara and Daichi snickered at Asahi being called a softie, the giant ace smiled sheepishly and accepted the compliment, patting the head of the smallest Libero.
The group continued walking, and suddenly Nishinoya and Tanaka were circling her and Kiyoko, who was standing aside her, with vicious looks on their faces. "Stop that," both females said, with Kiyoko hitting Tanaka with her notebook, and Haneul putting her hand on Nishinoya's head, caressing his hair softly and making him calm down.
Continuing walking, Haneul caught up to Kageyama and Hinata at the front of the group. "Look! That's genius setter Tobio Kageyama! Kitagawa First's King of the Court!" Kageyama turned to glare at the people that called him by his old nickname, but Haneul pulled on his arm so they continued to walk. "Don't pay attention to them, Tobio-kun," Haneul said, trying to encourage the setter. He looked at her momentarily and nodded. "I won't."
Without noticing that the group had stopped to see the inside of the gym, Haneul kept walking, accidentally bumping into someone. "I'm sorry-" Hanuel apologized. When she saw who it was, however, she froze in place. It was the Date Tech team, and needless to say, they were huge. The small green eyed girl stood there, paralyzed in fear.
The team noticed, and Asahi moved her behind him, since he was closest to her. The tallest player, the one without eyebrows, pointed a finger at Asahi for a good while. "That was so nerve wrecking," Asahi said after they had left. "Why are you such a wimp out of the court?" Nishinoya asked him. Haneul thanked him for getting her out of the way, and gave him a smile.
She took Daichi's bag as he went to speak with his old friend. They found a spot and set down their equipment, but Haneul noticed that Hinata was nervous. "Do you have any pills, Haneul-chan?" Hinata asked, holding onto his stomach. "No, but apple juice helps," she said, telling him she'd go buy him some.
In simple words, Haneul got lost. There were so many people and so many doors, she forgot which she passed and which she entered. Deciding it best, she walked outside, trying to see if she spotted anyone from the Neighborhood Association that she had met before. To no avail, she didn't recognize anyone, but for some reason, there were a bunch of girls huddled together at the side of the stadium.
A scary looking guy walked pass her with a volleyball, standing a few feet from her and throwing it at the guy that was in the middle of the girl group. Then, she read the back of his jacket. 'Aoba Johsai? Didn't the boys practice against them?' Haneul asked herself. When both of them walked infront of her, she called after them. "E-Excuse me..." "Oikawa has no time for-" The scary looking guy started, until he noticed she was talking to him instead.
"U-um, I got lost... A-And I'm trying to find m-my way to my team..." Haneul tried to explain, fidgeting with the can of apple juice in her hand. Both males looked at each other, with the pretty one shrugging. "What's your team?" "K-karasuno. I'm their co-manager..."
"Ah, we're heading to see them now! I'm Oikawa Toru, captain of Aoba Johsai~!" The pretty one smiled. "This is Hajime Iwaizumi. What's your name~?" "K-Kazama Haneul." After a short silence, Iwaizumi told her to follow them. She walked aside Oikawa, who asked, "How is Tobio doing?" "Tobio-kun? I-I guess he's fine... He's been practicing alot," Haneul answered, blushing. They soon got to the entrance of the gym, and Haneul bowed, thanking the two boys.
"You're sitting at the stands, right?" Iwaizumi asked. She nodded, and he told her to sit with them later, since they plan to watch the match. "O-okay. Thank you again, Iwaizumi-san, Oikawa-san," she waved as they walked away. Haneul ran in, giving Hinata the juice. "You took a while. Everything okay?" Ennoshita asked. Haneul nodded with a smile.
She started warming up with the boys, throwing them the balls for their spike practice. "Stray!" "Ack-" She turned to see where the sound she heard was coming from, only to find Kei had been knocked over, and his glasses were on the floor. She ran towards him and helped him up. "Are you okay, Kei-kun?" The tall blond nodded, picking up his glasses from the floor.
The crystals were fine, but the screw of one of the temples had gotten loose and lost. Kei growled, looking at his messed up glasses. "I can fix them," Haneul said, taking them from him. She opened the bag she had carried, taking out a kit to fix glasses. She had bought it as a just-in-case, but it came in handy. In a few seconds, Haneul managed to fix his glasses. "Thanks," Kei said, putting them on. "No problem," she smiled.
Since only one manager was allowed to be on the bench, Haneul walked to the stairs to get to the stands, finding the Aoba Johsai team there too. "Oikawa-san," Haneul called, making him and Iwaizumi turn around at the familiar voice. The setter smiled, "Hey there Kazama-chan~!" The team stopped in it's track once they saw her, and the coach asked who she was.
"Kazama-chan, this is our coach, Irahita. Coach, this is Kazama, a manager from Karasuno," Iwaizumi introduced. Haneul bowed, "It's nice to meet you. I hope you don't mind me sitting with you." She gave a shy blush, and the coach laughed, "It's no problem at all! I'm actually quite curious of how much they have improved."
She began going up the stairs with the coaches, leaving the boys behind. Yahaba mentioned to Kindaichi that she was cute, but the latter told him not to get involved with her since she was in Karasuno. They see the team finishing their warm ups, and call out to Aoba Johsai. "It's onion head!" Hinata exclaimed, getting the attention from the opposite team and Kageyama.
"Who the hell is an 'onion head'?" Kindaichi asked, and Kunimi started to laugh. "Yoohoo!" Oikawa called, putting an arm around Haneul, who tensed up a bit at the sudden touch. "Kageyama and small-fry! How's that cute little combo move coming along?" "Haneul?! Great king?!" Iwaizumi hit Oikawa in the back of the head, telling him to let go of Haneul.
"So they got a Libero? He wasn't with them at the practice game." Oikawa mentioned, sitting aside Haneul. The petite girl sat behind the Seijoh coaches, listeningto their observations. "I think that big guy is new too, and their coach; I don't think I've seen him before." "So they have two new players and a new coach. I wonder if they've improved their game," Irahita responded to Mizoguchi's claim.
"Three new players..." Haneul muttered, shuffling with the hem of her t-shirt. "Hm? Three new players? Where's the third one?" Coach Irahita asked. Before she could answer, Nishinoya and Tanaka started yelling at them. "Haneul-chan! This is for you!" Tanaka said, going in for a spike Kageyama had set for him. "Even though you're not playing today, you're still our good luck charm!" Nishinoya exclaimed with a smile.
Haneul shyly waved back as the team freaked out on her. "You play?! With them?! On their team?!" Asked Oikawa. She nodded shyly, "Y-yeah... I'm a Libero..." "Well, it's not against the rules," Mizoguchi said, putting a hand on his chin. They were interrupted by a girl sporting the Seijoh track suit, who had a bag in hand.
"Sorry I'm late! I filled up everyone's drinks!" She exclaimed, setting the things down aside Haneul. Both girls stared at each other for a second, before the other girl said, "You're short." Haneul blushed and looked down. "I-I know that..." "I'm so sorry!!" The girl exclaimed, waiving her arms in disarray.
"This is Kazama Haneul, co-manager of Karasuno. Kazama-chan, this is our manager, Shiko Angelina," Oikawa introduced. Both girls bowed at each other, and Angelina smiled at the short Libero. "Nice to meet you." Haneul blushed a pale red. The girl was around 180cm tall, and had straight, brown hair that went down a little below her shoulders. What caused each other great curiosity were their eyes.
Both managers stared at each other for a while. Angelina stared into Haneul's bright green orbs, while the Korean girl was mesmerized by the other's blue-green hue. "Is this how girls communicate now?" Kindaichi commented, making both of them blushed. Angelina sat aside Haneul, and they both waited for the game to start.
"Why aren't you playing then, Kazama-chan?" Kunimi asked. Everyone waited for her answer, making her slightly uncomfortable. "I-I injured my arm... This morning... Falling down some stairs..." "Are you okay?!" Angelina asked, gaining a nod from Haneul. "It-It doesn't hurt as much! I'll maybe play in the next match."
When the match started Angelina accompanied Haneul down to the veranda. She watched as Tanaka scored the first point, then Asahi the next. However, when Asahi scored, a bunch of people started commenting on the rumors they had heard. "Don't listen to them, Asahi-senpai!" Haneul exclaimed. Said ace looked at her briefly and nodded. "Come on! Haneul is cheering for us!" Daichi exclaimed, making her smile.
"Wow, you do seem like the popular type, Kazama-san," Angelina said, making Haneul blush. "O-oh, not really! I don't know why they like me so much..." Angelina laughed, "Well, it's because you're cute, obviously!" "Y-you're cute too, Angelina-san!" Haneul blurted, flustered. They stopped what they were doing once Hinata did his quick attack with Kageyama.
Both girls chat during the match, and Haneul takes videos of the boys in her phone. Haneul cheers loudly when Kei makes the point that takes the set by blocking the other team. "Go, Kei!!" She exclaimed. She looked down at the boys, whom were drinking water. "How are we doing?" Hinata asked from the court. Haneul smiled wildly with a blush, giving them a thumbs up. "Perfect!" The team members yell in anticipation, changing positions with the other team.
"By the way, I'm impressed you can do the 'L' sound, Kazama-san," Angelina commented. "That's because I'm not Japanese," Haneul responded, wearing the same smile as earlier. "Really? Me neither! I'm German, but I moved here when I was 10." "My mom was Korean and my dad was Japanese. I moved here just two months ago," Haneul shared, "It's so nice finding someone that isn't from here!"
As the game went on, they grew closer as friends, and even exchanged phone numbers. When Karasuno scored the winning point, Haneul cheered loudly. "I'll text you later," Haneul said, backing away from Angelina. "Okay! I hope you win the next match!" Haneul then turned and bowed at the rest of the team, which was getting up to go to their match. "Thank you for having me!" "No, thank you!" Coach Irahita said, waving at her. "See you, Kazama-chan~!" Oikawa chimed.
𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌𝒔 𝒕𝒐 angelbtsfan 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒆 𝒇𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝑪 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆!
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