#5: The Practice Match
The team headed out to the gym in the morning for their practice match. Haneul wore her team jacket over a white t-shirt and black shorts, like Nishinoya did, but her shorts had orange lining. Her hair was held back in a braid as well, so it wouldn't get on her face.
While the teams met, she helped Kiyoko unload their things from the bus, taking the box that was filled with the lunches out first. It was heavy, so she staggered as she walked towards the group. There was a guy with a mohawk that was looking at her and Kiyoko, so Haneul blushed and gave him a nod. He instantly began to act weird, and two guys that were behind him yelled something about yakisoba bread.
"U-um, Kiyoko-senpai, what's going on?" The older girl looked at the direction she had nodded to, but Kiyoko just rubbed the top of the petite girl's hair and told her not to worry about it. The brunette kept on walking, but tripped on the first step to get inside the gym. The box was going to fall right to the floor, when Kenma caught it. However, she ended up flat on the ground.
"Kazama-chan!" Kiyoko exclaimed, looking back at her kohai, hearing the loud sound she made. "... Are you okay?" Kenma asked, putting the box down. "I-I think I'm fine..." Haneul murmured, lifting herself up. Kei, Tadashi, Hinata, Kageyama and some guys from Nekoma were around her now. "Your lip is bleeding!" Hinata yelled, pointing at her. Haneul lifted her finger up to her lips, and sure enough, her bottom lip was bleeding.
"You must've cut it when you fell," Kiyoko said, putting the bag she carried down and opening it, getting the first aid kit. The senior gave her a napkin, which she held to her lip. "I-I'm sorry..." she apologized, her eyes getting foggy. "You don't have to apologize, Kazama-chan!" Tadashi blurted out, moving his hands to make a point.
Kei took the box and placed it aside the bag Kiyoko had set down so it wouldn't have disturbed anyone. "I'll go get coach and Takeda-sensei," Kageyama said, going inside the gym. Kiyoko told her to sit so she could look at the injury, which was still bleeding. "Does it hurt, Kazama-chan?" Kenma asked. "A-a bit..." "You know her, Kenma?" Asked the dark haired boy that stood behind him.
Haneul recognized him as the boy that picked up Kenma the day they met. "Yeah, we met the other day," the blonde responded. "Go warm up, I'm fine," Haneul told the boys, ushering them away. Kenma and the other boy hesitated before leaving her, as well as the rest.
Takeda took a look at the cut, and instructed her to keep the napkin on until the bleeding stopped. Keishin adviced her not to play, in case a badly received ball hit her in the face and opened the cut again. She didn't say anything, but they knew Haneul was frustrated. It was the first game she would possibly partake in, and now, she wouldn't get to play.
Haneul helped the teams warmp up the short time they had left, and soon, started the game. She sat in the managing bench with Takeda, Keishin and Kiyoko, and watched the game intently, taking notes on her notebook. When Hinata and Kageyama did their quick attack, she smiled and silently cheered for them.
With their persistent attacking, their team gets the lead, and Nekomata calls for a time-out. Haneul goes to give Daichi his drink, and stuttered out, "U-um, guys," to call their attention. Keishin stops his pep talk and looks at her with everyone else. "You're all a bit tense... Try to loosen up a bit, okay..?" They looked at her for a while, and smiled. "Let's do as our manager said!" Daichi exclaimed, gaining words of encouragement from the rest.
Haneul finds herself looking at Kei, and writes on his page, "Kei is smart and thinks calmly, and observes his surroundings". She looks up at the Nekoma team, locking eyes with Kenma, who turned around to 'wipe his sweat'.
Nekoma, somehow, took the first set. On the break, Haneul once again handed their bottles while Kiyoko handed them their towels. "Don't get discouraged," Haneul mentioned with a smile, "There's still two sets left." Nishinoya proceeded to ruffle her hair and smile. "You heard her! Karasuno! Fight!"
Haneul was left flustered, covered in sweaty towels and holding a bunch of water bottles. "Y-yah..." she murmured, but they were already on the court. Keishin smiled, silently thanking her for motivating the team, even if she didn't really mean to. Once putting everything down, she sat at the bench again, painfully watching how Hinata kept on getting blocked by Inuoka.
Until, she saw it. She watched the ginger haired boy jump to spike, and saw him open his eyes, missing to hit the ball. "Time out!!!" Haneul exclaimed, standing up abruptly and scaring Takeda. The referee looked at Keishin with a confused face, and he snapped out of his trance and said, "Y-yeah, yeah, time out!" The referee blew the whistle, even though everyone had already stopped and were looking at Haneul.
Daichi approached Haneul, saying, "I'm a bit scared Kazama called the time out." Keishin thanked her and explained to the boys what had happened. "Haneul just happened to react faster," he said, ruffling her hair. "So... What should we do?" Asked Hinata. "Indirect delivery," Haneul murmured, and Keishin nodded. "Kageyama, try an indirect delivery. Make it float a little. That'll work."
Keishin and Takeda praised Haneul as the game began again, commenting on her ability. She blushed, thanking them. Haneul watched as Hinata tried to hit the ball over and over again, failing each time. Too slow. Too fast. Too far. Haneul heard Keishin talk about a story his grandfather, the former coach Ikkei Ukai, told him, about how the former Tiny Giant built his playing style. Just as he finishes the story, Haneul clenches her notebook in excitement as Hinata manages go get the ball past Inuoka by changing the direction of the spike.
Sadly, the ball went out, but Haneul smiled at the sight of Hinata and Kageyama determined to try again. After a while, Nekoma takes the set, and therefore, the match. Hinata calls for another match, and they play a total of six other matches before officially ending the games.
As team manager, Haneul went with Kiyoko, Takeda and Keishin to speak to the Nekoma team while coach Nekomata spoke to Karasuno. "Do you girls have something to add?" Keishin asked, and Kiyoko shook her head. "E-etto..." the team turned their heads to Haneul, who grew a bit nervous. "T-there will come times when, um, I-it seems impossible to win, but-but remember that, um... When it looks impossible, and you're ready to quit, victory is near."
Keishin ruffle her hair while the team smiled. She momentarily looked at the dark haired boy from earlier, whom she had learned to be Tetsuro Kuro, the captain of the team. He smiled wider at her, and she shyly blushed.
Haneul then went to give the Nekoma team sandwiches she and Kiyoko had made for lunch, as well as some juice boxes. "I-I brought lunch," Haneul said, and the team cheered suddenly, scaring her a bit. The brunette set the box down and started handing out the sandwiches. "Is your lip better, Kazama-san?" Kenma asked while she gave him his food. She smiled and nodded. "Yeah. It hurts a little."
The captain walked towards her, and she gave him a sandwich as well. "I don't think we have introduced ourselves. I'm Tetsuro Kuro, captain and winspiker," he said, grinning. "I'm Yuki Shibayama," the boy that stood aside his said, "And these are Nobuyuki Kai, Morisuke Yaku and Taketora Yamamoto." She waved at them, as the boys they had introduced were stuffing their faces in sandwiches.
"My name is Kazama Haneul. I'm the co-manager and a libero," the brunette smiled shyly. "Eh?" Inuoka made the sound. "Eh??" Tamahiko Teshiro followed. "E-EH?!" the whole team exclaimed, except for Kenma. Haneul flinched at the sudden noise, and they all circled Haneul, asking various questions. Kuro stopped them.
"Stop! You're scaring her!" He exclaimed Kuro, glaring at his team. "Y-yeah, I didn't get to play, b-because I cut my lip..." After some small talk, everyone started to lean up to leave, and Haneul went to clean the Nekoma team's water bottles, since they didn't have a manager.
That night, back at the quarters, Takeda proposed they play a game. "It's simple," he said, bringing out a list, "I have a list of questions with numbers. Someone chooses a number, I read the question, and everyone answers. It's to form a team bond." Everyone nodded and got to sit in a circle. Keishin didn't want to play, so he was sitting on a chair, paying attention to the game.
Daichi chose the first question. "Six? Okay... What has been the best year of your life so far?" Takeda read. They all answered things like, 'when I started high school' or 'the year I was almost top of my class', but then it was Haneul's turn. Since they sat in their number order, she was the last one to speak. "When I was seven years old," she answered with a smile.
"Why so young?" Asked Asahi, and everyone awaited her answer. "O-oh, I don't want to sour the mood or anything," Haneul blurted out. "Come on, Kazama-chan~!" Nishinoya exclaimed. Haneul sighed, "It was the, um, last year... I spent with my- no, forget it." Everyone whined that she didn't finish, but she claimed to not wanting to ruin the mood.
Sugawara chose the next question. "What's your favorite color?" Takeda read. "Purple," Haneul said, once it was her turn. The night went on like that, until all 13 questions had been asked. It had been a fun night, but something bugged Kei. Even after they all went to sleep, it was still stuck in the back of his head. What had happened to Haneul in her life, to make her pick such a low age as the best year of her life? Even he found it super weird.
Kei hated to admit it, but Haneul was the type of person everyone could get along with, and even he couldn't despise her or think of her as anything else but nice and cute. She wasn't annoying, and gave really good advice. Then, his mind wandered off to a few nights ago.
He was walking along the hall when he encountered the green eyed girl, speaking on the phone. Naturally, he thought nothing of it and turned to walk down the next hall, but stopped once he heard the conversation. He was sure the phone wasn't even on speaker mode, but even he could hear it, and it wasn't pretty. The man on the phone called her every single bad word in the japanese dictionary, and pretty sure he heard some Korean mixed in there as well.
Kei wanted to get close, to see if it was one of her classmates harassing her once again, but stopped in his tracks once she spoke. "Uncle, I'm at camp-" She was interrupted by her une yelling again, and after a few seconds, she hung up abruptly. Kei stood behind the corner, watching as the brunette looked at her locked phone while sitting on the bench. Making up his mind that it wasn't any of his business, he turned around to leave.
Right about now, he wished he hadn't done that. He swore in his head that he didn't need to stay, and that he didn't see her cry, but what if she did? And why was her uncle making such a fuzz of her not being home? And that's how the middle blocker fell asleep, looking at the sleeping Libero across the room.
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