#23: Wiping Out
"Tobio-kun! Don't pick a fight with Oikawa!" Haneul yelled from the stands, causing Angelina to laugh from down in the bench. "Toru! Don't cause any trouble!" The other manager yelled, causing the brown haired boy to nod. She then watched as the teams lined up, and later met up before starting the set. "Hey! I made it in time," Takinoue said, walking to where they were in the bleachers. "Hey. The match with Wakunan was pretty brutal this morning." "Really? I wish I'd been able to see it." "Don't worry, Takinoue-san. I'll tell you all about it later," Haneul smiled. "Heya! I'm Tanaka Ryunosuke's older sister!" Saeko introduced herself. "Sister? Guess I can see it- Kazama! Why aren't you down there?!" The blond man looked worriedly at the small libero. "Ah, my PCS is acting up again. Maybe later on I'll get changed and play, but right now, it's not happening," the brunette sheepishly smiled.
Shimada pat her head, ruffling it a little. "They got all the way to the semi-finals thanks to Kazama-chan!" Seiko looked at them in disbelief for a moment, "Huh? This is the semi-finals? So that means- Wait, so if they win this one and the next one, they're going to Nationals?!" "Well, only if we beat the next two powerful schools," Takinoue said. Haneul smiled and leaned over the hand rails, "We'll win this."
The green eyed girl watched intently as the coaches finished their pep-talks, and yelled at her team, "You got this!!" The sudden cheer from their manager-libero caused them to get even more hyped up, and they headed over to the court.
Karasuno was up to receive against against Aoba Johsai, who was led by Oikawa. He served right into a corner, but Daichi received the ball, going over the net. Kindaichi went for a dump, but it was saved by Kageyama with his genius reflexes. Haneul cheered loudly as Nishinoya set for Asahi, making them get a point. "You go, boys!"
Kageyama served next, sending the ball outside. The boys yelled words of encouragement at him, while the Seijo cheer team loudly yelled. The noise kept making Haneul's ears ring, but for her boys, she kept enduring it. Iwaizumi served next, and Asahi received it. Kageyama set for Tanaka, and they scored another point. "Well done, Ryu! Love ya!" Saeko cheered for her younger brother, causing him to get all embarrassed.
The brunette manager smiled, noticing they were taking the lead now. The match kept on with continuous points from both sides, and Haneul naturally cheered loudly for her giant boyfriend. By now, Karasuno was leading 06-05, and Hinata just about moved to the front lines.
"I'd love to see Hinata get a quick over right about now." "Yeah," Haneul responded to Shimada's comment, and explained to Saeko about their last match with Seijo. Kei briefly glanced at her before serving, which was something she realized Kageyama and the others that went up to serve did. She made a mental note to ask them later about it.
Kei served, and it was received, and Oikawa set to Iwaizumi, with Kageyama sending it to Hinata. However, it was shut out by a two person block, but Kei received it. Kageyama kicked the orange haired boy and insulted him, and when the next ball came over, Kageyama set it to the small wind spiker again, but this time, he made it past the blockers and scored a point. This move gave the team's morale a boost, and determined, they went on to win their game.
On the stands, the libero watched the match intently, noticing once again how Kageyama glanced at her before serving. Even though it was a nice serve, Aoba Johsai took that point. She laughed when Iwaizumi almost beheaded Kunimi with his serve, but his mistake was soon covered up. On the next play, the opponent closed in on Hinata and made him go for a straight. "Don't let it get to you!" Haneul yelled, receiving smiles from them.
On the next rally, Hinata manage to shut down Kindaichi and ha a cocky expression on his face. Now, Karasuno was leading by one point. Oikawa went up to serve again, and her eyes widened as he managed to serve somewhat more of a powerful spike. Even if it landed outwards, it was very intimidating.
"I can't... Someone's arms are gonna fly off..." Yachi commented, shaking in fear. "Honestly, I don't think I'd be able to get it either," Shimada added. "It was over here before we even knew he'd hit it!" Takinoue trembled. "I wanna try receiving that..." The quartet looked at her in shock as she rested her head on the handrail. "Thinking about it, you probably could..." Takinoue sweat dropped.
The team was now at set point with Oikawa's screw up, and once again Kageyama glanced at her before going to serve. His serve was received, and Iwaizumi made a point out of it. The opposing team decided to change players at this time, which seemed weird to Haneul. She had never seen him before, and Angelina definitely never mentioned him.
In this play, everything was going well, until Oikawa set to Kindaichi and the new player took the set from him. Haneul freaked out. He had literally shoved his team mate down just to get the set! "The heck was that?!" Haneul exclaimed, causing Yachi to jump a bit at her sudden movement. Takinoue and Shimada momentarily laughed at Haneul's small irritation (knowing full well it was the PCS). "It would've been fine if he got the point after shoving his team mate, but he got an out!" Saeko joined in the laughing as she saw how Haneul was just purely confused.
"We won the first set!" Yachi finally exclaimed with a smile. This caused Haneul to grin as well, and forget about what that player did. "You guys are doing great!" Haneul exclaimed as the group switched sides. Now that the team was facing her in the court, it was a little more noticeable how the servers glanced at her before serving. Asahi had just served, and had done the glance before getting an out.
Meanwhile, Oikawa as well got an out with his serve, with her boyfriend coming up with a net serve. She watched as the player from earlier sprinted parallel to the net and made an insane cut shot. Iwaizumi went to serve again, and got a point with the same player. The match went on with Oikawa setting for the new blond player, changing their playing rhythm. Haneul could barely read their plays anymore as Oikawa set for Kindaichi instead of the blond.
"This is a Seijo I'm not familiar with," Haneul commented as their team got a point with a three person block. She laughed as the blond flunked his next cut shot, gaining their team another point. The same player went out to serve, and it was quite dynamic, but it went out either way. "That #16 can score a lot, but makes just as many mistakes," Shimada commented, and Haneul said he was like a double edged sword.
She cheered as Nishinoya received Oikawa's serve, but once Oikawa set to the same guy again, it started to get annoying. The match went on with Hinata getting to serve, and he did the same glance thing as the others. His back attack was shut down by Seijo almost immedietly, and she saw how Sugawara was called to the bench. "They're not gonna switch out Kageyama," Haneul smiled, looking intently as Takinoue explained their most probable strategy.
When Oikawa served again, he managed to land the most insane serve anyone has ever seen before. On his next serve, it touched the net, so Tanaka was able to get it and turned it into a point for them too.
Sugawara was switched with Kei, and was up to serve. He glanced at Haneul before serving as well, and served straight at #16. There was a break in the game, with them gaining a point. Sugawara targeted the blond again, and Kageyama landed a point. Their momentum was cut off by a time out called by Seijo, and Haneul saw Keishin call for her.
Kiyoko scared them, since she had come up from the stairs behind them. "Hanuel-chan, Ukai-san asked for you to manage the bench now, if you're up to it." The brunette nodded and grabbed her notebook from her bag, hurrying down the stairs before the break was over. "Y-yes?" She panted, setting the notebook on the bench. "Lucky! It's our lucky charm!" Tanaka exclaimed, followed by Nishinoya, "Yohoo!"
The people up in the stands were starting to whisper about their manager change, but Haneul didn't have time to be filled in on everything, for the referee blew to whistle to get started. She took her seat aside Keishin and Takeda, and watched the game intently.
Kei and Sugawara were changed after the lest rally, and Haneul cheered both of them on. Haneul tried to ignore the glances she got from the servers, but it was a little bit uncomfortable. After a little while, she noticed the opposing team, mainly Oikawa, was forcing #16 to do most of their attacks.
They managed to get to the 20 point mark, and so Haneul called a time out, with Takeda's permission. After the small break, they resumed the next rally, and tried to get up with them. The blond player landed a hard serve, and Takeda called another time out. She assumed it was to try and cut off their momentum.
Something was bothering Haneul after the time out, and she looked to the side to see Tadashi staring at her intently. She suppressed a laugh and tugged on Keishin's sleeve. "I know, I know. Let him wait a bit," he smiled, causing Haneul to slightly chuckle.
This match surely was keeping everyone on edge.
Ayy, I'm not dead!! Happy late Thanksgiving and probably early Christmas!! University finals are next week so I'll be cramming all until then, so I don't think I'll update for the next week or so. Or maybe I will because procrastinating is a dangerous sport I'm addicted to. Who knows?
Also trying to keep up with the new episodes is killing me.
Oh and, incase you asked, yeah I do indeed write the chapters while watching the episodes :))
n e ways bYEE
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