#22: The Queen of The Crows
// The words in italic are words in Korean. //
Our female protagonist stood at the bench once the game started. She breathed in. Seeing the blond on the other team made her think of the flashback she had, creating a feeling of uneasiness inside her. Tadashi knew what was up, and said, "Hey, try to just look at our team, or at Tsukishima. If you think you can't take it, I'm here for you, okay?" Haneul smiled at the freckled pinch server and nodded. "Thanks, Tadashi-kun."
She turned just in time to see the blond boy yeet the ball all the way across the court, getting a point for his team. Haneul started to analyze the opposing team, which didn't fit any sort of pattern, slowly pushing away her personal feelings. She smiled when Hinata, Tanaka and Nishinoya showed off their athleticism and unpredictableness, getting a point, and making her smile. "Nice receive, captain!" She exclaimed, just as the newt rally started. Then, Hinata and Kageyama did their quick attack. Continuing to watch, she found herself looking directly at Kei. He looked at her from time to time, as it helped him keep focus on the game, and it made Haneul forget about everything else.
She figured that the other players were climbing around a little, and they clowned around a lot. Tadashi and Sugawara chuckled as they watched Haneul's thinking face, finding it cute. Kageyama then went to block a ball, and Haneul immediately winced as she saw it: he had blocked with his face. She went over to him when the time out was called, and took him to get checked out on Keishin's orders. "Can you give me more paper?" Kageyama asked as they stepped into the hall. Haneul chuckled and gave him more, taking him to the infirmary.
"Does it hurt?" The nurse asked, and Kageyama side glanced at Haneul, who gave him an honest stare. "A bit," he confessed, and the lady quickly examined him. She made him lay down until the bleeding stopped, and Haneul kept him company. "You're playing really well, Tobio-kun. I guess you just got excited," Haneul chuckled, and he sheepishly smiled back. "Yeah... Got lost in the moment a bit..." Once outside, Haneul told Yachi he was okay, and they ran back to the court.
They both went to the bench, where Haneul told Kageyama what to be weary of, and what she had noticed. Soon, they were at match point thanks to Kazuhito and Sugawara. When Johzenji flunked their synchronized attack, Karasuno took the first set. She went with Kiyoko and gave them their water bottles and towels. "Guys, you've got this! You can do it!" Everyone smiled at the little libero as she walked into the court with Hinata and Kageyama. This caused the other team to look at each other with shrugs.
The set then started, and Haneul made a perfect first receive. Continuing to play, Haneul gave Kageyama a look, bopping her head towards the blockers in the opposing team. Sugawara noticed, and said, "Woah, Ha-chan is planning something with Kageyama." The others looked intently at them, with Haneul receiving a ball and sending it straight to Kageyama, who went to set, but changed it to a dump. The senior setter cheered loudly, along with the others. "Woah, all she did was nod and Kageyama understood," Tadashi said in awe.
As the game rolled along, the point gap became more prominent between the teams. With Haneul's motions and observations, they managed to continue attacking, until the opposing team called a time out. She had gotten lost in the game now, and had forgotten about the blond and what happened last month. When the break was done, it seamed Johzenji was doing better. Even so, with Kei's blocks, Tanaka's saves and the quick duo's attacks, they were still no match for their team, and soon made it to match point. Due to an out caused by Johzenji, they won the match.
Asahi picked up Haneul and put her on his shoulders as everyone cheered and exited the court to let the other team inside. The giant wing spiker let her get down afterwards, and saw as Aone from Date Tech approached them. He looked at Hinata and said, "I'm going to stop you tomorrow." "And I'm going to get through!" Hinata yelled, making the white haired boy nod with a grin. He then turned to Haneul and gave her a small brown bag. "From mom," he said, then walked away. "Thank you, Aone-senpai!"
She spent the next ten minutes trying to explain to the others how she knew Aone and how they had become friends. Kei never said anything, but inside, he indeed was a bit jealous. Haneul had began to be a little more extroverted, which was a good thing, but Kei liked her introverted and clingy side, thinking it was cute.
"Congratulations on completing your first day!" Takeda said once everyone was seated inside the gym. "Unlike our other opponents, Wakutani South has third years left on the team, just like us. They are a well-rounded team, who's defense and tenacity are close to Nekoma's. Don't lose your temper just because you can't get your attack in. Especially the hyperactive ones and simpletons." Keishin said that last bit while looking at Hinata, Kageyama, Tanaka and Nishinoya. "It'll be fine. We'll follow up on them," Daichi said, followed by Haneul, "Yeah, we pick up after each other." This caused the quartet to smile and get motivated. "Alright. We're gonna make it through tomorrow, too!"
The next day, they were back at the gymnasium, going on to play Wakunan. "What's the matter, Ukai-kun?" Takeda asked, seeing the coach all stiff. "We're going all out, sensei. It might just be my gut feeling, but this Wakunan team may be hard for our team to handle." Takeda looked from his boys over to the other team, wondering what he meant.
The team looked to the stands as Saeko yelled Tanaka's name. "I came to cheer you on!" she yelled, causing the shaved headed boy to blush. They all smiled, seeing Yachi there as well with Shimada. Haneul happily went to line up with the team, and soon the game began.
On the side lines, the brunette was observing how the opposing team played. They used a lot of combinations, but that didn't seem to be their forte. "Shouyo! Get it together!" Haneul yelled, while giving her giant boyfriend a little comfort. "Asahi! Nice Kill!" she smiled, giving him a thumbs up. Soon enough, they had a two point lead over them.
However, even if they got the point from the rally, there was a big collision.
Haneul rushed over to the court with the first aid kit before the referee could even blow the whistle. "What happened?" Saeko asked, and Shimada responded, "Daichi collided with Tanaka. I-I think he passed out!" The three of them looked intently at the court, watching as Haneul called his name. "Daichi! Daichi, wake up!" after a little, he slowly got up, and Keishin and Takeda rushed to where he was. "Where did you get hit?" asked Keishin, with him replying that his face hurt. "Senpai, where are you right now?" Haneul asked, and Daichi correctly responded. "Who are we playing right now?" "W-Wakunan. I'm fine!"
Takeda then said, "But it appears that you hit your head, so please go to the infirmary." Daichi pouted and gave a sad face, but Takeda continued, "Go have them confirm that you really are okay. That's the quickest way for you to return to the match." "Right." Haneul then helped the captain get up, and saw that he was bleeding from his mouth. "You're bleeding," she said, and he opened up his mouth, only for it to bleed more. Haneul rapidly held a napkin to his mouth worriedly. "Did you cut your lip?" Keishin asked, but his question was answered when he spat out a tooth onto the napkin.
Haneul helped wipe away his blood, and Kiyoko gave him a cold towel for the pain. Tanaka was going to apologize to him, but Daichi said it was his fault. Haneul offered to take him to the infirmary, as well as Kiyoko, but Keishin told them not to. "We need Haneul for moral support, and Kiyoko needs to manage the bench. I'll take him." The coach then briefly spoke to Takeda, and left with the captain.
Ennoshita was switched in for Daichi, like most everyone expected. Haneul saw he was nervous, but she didn't blame him. She herself was worried for him and the team, specifically Tanaka, who was the one that bumped into Daichi. A sigh of relief escaped her lips as Asahi told Tanaka they were all glad he wasn't hurt too. Before the rally started, Takeda switched in Haneul formally, making Saeko curious. "Oh? It isn't the second set yet," she commented, and Shimada smiled. "From what I've heard from Yamaguchi, Kazama-chan gives them a sense of security when they're playing. That's definitely what they need now that Daichi's out of the game."
The rally then started with a serve from Ennoshita, but it ended up as a point for the other team. They took the next point too, and Haneul said to Ennoshita, "I'll guard a little wider." "Thanks, Ha-chan!" Saeko thought Haneul looked scary while she played, remembering the sweet and shy little girl that came over to help the second years study not so long ago.
"Bring it!" Ennoshita exclaimed, and Haneul smiled, bracing her position in the court. He received the ball and sent it straight to Kageyama, who set it to Asahi, spiking and getting a point. "Chikara-senpai! Great job getting it up!" Haneul praised, making him blush. "R-right!" Asahi later served, gaining a point, but in the second one, it was received and used as a feint, but Haneul couldn't get to it in time. Even so, they were still 3 points in the lead, making it 23-20.
When Kei was up to serve, Tadashi was switched in. Before serving, Tadashi looked at Haneul and she smiled at him. His serve managed to get through, but in the second one, he gave up on a jump serve. Ennoshita connected the ball, and it counted as a point. They won the set and switched sides, but when Haneul saw a pissed off Keishin heading directly towards, Tadashi, she and Ennoshita got in between them. "He knows! He knows..." "I think he knows more than anyone else," the sub-captain added.
Wakunan won the second set, which meant that they had to switch sides again. "Yuu-senpai, do you want to switch in?" Haneul asked, taking a sip from her bottle. "Huh? Are you tired, Ha-chan?" The brunette shook her head, and the older male grinned, "Then you keep playing. You're doing great!" He ruffled her hair and walked over to Asahi. Kei walked over to her and gave her a towel. "You're doing great, Kei-kun!" She beamed, making him blush. They walked together to the prep meeting, and the game soon started.
Haneul did her best in receiving, not impressed when Hinata went after a ball way too far away and managed to set a point. "I'm sorry! That toss was low!" Haneul said to Asahi, but he said it was fine. She hadn't had a lot of time to analyze the other team's moves and playing style, so she was having a hard time coming up with a plan, that is, until Ennoshita spoke up. "When their #1 goes for a wipe, I'll pick up the ball. Tanaka and Asahi are way better at receiving powerful hits than I am. If you two defend the straight sides, I'll go deep in the middle and pick up any balls that go over there."
"Ossu! Let's give it a shot!" Haneul smiled, and they begun the rally. Ennoshita managed to pick up the ball and send it flying towards Haneul, who connected it to Hinata, but set it as a rebound. Tanaka managed to set the point, and the ginger received praise from both him and Haneul. "Nice receive, Chikara-senpai," the brunette said, and he blushed, thanking her.
They managed to catch up soon, and the plays were even for a while, until their 18 point mark, where they called a time out. After it, they made their plays carefully, making it first to set point. "Ssibal!" Haneul yelled as the opposing team aimed for a spot she didn't cover, and it made Kei hold back a chuckle. However, Haneul managed to save a net ball, which was used for their last point.
In excitement, Haneul jumped at Kei, whom picked her up with no trouble. "We won! Omo, we won!" She cheered, and Kei set her down, kissing her cheek. They took their stuff and went off the court, seeing Daichi standing at the entrance. "Daichi-senpai!" The smallest libero beamed, checking to see how he was. After explaining he was fine, the captain proceeded to tell the line up members to go rest, since they played full sets.
The brunette manager went with Yachi to give them their snacks and to put back the first aid kit inside the bag. They went up to the stands to watch the game that would decide who their next opponent was: Aoba Johsai vs. Date Tech. She sat aside Kei and Tadashi, finding it hard to not choose sides. Seeing her friend Angelica on the technical bench, writing intently on her notebook made a smile grow in her face, as well as seeing how hard Aone, who was now the team captain, work so hard.
Haneul wanted to watch the whole match, since it was going to be completely interesting, but she was tired. For the first time, she played three consecutive sets, and her energy was almost completely depleted. She let her head fall on Kei's shoulder and closed her eyes. She was able to hear a nearby conversation as she tried to rest.
"Hey, isn't that number 13? The Queen of The Court?"
"Queen of The Court? I haven't heard about that nickname. They've been calling her the Queen of the Crows. Didn't you see her last two plays?"
"Huh? No, I didn't..."
"She completely took control! It was so minimal, but everyone seemed to be on her beck and call. She gave this look to the setter and he understood her, and made a plan in a second!"
"W-woah! Queen of The Crows, huh? Let's see how well she does against Aoba Johsai."
Aoba Johsai? Haneul opened her eyes to see the match before her had just ended, and seeing the scoreboard, her eyes widened. Aoba Johsai had indeed won against Date Tech, 22-25. The brunette applauded at Date Tech, and went to stand aside their first years. "What do you mean 'Geh'?!" the blonde senior asked, annoyed. "You did a good job," Haneul mentioned, slightly half asleep. This amazed the players, but Aone just bowed at her.
Haneul told her team she wouldn't take long, and went with the third years to see the team. "You still suck, Kogane!" "I'm sorry!" The giant setter apologized. "You guys will form the ultimate iron wall yet," their ex captain said. The current captain then told them to go practice with them, and one of them said, "I guess we don't have a choice!" and proceeded to remove his uniform's tie, when the other senior said, "Kamasaki-san, please don't strip in front of a girl."
The brunette laughed, and looked at the team. "You boys did great. I know it isn't much, coming from a rival team, but you guys surely are amazing. Koganegawa-san," she looked at him with her bright green orbs and smiled, "You'll do great things. I can't wait to play a match against you boys soon!" Aona smirked at her enthusiasm, and left with the Karasuno first years, whom were waiting for her nearby.
Inside the practice court, Haneul was standing next to Yachi and Kiyoko, when the blonde asked, "I-Is everyone on edge for some reason?" "Last time, they gave their all against Aoba Johsai, and still lost." Yachi immediately regretted asking, seeing Haneul's face, but she was thinking about something else. "Y-Yachi-san, H-Ha-chan..." Tadashi called, gaining their attention, "Yes?" "Do you have any stomach medicine?" The girls looked at Tadashi, who was looking utterly anxious. Yachi went to look for the medicine, while Kiyoko was called by Daichi, and Haneul went to speak with Keishin.
"E-etto, Keishin," the brunette tapped his shoulder and the coach turned around. "What's up, kiddo?" "Um, I know it's not the perfect timing, it never really is, but... I have a migraine... And my ears are ringing." The male held her by the shoulders and felt her temperature, "Do you feel dizzy? Or fatigued?" "I don't think so," the green eyed girl responded. Keishin walked with her over to the first aid kit Yachi had, just as Tadashi was yelling, along with Asahi and Tanaka, causing Haneul to flinch.
The coach gave her some pain killers, and told her to sit out the game. Haneul wasn't going to fight him on this. She played three consecutive sets, and was tired, plus the PCS was kicking in and she felt terrible. He told Nishinoya about it and he nodded, reassuring her that he had it covered. She then went to get changed out of her uniform, and walked up to the stands with Shimada, Yachi and Saeko, ready to cheer them on.
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