#21: Still Growing
// Korean words and phrases are in italic. Thank you for reading! //
"You felt like you re-lived that experience?" Keishin asked. Haneul had sat him down when they got home to explain what had gotten down in the hallway at the Sendai City Gym. She couldn't seem to get the feelings out of her head. "Yes, b-but it only lasted a few seconds. It's very weird, but I-I also, kind of, felt the pain. . ." Keishin nodded, but Haneul thought she was crazy. "I-I'm sorry, I sound crazy." "No, not at all. Don't say that, Hannie," the coach enveloped her in a warm hug, and they stayed like that for a while. At one point, the young girl started crying, so he laid down with her, still enveloping her in his arms, whispering words of reassurance until she fell asleep.
The next morning, Keishin called her appointed psychiatrist and told Haneul to speak with him on the phone, and the doctor explained through the call how these were symptoms of PTSD, which was what he and her primary doctor had suspected would happen after living that time with an abusive relative. He gave her some coping mechanisms to deal with the 'flashbacks', or so they were called, and told her to try her best and not to push herself too hard. At the school, Haneul took a moment to tell Kei what was going on, and he responded by hugging her, and telling her he'd be with her all the way, no matter what.
After class, Haneul was helping Yachi take the number vests to the school's washing machine to clean them, when the duo was startled by Kageyama. "Kageyama?! What are you doing?" "Dammit! How did you know it was me?!" "Ah, so you're trying to disguise yourself?" Haneul asked, with him replying, "Out of all the possible opponents we might end up facing, there's only one I need to see play." "I get it! So you want to go film a video!" Yachi said, but Kageyama shook his head. "No, I just wanna go and watch for a little bit... There's not a lot of time, we only have two months until we start playing again, but I need to see them. I need to study their game."
Yachi scratched her cheek with her finger, saying, "You know, if you want to blend in when you're going to a school after classes, don't you think it's better if you dress like you're at a sports team there...?" Haneul nodded and took out her phone, "If it's Aoba Johsai you're gonna go see, I can ask Angelina to leave a window open for you." Kageyama looked at her with stars in his eyes. "Can you?!" "Yeah! She owes me a favor anyways," Haneul smiled, chuckling as Kageyama yelled a "Thanks!" and ran off to change into sports clothes.
A little while later, Haneul came back to see Kiyoko and Yachi helping the boys practice, and Kei was talking to Hinata in a corner, so she wondered what type of training she should do. She approached the middle blocker duo, hearing Kei say, "Specifically if it's you. You haven't apologized to Haneul for hitting her by accident either." 'He's still hung on that?' Haneul smiled, and was going to ask them to help her practice, when Kei turned around and saw her. "Haneul, I'm going to practice with Akiteru's team. Are you gonna come with me?" "W-well, could I practice too? I don't want to fall behind..." The blond boy patted her head and smiled, "Yeah, of course." And so, the duo left the school.
"Kei! You brought your girlfriend, too!" Akiteru waved from inside the court, going up to them. He ruffled Haneul's hair as she smiled, "Hi, Akiteru-nii." The older boy presented them to his team mates, whom most thought having Haneul there was a bit odd. The duo then went to change into their sports clothes, leaving Akiteru with his team momentarily. "Hey, Akiteru, can the girl even play? Is she good?" One of his team members asked, but he just shrugged with a smile. "Dunno. I haven't been to their games, but from what I've heard, she's really talented."
Kei came out wearing his navy blue shirt with black shorts, while Haneul had an orange cropped sweatshirt with black shorts, her knee pads and an elbow pad on her left arm. They then started to play.
"You're such a twig! You eating properly?" Akaizawa taunted after spiking a ball Kei wasn't able to block. "Like I'd loose to this puny little high schooler." Haneul silently chuckled from the back of the court, then said, "Shake it off! Get 'em the next one!" This gained the attention of the players, and they started to get in synch. They then started up again.
Kei served, and the ball went straight over. The other team passed the ball as a chance ball by accident, and the setter ended up receiving it, so Haneul did as Nishinoya taught her, jumping from the back line and setting to Kei, gaining a point. At this, her team looked astounded, while the others were impressed as well. "Told you she's talented," Akiteru smiled.
A few days later, they found themselves standing in front of Nekoma Metropolitan High School. "So, with the qualifier in October, we'll only be able to go to Kanto two more times, including this trip. Let's make the best of this chance." "Yes, sir!" And so, they all walked inside the gym. Haneul laughed as Bokuto grew surprised at Kei's answer to him blocking for him, and waved at Akashi before running off with the others.
Haneul was off to the bench side as Nishinoya was up playing, and gave a thumbs up to Hinata and Kageyama as they failed their new quick attack. "It appears that the quick's success rate has gone up about 70%," Haneul smiled. "Nothing's gonna fix that except more practice," Keishin said, looking at the boys. Haneul smiled, looking at the boys play, reminded herself of how much they had grown.
At the end of the day, Haneul happily got out of the shower and rushed to the room she was staying at with the other female managers, taking out something from her bag. The brunette then skipped down the hallway, and led himself into one of the rooms. "Kenma-kun~!" she chimed, catching the attention of not only the setter, but also of Lev, Hinata, Kuro, Kei and Bokuto. "I brought it this time!" she beamed, plopping down aside him. He looked at her with gleaming eyes as she held up a videogame card up at him. Last camp, they had spoken about video games and things, finding out that they shared a mutual love for video games and visual novels, so Haneul promised to bring her Switch to play with him.
"Hey, hey, hey! What are you guys playing?" Bokuto asked as he and Kuro walked closer. "Smash Bros..." Kenma said, logging into his game. "Can we hook it up to the t.v. and play Mario Kart later?!" Lev asked, making Hinata glow his eyes. "Maybe later," Haneul said, choosing to play as Sheik, while Kenma chose Marth. Kei laid down aside her, since she was on his futon anyways, and peeked from over her shoulder. "Let's see! Kenma is amazing at playing Smash, so I doubt the little unlucky 13 could beat him," Kuro said, sitting near the setter. "Woah! You guys are so cool!" Hinata said, sitting in between the two.
The match then started, and the two began to fight each other. Haneul bit her tongue as she played and tried to beat Kenma out of the Animal Crossing themed arena, furrowing her brow. The first time, Kenma managed to send her flying out of the arena, but before the time ran out, she kicked him out twice. "Ha-Ha! Heol! I beat you!" Haneul exclaimed with a smile, and the others laughed at Kenma, mainly Kuro and Bokuto. Kenma frowned, "Best two out of three?" "Yeah!" Their enthusiasm was cut short by Kiyoko walking in. "Lights out! It's curfew now. You all better get sleep." Haneul and Kenma pouted, turning off their consoles simultaneously. Kei hugged her before she walked out to the hall, since the rooms were small so she had to sleep with the other girls this time.
The next night was a complete random scenario no one had ever suspected to happen. After practice, Kenma and Haneul decided to play the next matches, but due to him losing ever so often to her, Kenma took her game and ran. He ran as fast as he could out the door. "KENMA! GIVE ME MY GAME BACK!" Haneul exclaimed as she ran behind him in the halls. "Nope! You keep winning so I'll take this round!" He said as he put the game under his arm and ran while playing his own game, winning the round. "Yah!! Dollyeo jwo!" The setter kept quiet at that remark, not knowing what she said. He rapidly ran down the stairs, tailed by the angry libero, and raced to the area where most people were; the cafeteria.
"It's not funny anymore!" Haneul panted as he sprinted past the hungry players who had just come in for practice, making them stop and stare. "Kenma Kozume!! Give me my game back!" "No!" They ran around the cafeteria a bit more, until the setter started to get tired. At the distance, Daichi, Sugawara, Ennoshita, Nishinoya and Tadashi were laughing. "They look like siblings," Sugawara chuckled. Haneul followed Kenma out the cafeteria and back kn the hallway, where she was able to get close enough and tackled him to the ground. Bokuto, who was in the hall, started to laugh along with Lev. Some other very concerned people gathered around to see what they were doing, and it was hilarious.
Kenma, being the taller one, stretched his arm as far as he could, holding both of the consoles in his hand, while he pushed Haneul's face away with the other hand. In return, the brunette was trying to reach for the consoles, using her feet to try and pull Kenma down. It all ended when coach Nekomata and Keishin took the consoles from Kenma. One look at Keishin's face and you could tell he wasn't all that pleased. Haneul immediately sat up and looked down, a change in character Kenma hadn't seen ever. They both then got up. "I-I'm sorry for causing a-a ruckus," Haneul bowed and apologized, surprising Keishin. She took another peek at his face, seemingly harder than earlier.
"No, you're fine," Keishin said to her, and Haneul straightened up, and he noticed she averted her eyes from him. "It was my fault. I took her game," Kenma said, and coach Nekomata hit him in the head with the game. "Don't take other's things without asking." Keishin looked back from Kenma to Haneul, seeing her all shaky and fidgeting with her fingers. "Haneul, can you follow me into the staff room?" Keishin asked, lowering his tone and uncrossing his arms. "Y-yes, sir." The nearby players watched as the small brunette followed the tall coach down the hall.
Once inside the office, Keishin turned around and hugged the small brunette. "I didn't mean to be harsh on you, kiddo." Haneul hugged him back and muffled onto his shirt, "I know, but you're scary when you're mad." When they parted their hug, Haneul had cried a little, saying she got scared by him with a chuckle. He let her have her game back, so she headed back up stairs. When she got to the room, Bokuto, Lev, Kei and Kenma asked if she had gotten in trouble, to which she replied that she hadn't. They then hooked up Kenma's Switch onto the t.v. and took turns playing Mario Kart.
The next few days passed by as fast as ever. Nishinoya had Haneul doing some drills in the morning, which helped with her stamina and overall resistance, and in the afternoons, she'd go with Kei to practice with Akiteru's team. Before they knew it, it was the last day of the last training camp they'd attend before the qualifiers.
They were all in the cafeteria together, when coach Nekomata called everyone to listen. He gave his usual end-of-training speech, but it had an end twist. "Now, please listen to Kazama-san, since she has something important to ask of all of you." Haneul stood shyly, and began with a blush, "U-um, as some of you may know, the National Volleyball Youth Association's organization committee yearly holds a nation wide competition to find the opening acts for the Spring National Championships. The top three chosen acts are the ones set to represent their Prefecture and school. W-well, I decided to enter for the Miyagi Prefecture, and being the only viable option, passed to the actual competition," she was cut off by her team clapping and some others cheering along with them.
"So, uh, where I was going with this, is that the competition will be held in Tokyo right after the qualifiers are over. S-so I wondered if, um, you all would be interested in, maybe, going...?" Haneul shyly lowered her head, but tried to suppress through when Lev yelled, "Hell yeah!" And got hit by Yaku. "Hey, hey hey!" Bokuto rose from his seat, accidentally hitting one of the team members, "Of course! Unlucky 13 needs all the support she can get!" This caused a little riot, but it all made Haneul grow warm inside as everyone cheered and agreed.
Finally, it was time. Thursday, October 25th, rolled by quickly. Haneul was completely prepared and focused, not to mention she walked to the gym holding Kei's hand, which added a spoonful of reassurance to her. However, this was all knocked out of her when she saw the boy with blond hair from last time. Hinata had bumped into him, and was now waving at Kiyoko. "Hi, cutie pie~! You forgot to give me your number the other day~! Oh, I love it when you blush!" This caused Tanaka and Nishimoya to be set ablaze, but it wasn't over. Haneul tried to hide behind her giant need boyfriend, but he saw her. "Yo, hi there, green eyed beauty! I send way better texts than your boyfriend, but you'd know that if you had my number!"
Kei squished Haneul's hand a little tighter, reassuring her everything was okay, while Tanaka and Nishinoya froze mid air at the sight if the opposing team's manager. After a while, they went inside, and Kei let go of Haneul's hand. "He won't do anything to you, okay, Jagiya?" Haneul blushed at the nickname, wondering how he even knew what it meant, but nodded. She walked over to the bathroom to change into her uniform, since all the boys could just take off their shirts in public and when she came out, she found Hinata speaking with Oikawa and Iwaizumi.
"Let's just take care of him right here," Oikawa said, which was obviously a joke, but Hinata fled the other way. "Hello, Oikawa-kun, Iwaizumi-senpai," she smiled, and they smiled back. Oikawa was going to say something, but he and his childhood friend started to glare at something. She turned to see Hinata had bumped into another player. She found him quite familiar somehow, and that's when they all started talking.
"Hello, Shouyo Hinata. Ah, and Oikawa, and Iwaizumi." Haneul felt a little sad he didn't even ask her name, but kept attention to the conversation. "Well look who we have here..." Oikawa glared. "Ushiwaka," Iwaizumi finished. "For you two it's the last tournament of your high school career. I wish you the best of luck." Haneul found that kinda harsh coming from him, but guessing by the brunett captain's comments, he was that kind of honest person. "We're going to Nationals, so this won't be the last time," Iwaizumi glared.
"Yeah, well, only one team can go to Nationals," the purple jacketed player said. The people around them were gossiping about them, and Hinata mentioned that Karasuno will be the one winning, causing everyone to glare at him. Competitive, are we? The ginger haired boy backed away, bumping into someone Haneul did in fact know. "Whoever we play, I won't loose," Ushiwaka said before walking away. Hinata bowed to Aone, meanwhile Haneul said, "Aone-kun!" And hugged the big giant, making Hinata, Oikawa and Iwaizumi completely confused. "Hello, Haneul-chan." He said, patting her head.
So it turned out that Aone's mom is a hair dresser, and has her own studio. She happened to be Keishin's college friend, whom he took Haneul to for her drastic hair cut change. Aone was there in the store, helping his mother out, since she also sold cosmetics and other hair products. They talked for a while and really bonded, and even exchanged phone numbers. After the exchange, Hinata and Haneul said their goodbyes and good lucks to the players, then went on their way back to their team.
"The first match is Seijou in court B, and Shiratorizawa in court A," Daichi exclaimed as the matches ended, "We're up next! Get ready!" "Yeah!" Everyone was pumped up, and the crowd had the same reaction as ever watching Haneul enter the court.
"Woah, who's that?"
"A girl! Haven't you heard? She played with them against the two meter guy."
"Yeah, people are calling her the Queen of the Court. Reference to Kageyama Tobio, the King of the Court, who's also in their team."
"Man, that's crazy! But now they're practically in the big leagues. They're up against that super energetic team, Johzenji."
"Yeah, watch her cry later when they loose."
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