#17: Gears
"Awesome! Leaving in the middle of the night makes my heart race!" Hinata exclaimed as they all waited to get on the bus. "Oh right. You guys got there late last time," Tanaka remembered, crossing his arms. "It must be nice being a simpleton. You can fall asleep anywhere," Kei commented, causing the two to yell at him. "Please don't yell, it's early..." Haneul said, and they immediately shut up, glaring at Kei.
"Well, as you know, we're scheduled to arrive early in the morning again. Coach and I will be taking turns as the driver to cut the drive time." "Sorry if I fall asleep, guys," Keishin apologized before hand. "We're with you, sir!" Daichi exclaimed, causing the others to yell as well. "It's the middle of the night, so keep it down," Takeda said, and Daichi apologized.
Haneul, Kei and Tadashi sat together in the back of the bus, with Kei in the middle and Haneul on the window seat. After a few minutes, Kei asked if the KageHina duo had apologized to her, and she sleepily replied that Kageyama had, and that she helped him get to a conclusion. Kei was silently mad at Hinata, but didn't say anything so Haneul could fall asleep.
When they finally arrived in Saitama, Haneul got off with the rest in a sleepy state, until they got to the gym. Since they were going to constantly swap players for each set, for the first one against Fukurodani, Haneul stood aside Kiyoko and Yachi, managing the team and keeping track of everyone. Haneul happily took notes as Kageyama missed his sets, smiling.
"Asahi's so revved up he can't control his strength," Yachi chuckled, and Haneul nodded. "Take it easy, Asahi-senpai!" She exclaimed, gaining a nod from the giant boy. The match was over soon enough, and everyone went outside. Haneul was going to do the penalty along with everyone else.
"Apparently the penalty for this camp is something you only find at Shinzen. A refreshing uphill dash through the forest outside the school," Daichi informed, and then they all got running.
"We lost every match..." Haneul said, laying down on the grass aside Asahi, Daichi, Sugawara and Tanaka. "It does feel good to run, though," Daichi commented. "This is the first time I've had to run so much since the old coach Ukai was around," Tanaka grumbled. Haneul went inside to get her water bottle and go with Kei. "Hey Tsuki, I'm gonna go work on my serves if you wanna-" "I'm gonna take a bath and go straight to bed," Kei interrupted Tadashi.
Haneul watched the exchange in silence, as Yamaguchi continued, "But uh, don't take this the wrong way but, are you going to do anything to prepare at all?" "We practice way too much as it is. There's no use running ourselves into the ground." Kei motioned Haneul to go, and she smiled at him. Before leaving, she mouthed to Tadashi, "I'll talk to him."
The brunette followed her blond boyfriend outside, walking in silence. "Um, Kei?" He turned his head to look at her softly, but she was interrupted by someone else. "Hey, you, skinny! With the glasses! Ka-chan!" The duo turned to see Kuro standing at the second gym's door with Fukurodani's ace. "Could you maybe jump some blocks for us?" Kuro asked, grinning.
"Sorry, we're all done for today," Kei said matter-of-factly. "What? But there's no point in practicing our spiking if we don't have any blockers," the ace said, leaning on the gym's door. "Why does it have to be me? Why not any of your team mates?" Kei asked, getting annoyed. "Nah, Bokuto's the worst. His spiking practice goes on forever. It's like he never stops," said another guy, a setter, from Fukurodani. Seems like he was telling them not to do it and run.
"And I'm too busy training this bumbling idiot over here," Kuro said, pointing at a sweaty Lev who was on the floor. "I already told you! I'll jump all those blocks! I swear, okay?!" "Oh, be quiet! If you want to be part of Nekoma's regular line up, then you have to improve your recieving!" Kuro yelled, making the silver boy groan.
Haneul tugged at her boyfriend's sleeve, and said, "It wouldn't hurt to do it for a few minutes." Kei looked at her with an unamused face, then turned back to the guys when Kuro started talking again. "He may not look it, but this goofy guy is one of the best spikes in the nation. He'll be good practice for ya." Bokuto stood in pride, until the setter said, "I think he's still upset he isn't in the top three anymore."
"Anyways, skinny jeans, you ARE a middle blocker. Aren't you bought oughtta practice your blocking once in a while?" Kuro said with a smug face, causing Kei to get irritated and walk inside the gym. Haneul mouthed a "thank you" to Kuro, and gave Bokuto a thumbs up.
Kei couldn't block not even one of Bokuto's spikes. Haneul was sitting on the floor, watching their practice. Kuro soon joined in, and managed to shut down Bokuto's winning streak. Haneul laughed a little when Bokuto called Kei's block's weak. "You better stop dragging your feet there, skinny, or the carrot Tom's gonna take the glory for himself before much longer. He's a middle blocker too," Kuro said, and Haneul knew it was a bad idea.
She tried to get up on time, but Kei replied, "Um yeah, I don't think there's much I can do about that. I mean, let's be honest: there's a big difference in potential between Hinata and me." Then, a few others from Nekoma walked in the gym asking to practice too. Kei then walked out without a second thought, leaving Haneul behind as well. "I think you struck a nerve," said Akaashi to Kuro.
"You pissed him off! Come on, Kuro. I thought you had better people skills than that," Bokuto mocked. "Yeah well, I didn't think he'd be all like that." Haneul apologized for him. "Sorry, he has a sort of inferiority complex when it comes to Hinata. I'll go talk to him. Good practice, guys. See you, Lev!" "Bye," he muffled from his place on the floor. The trio saw the small brunette leave, trailing her boyfriend out. "I still can't believe she's dating him," Kuro said, gaining a look of surprise from Bokuto and Akaashi. "She is?! W H A T?!" "Yeah, it's too bad. She's super nice and super pretty," Lev commented, getting yelled at by Yaku to use that energy to practice his receives.
Outside, Haneul walked behind Kei silently, until he stopped walking. "Go on to the cafeteria without me. I forgot my knee pads at the gym. I'll catch up," he said, turning around. "O-okay..." the brunette looked at him as he slowly made his way to the third gym.
The next morning, Haneul sat eating breakfast with Kei, but Nishinoya startled her when he slammed his tray aside hers. "Tsukishima! Eat lots so it'll give you lots of energy!" He exclaimed. "Oh? You are such a fatass," he said, grinning, causing Nishinoya to yell at him. "Sit down, it's too early," Haneul said, and Nishinoya grumpily sat down and started eating.
During the matches, again, they lost most of them during the morning. Hanejl dumped some cold water on Kei, since he got fatigued during the last run. "Better?" Haneul asked as the blond straightened up. "Yeah, thanks," he said, patting her head. The other managers then came inside, telling everyone that the Shinzen parents brought them watermelons to eat, so Haneul went to help to give them around to the Nekoma team, since they didn't have a manager.
"Tsukishima, are you sure you only wanted one piece?" Yachi asked, loud enough for Haneul to hear. "Yeah. It was delicious," Kei said, walking off to sit somewhere. Haneul knew it. He lost his appetite because of the frustration. Haneul went around giving the others watermelon pieces, then offered the tall blond another one. "I already ate one, Haneul, but thanks," he said giving her a small smile. "Kei, you hardly ate breakfast this morning. If you pass out or something during the games, I'm gonna be really mad at you," Haneul pouted.
Kei laughed, taking a watermelon, "As if you could stay mad at me for long. But fine." When he started eating it, Haneul went to give melons to the coaches and referees. "Thanks, Haneul," Keishin said, patting her head. "Oh right, she's living with you now, right? How was the move?" Coach Nekomata asked, and Keishin instantly wiped out his phone. "I got it on video." They all huddle around, watching the embarrassing video of her running around the house. Haneul left with a blush, tired of him showing that video. It was a miracle he hadn't shown it to the boys yet.
By the end of the day, they managed to win one match against Ubugawa. Haneul went inside the gym to get her things, when she and Kei were approached by Bokuto. "Hey skinny, you wanna help us out with our spikes again today?" "Sorry, but I'll pass." "What about you, short stuff?" He turned to Haneul who apologized, "Sorry, but I'm a libero. I can't block very well." She then left with Kei. As much as she wanted, she couldn't really obligate him to do something he didn't want, so what Haneul wanted to do was to get his attitude up.
After eating and showering, Haneul went into the room she was staying in with Kei and some others. Since the rest were either in the cafeteria or doing extra practice, there was no one in the room except them. Kei laid down in his futon, reading a manga he brought, while Haneul was aside him, with her head on his arm. She fell asleep on him like that, and Kei was too lazy to get up and move her to another futon, so he went to sleep with her. The others were surprised to find the duo like that, and Daichi had a hard time telling the others not to take pictures.
The next day after practice, Haneul headed out first, since she promised Akaashi to give him some pointers in recieving, and he'd give her some in setting for the jump set Nishinoya had been pushing her to learn. She went to the second gym, finding Kuro and Bokuto arguing in a corner. "Ignore them. They always argue like that," Akaashi said, urging her to his side of the court. After a while of practicing, they took a break.
"Oya?" "Oya Oya?" "Oya Oya Oya?" Haneul turned to see who Bokuto, Akaashi and Kuro were saying that to, only to find Kei at the entrance of the gym. "There's something I'd like to ask you. Do you mind?" Kei asked, gaining the go ahead from the trio. "Okay then. So uh, you're on a team that's known to be pretty good, right? Even if you could get to Nationals, it'd be difficult for you to win." "It's not impossible!" "Hear him first, Bokuto-senpai," Haneul said.
"I'm asking a sincere question here. What drives you guys to work so hard? Volleyball is just an extracurricular activity. Is there another benefit than being able to put it in your college application or something like that?" Bokuto glared at him, "Just an extracurricular? I have a mind to punch you in the face." "Dude, maybe he's just more interested in his grades?" Kuro joined.
The duo then started to argue. "This'll take a minute," Akaashi said, and then Bokuto turned back to Kei. "Hey, tall dude with the glasses!" "It's Tsulishima." "Fine, Tsuki-whatevee, is this game fun to you?" Kei denied the thing to Bokuto, whom said, "Do you think maybe it's 'cause you suck at it?" This shocked Kei, and Haneul muffled her laughter.
"I'm a third year, and I've gone to Nationals," Bokuto said, putting his hands on his hips and taking a step forward, "But it wasn't until recently that I thought of volleyball as fun." Bokuto explained that he got ticked at blockers, and trained to go pass them. "It's all about having a personal badass moment like that. Who cares about the future? As long as you have a chance at winning the next game, nothing else really matters, does it? Get hooked on the rush of beating the guy that's infront of you, and playing with 120% of your skill. There's nothing better."
After that, Bokuto and Kuro pushed him to block for them. While they did, Haneul thought about what Bokuto said. She's never had a moment like that before. Maybe someday she'll get it.
The next day, Keishin made Haneul play a bunch, claiming that she needed to be at par with Nishinoya. This caused her to get fatigued faster during the games. After a penalty lap, Haneul knew that she was getting really tired, and was having trouble breathing. Keishin switched her with Nishinoya for the next set, but was set for the last match against Fukurodani.
"Last set! Let's go!" Daichi exclaimed as Haneul entered the court, along with Kageyama as setter. Everything was going well, but since this was Fukurodani, Haneul had to move more and faster than with the other teams. She could feel herself getting tired, but wanted to keep pushing. She had to maximize her limit. Get over it. Improve. Everyone else was doing it, and she was just getting left behind. Heck, even Kei had improved.
Everything slowly came down as Haneul recieved a spike from Bokuto, and that's when she knew she'd reached her limit. Kageyama managed to set the sloppy recieve for Tanaka to hit, only to get blocked. The setter turned to scold her on that recieve, only to rush towards her as her eyes bent backwards and her body went numb.
Kageyama managed to catch her with his body, letting her lean on him. No one hardly noticed, since they had a time out and had gone to get their drinks and towels. "Hey! A little help!" He exclaimed. When everyone looked, they got alarmed when Haneul was unresponsive to Kageyama's voice as he set her down on the floor. Keishin ran towards him, sliding on the floor aside Kageyama.
He checked her vitals and breathing quickly, giving a sigh of relief when he concluded that she had fainted. He told Kei to elevate her legs about 12 inches from the floor, and told Kiyoko to bring the first aid kit. "What's going on?" Coach Naoi from Nekoma asked, kneeling aside Keishin. "She passed out. I think it was the heat," the blonde coach responded, cupping the girl's face. "Haneul, wake up. Can you hear me? Wake up." Her green eyes gently fluttered open after a few seconds, and tried to get up, but Keishin stopped her.
Kei lowered her legs gently, and knelt on her other side. Keishin opened a pack of alcohol disinfectant gauze and held it up to her nose for her to smell. "Do you know where you are? What team are you playing against?" Naoi asked her calmly, to not worry her. "S-saitama, Shinzen High... W-we're playing... Um, Fukurodani?" After she answered, Keishin let her sit up slowly, and she took a look around.
"What happened...?" She asked, rubbing her eyes. Kageyama handed her a water bottle, and she drank it as Keishin told her she was unconscious for three minutes. "It most likely was because of the heat. I suggest you sit out the personal practice and the rest of the set," Naoi said, smiling at her. Kei helped her up slowly, and Tadashi offered to take her inside while the others finished the set. Haneul looked over at the Fukurodani players, who were looking worriedly at her, but she smiled at Bokuto and Akaashi and waved at them.
Tadashi made sure Haneul got up the stairs to their room safely, to get her things. He waited for her to shower and went to keep her company while she ate dinner, since the others she knew were practicing still. "Thank you, Tadashi-kun. For everything," Haneul smiled at him. The green haired boy returned the smile and said, "What are friends for?" Looking down at her food, she said, "You know... I kinda... Think of you as a brother... I've never had one..." Tadashi looked at her momentarily.
She was blushing, and looking down at her food as she slowly ate it. "I'd be happy to be your brother! I've never had a sister before," he said with a grin. After she was done eating, Haneul pushed him to go practice with the rest before it was too late, and she went up to sleep in the room.
The next morning, Nishinoya woke everyone up early by opening the blinds. "Yuu-senpai, five more minutes..." Haneul groaned, but the other Libero ripped away her covers. "Get up, Ha-chan!" Haneul ended up getting up anyway, and went down to the cafeteria with Kei and Tadashi. "You eat that much, but all that nutrition isn't helping you grow any taller," Kei said as they sat down in front of Hinata, who was scarfing down a bowl of rice. The carrot top replied something, but it came out muffled. "Nope. I didn't understand a word of what you just said."
Later at the gym, Keishin told Haneul that she wouldn't be playing consecutive sets like she bad been doing the day before, just in case. "I don't want anything else happening to you, kiddo. If you feel bad, tell me, okay?" Haneul nodded at Keishin's words, and the older man stroke her head.
Along the day, Kiyoko and Yachi reported to Takeda and Keishin of the day's events, and that it seemed that the point gap was wider whenever Haneul wasn't in the game, and that she received a total of 80% of the balls heading her way, which was 4% more than Nishinoya. However, Nishinoya contributed more to other points thanks to his jump set. Takeda mentioned that whenever Haneul was inside the court, it felt like everyone knew what to do, like she was telling them what to do, but she didn't speak as much. Keishin thanked them, knowing the information would be useful in future games.
Later that night, Haneul want to watch Kei and Hinata's practice with Kuro, Bokuto, Lev and Akaashi. She ended up giving Lev pointers on his receives, which Kuro thanked her for. "You teach so much better than Kuro and Yaku!" The silver haired boy said, stars in his eyes. Kuro got mad, but didn't say anything so she could keep teaching him. Haneul chuckled, "Well, try to use your whole body to send it up, rather than just your arms, okay?" Lev nodded, and got to work and kept on the 3 on 3 match with the others.
The next day was the last day of the camp. Nishinoya didn't wake anyone up, because he had to deal with a grumpy Sugawara last time, so everyone got up on their own. "Somebody wake Tadashi up!" Tanaka exclaimed, opening the blinds. Haneul went to do so, and found him hugging his pillow and drooling. "Tadashi-kun, wake up," Haneul said, poking his cheek. After a while, he opened his eyes and sat up, wiping away his drool. "Let's go get breakfast," Haneul said with a smile, and the green haired boy nodded.
After morning routine, everyone went to the gyms for the last day of sets. After loosing the first set, Haneul did the penalty laps with the rest of the boys, and helped Yachi give out the drinks. "I think I'd like to see the new quick attack soon," Yachi said with a smile. "Me too. It'll be so cool," Haneul smiled, just below a whisper, but Hinata heard it. "Kageyama, I'd like to hit that toss that goes down," Hinata said to the stern setter. Everyone looked at them expectantly, when Kageyama said, "Don't get too anxious. It's not gonna be good practice for you if I'm still messing up the sets."
Haneul laughed as Kageyama flipped Hinata, and everything felt at ease. The last set they were to play was against Fukurodani, and Haneul was sitting it out so Nishinoya could play. She stood with Yachi and Kiyoko, taking notes with them. When Hinata did a feint, Haneul clapped lightly and smiled. "You did great, Shouyo!" Haneul continued to pay attention to the game, and finally, the duo did the new quick attack. "You did it! You did it, you did it! Nice kill, you guys!" Yachi exclaimed happily. "That was absolutely great!" Haneul yelled with her.
Finally, the duo was back in business. Afterwards, slowly and steadily the gears all fell into place. I'm the next play, Nishinoya made a Libero set, with Asahi coming for an attack from the back, even though it ended up in an out. Afterwards, multiple spikes from multiple directions started their simultaneous approach in first tempo, landing a point. "You guys are so amazing!!" Haneul exclaimed, joined by Yachi, "Yeah!! Nice kill!!" This caused the players to get flustered. After all, it wasn't every day that Haneul smiled so happily and praised them.
The second set with Fukurodani rolled up soon. "Um, was that a block?" "No, it didn't clear the net," Kiyoko answered Yachi's question, and Haneul followed it up, "Whenever that happens, it's usually called a 'missed spike'." The brunette watched from the side Bokuto's "emo mode" go off. However, even with their ace player out of commission, Fukurodani still got it together and managed to win the match.
While Keishin gave the team a pep talk, Haneul and Yachi passed out their drinks and towels. "Haneul-chan, Kiyoko-chan, Yachi-chan! Come help us set up!" The other managers yelled, and so they went on to the patio area. Miyanoshita was crying while cutting onions, and Haneul was setting up one of the barbecue tables. Naoi asked if she'd be able to do it, and she smiled and said she knew how.
Afterwards, she passed out plates and chopsticks to the players while coach Nekomata spoke to them. That's when she noticed, they hadn't gotten any forks or spoons. She shyly went up to the least full table, which was the one the captains were around. "U-um, Daichi-senpai..." The ravenette turned around and made space so she could stand aside him, "Hey, Haneul-chan. What's wrong? Do you feel okay?" The other captains (Kuroo, Bokuto, Gora and Daiki) watched as they spoke, with Daiki thinking of how cute she was. "Um, I still don't know how to use these... So I was wondering if..." Before she could finish, Daichi smiled and patted her head. "Here," he said, taking her plate and giving her meat. "Thank you, senpai!" She lit up, making him smile wider.
After a while of chatting with them, Daichi noticed that Kei hadn't eaten that much, and went over to him, followed by Kuro and Haneul. "Tsukishima! You have to eat more! Have some rice balls!" "And vegetables too! You too, Kenma! I see you!" Kuro joined. Haneul laughed, taking the plate Daichi waa holding and sitting aside Kei. "Here," she handed him a rice ball while she age another one. He sighed and gave in to his caring girlfriend, eating it. "Tadashi, here, have some meat," Haneul offered, and then offered Kenma some things too. In a few minutes, the three boys were all eating together.
Then, Gora told Haneul that Yachi was huddled by some of the players, so she went to help. When she got there, Yachi was a nervous mess, surrounded by Ubugabwa and Fukurodani players. Sighing, Haneul took Yachi by the shoulders and handed her a cup of water. "Sorry! Yachi-chan gets really anxious around strangers," she explained, then proceeded to introduce them all. She left them talking and joined the rest of the managers.
"Those third years from Karasuno really look like they got their act together," Otaki said, making Haneul and Kiyoko chuckled. "Our ace is really a big old softie," the ravenette said, gaining a nod from Haneul, "He gives great hugs." "Ate you serious? But he looks so big and scary!" Miyanoshita commented. "Though I think it's better than having a simple minded ace," Shirofuku said, and they all looked at Bokuto.
It later came the time to leave. Lev and Bokuto took turns hugging Haneul goodbye, with glares from Kei along the way. "See you at Nationals!" Haneul waved one last time, with them all waiving back. "You sound so sure that we're going to win," said Yachi with a laugh. "Yeah! Our team is perfect! We can beat anyone now!" There was no refuting Haneul's claim as Takeda drove off. She had given off an aura of confidence that boosted up all of their spirits. On the way, Haneul fell asleep on Kei's shoulder, and the male kissed her forehead and wrapped his arm around her for comfort.
Sorry it's been ages! I've been caught up with university papers since everything is online now. But I'm back and motivated to finish this!!
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