Chapter 6
I wasn't able to see the sun so I was measuring the days by how often I got food and water, though I'm sure my system was flawed. I knew the guards on cell duty loathed their positions and often avoided work as long as they could. Still, it seemed like I got food every day, but I was only given water when I was sleeping, so it was less consistent. Either way, I was thankful for whatever sustenance I could get and the entertainment that the food served for the short time I could gnaw on bones. Now that I wasn't concerned about my imminent death the time down in the cells dragged on and on. Very little happened down in the dungeon and I had very few things to do to pass the time and exhaust my overly active body.
I thought Griffin would come and visit me again. He had made it clear that he didn't hold my violent attack towards Selene against me and I was deeply thankful for that. It meant that no one would try and kill me for a while so it would allow me to form a less dangerous plan for getting back to my two dear friends. And he had been kind enough to undo the horrendous collar that had constricted my throat, even if he had to deal my terrified outburst to get there so that must've meant something. But he didn't come back and I slowly stopped waiting for him. Now when the door opened I just fully accepted that it was the guards coming to do their rounds. And I would remind myself that I was not to get too attached.
One day a guard threw a slab of meat into my cell. As the juicy chunk fell onto a small patch of straw I was impressed by its size. It wasn't large enough to sustain a fully active wolf, but it was certainly the largest chunk that any guard had given me. I was instantly thrilled beyond reason and certainly beyond caution.
I suppose that the generosity was my first clue that something was wrong, but I was too hungry and too bored to truly think about it. This was the most exciting thing that would occur today and I was not going to waste it. The instant the guard was out of my sight I was tearing into the bloody meat. It tasted wonderful for the first two bites, but as more food entered my stomach I began slowing down, no longer quite so ravenous. And as I took my time I realized that something wasn't quite right, but I couldn't put it into words. Another three bites went down, but I chewed more slowly in an attempt to see if the meat tasted any different. And it was ever so subtle, but there was certainly something not right with the meat that had been given to me. The smell was not what it should've been either.
I waited to be sick. I waited to be nauseous and vomiting. I laid down on a soft patch of straw, trying to listen to my body intently. Every time my stomach churned I feared that I would be sick, but overall I felt quite alright. Perhaps not perfection, just a little tired all of the sudden, but overall fine.
After a couple hours I fell asleep slowly, thinking that my meat had been a little old but otherwise harmless.
I woke up to the sound of muffled voices, but no matter how hard I strained my ears I felt like I couldn't make out the words. I could only hear my heart beating in my ears. I sniffed the air harshly, hoping that I would give me the clues that my ears couldn't, but the scents I retrieved were murky and undefined. Lastly, I turned to my eyes and though I could feel that they were open I could also sense that they weren't working properly. Everything was blurry and disoriented and covered in black blotches.
Something was very wrong with me.
The voices around me got louder, but I still couldn't see them. I tried to stand up in panic, but my legs refused to respond to my demands. It seemed like my mind was working but the connection between thought and function was lost.
I took slow, even breaths as I attempted to figure out the predicament I was on.
The first blow landed on my delicate side. I didn't know if it was a boot, a hand, or a club, but the blunt force that slammed into me made me scream out in surprise and wretched pain. At least I thought I cried. I wasn't sure if I even made a sound. My deaf ears couldn't hear much more than a high pitched whining sound. I desperately tried to move my uncoordinated body away from whatever had hit me, but my legs were weak and shaky. I hardly moved an inch before I collapsed onto my belly.
Then another injury was inflicted. This one was something heavy slamming down on my delicate foreleg. The new pain overshadowed that which radiated from my ribcage.
Without my sense I was hardly able to fight at all, but I still tried my damnedest. I was yelping and wailing. My teeth were flashing brilliantly. My lips were pulled back to reveal my gums and I swung my head around, trying to grab anything with my sharp teeth. My legs were entirely useless in terms of moving my body so I clawed outwards, hoping to scratch someone or something.
Something struck the rawness of my unhealed throat. I howled and snapped my fangs towards the attack. I was still unsuccessful
Blow after blow rained down on my body. My soft underbelly, the ribs, my useless legs, my face. I was being struck over and over again, each time a different area was targeted and each hit seemed harder than the previous. Within minutes I knew that my body was deeply battered and bruised but the violence continued relentlessly.
I was screaming and howling, hoping that someone would hear me and come to my aid or that the assailants would take pity on me and leave me to lick my wounds. I very quickly gave up on being an aggressor in this fight and attempted to defend myself, but that was just as hopeless. Every time I moved to counter an attack another one slammed into me, leaving me breathless and whimpering.
No matter how much I cried the agony never stopped. I was panting hard and each movement I made disoriented me further. My senses were getting clearer, but so slowly and other resources I had were slipping. My head was spinning wildly and each of my limbs was shaking with weakness with exhaustion. My wolf had always preferred flight over fight and it was showing incredibly in these long and dangerous moments. My defenses were only leading to me getting more hurt.
I decided that the risk was certainly not worth it as there was no reward for my returned hostility. Just as I decided I needed a new tactic a vile attack landed on my lower jaw, slamming my head upward and leaving my head spinning.
I could not win this fight.
Whining and wailing loudly, I curled my head downwards, trying to tuck my most vulnerably extremities under my body.
The violent attack continued, even though I had clearly given up. I closed my unseeing eyes tightly and wished that this would all end as soon as possible. No such luck. It seemed that this would continue on forever.
Then, a loud soft voice filled the cell. I couldn't hear what was being said, but the blows on my body ceased immediately. I could hear steps and I could feel the vibration in the stones as with the quick movement of plenty of feet.
But another set of steps coming back towards me, softer and lighter than the others, but still very rushed. I curled my body up tighter, hoping that this individual would be less ferocious than the band before them.
When the person spoke again I could determine that the voice was from a woman, but not much else. There was a second of silence and stillness and I remained curled up and tense, waiting for the blows to rain down on my wounded body once more.
Then hands were on my sides.
I let out a shrill scream. My sharp teeth dove towards my attacker who immediately let go. For the briefest moment I thought I had won. It felt wonderful for a breath of time.
I was wrong once more.
Steps retreated for a moment and I felt like breathing a sigh of relief until I heard the muffled steps coming back towards me. By instinct I tried to stand up. My legs were still completely disabled and crumpled out from underneath me. I collapsed into the hay as I gave out another low whimper.
Before I understood what was happening something was tied around my muzzle, my only functional weapon at this point. And then I was completely debilitated.
Frightened beyond belief I flailed my poor body as hard as I could, gritting my teeth through the pain that was a response to moving all my injured limits. But my legs received the same fate that my muzzle had. Soft cloth cinched them together, keeping me nearly immobile. Then another cloth was tied over my eyes, though they were hardly functioning anyway.
I finally stilled, desperately trying to listen to the world around me. My ears were becoming less murky. For the time being they were still unusable. I felt like my hearing would be returning soon but for the time being my ears were only filled with a loud ringing.
My brain whirled, desperately trying to formulate a plan. I was in a bad situation, a dire one. But if I thought hard enough I could get out of this. I was nothing if not a problem solver.
It was too late.
The same hands grabbed at my sides and I was hoisted in the air. The limbs that supported my small body were trembling madly, encouraging the idea that this was a woman. I kicked my legs about, causing myself more pain, but it was no use. The person made a noise, but held onto me tightly despite the fact that I was causing an obvious strain. Then we were moving together.
I counted the steps.
One, two, three, four. Then a slight turn, indicating to me that we were out of my cell. I started counting again. I hit twenty then there was a pause and my ringing ears detected the sound that could only be worn out hinges. I was being taken out of the underground prison.
Fifteen more steps. The entire time my mind was whirling madly, trying to think about where this stranger could be taking me and how I would get out of this bizarre situation. And with each step my ears cleared more and more. My other senses stayed weak, but at least I could hear. For a long time there was nothing but the sound of shoes on stones.
Then, someone spoke.
It was another woman.
"My God Selene, what have you done?"
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