The entrance to the cave was similar to the one on Lyriumia. A pathway sloped down into the planet, to the caves hidden beneath. A gilded path barely big enough for the pair to walk side by side extended over a seemingly bottomless pit. Glowing stalagmites dimly lit the way. Xix made the mistake of looking down, jumping back just as fast.
The pathway opened up, the chasm vanishing and making way for a darkened chamber. With no more natural light to be found, Amneris unfolded her wings to guide them. The path twisted and turned until a large door identical to the one found on Lyriumia appeared before them.
"This is it," Amneris said. "The layout's the same as back home. Safe to assume Naka is on the other side."
Xix stared up at the doorway, reaching out. Her hand closed at the last second. "This . . . it's actually real, isn't it?"
"Yeah. I felt the same way my first time." She gave her a reassuring smile. "No big deal. You walk straight through the door."
In another voice: "He is in there. I can sense him."
Xix's eyes widened. "You really bought Naiu?"
Amneris nodded. "Yes. The only downside is apparently we have to share a body." She huffed. "Naiu could take on a spirit form which we both could see but I have a feeling she won't do that until we enter the room." A glance at Xix. "Last chance to back out."
"Nice try." She let out a long breath. "I'm ready."
Together, they stepped through the door.
The other side was a familiar scene to Amneris. A circular chamber with the walls, ceiling, and floor covered in polished gold. However, where the names on Lyriumia were made of diamonds, these were made of a familiar red crystal. Xix's entire family line. She looked on in awe, spinning on the spot. Amneris was looking elsewhere.
A single gold pillar stood in the centre of the room. Hovering above it was a black orb. It seemed to suck the light Amneris shone into the room. A black hole in the shape of a perfect circle. She knew what it was. The Silent Core. Naka himself. Which raised one question . . .
"If this is the Silent Core," Amneris said aloud, "then where's Naka?"
"He's here?" Xix asked, suddenly on edge.
She nodded. "Naiu inhabits the room like this on Lyriumia. It only makes sense Naka would be here."
"He is," Naiu said from behind, taking both women off guard in her new solid form. She raised her hands to her temples, shawl fluttering around her on an invisible wind. "I can sense him."
Amneris crossed her arms. "If he's here, where?" Naiu pointed at the Silent Core. "Is there a way to make him take on a form other than . . . that?"
Xix took a step closer, now only half-listening to the conversation. She could see something. Something inside the orb itself. A shadow, if it were possible. Xix leaned closer, wanting - needing - to have a better look. The closer she came, the more it felt like it was observing her in turn. She reached out to touch the shadow-
A distant part of her mind registered Amneris' cry of "Xix, no!"
Her fingertips brushed the Silent Core.
Shadows exploded around her. Xix jumped back, running toward the two others in the room. Something threw them from their feet, sending them crashing into the furthest wall. They slumped at the bottom.
Xix spun back around. The shadows were massing around her, becoming darker. "Okay," she said to herself, "time to get out of here."
She ran at what looked like the weakest area of shadow. Contact. She stumbled back, mouth hanging open. These weren't shadows. Whatever they were, they were solid. Solid and about to trap her inside them! There was no other way she could see out. Her mind begun to panic at the thought as she twisted this way and that, looking for something - anything - that would help her escape.
The shadows laughed around her in a voice coming from every direction. "What makes you so sure I'd let you leave?"
* * * * * * * *
With a groan, Amneris raised her and to her head. "Whose idea was it to do this again?" she muttered. "Oh, right. Mine. Great going, Amnsy." A light to her side told her the Goddess had also been struck down. "How you holding up, there?" Naiu didn't answer, her eyes focused on a circular hurricane of shadows. Amneris came to full awakeness at the sigh. "Oh, that's bad."
"She's in there," the Goddess said.
Amneris pushed herself to her feet, holding an arm in front of her face to protect her eyes from the dark wind. "Of course she is. What do we do to help?"
"We can't." Naiu shook her head sadly. "Xix is on her own now."
Amneris clenched her fist. Not if I have anything to say about it.
* * * * * * * *
Xix could do nothing as shadows whipped around her. She was frozen. Something was holding her in place. Something both foreign and familiar.
Dark brown eyes formed from the shadows, hovering before her. They looked over her before disappearing back into the shadows. Seconds later, a face appeared. It was a man. His shoulder-length black hair whipped across his dark face. "Xix," it said. "My chosen one. At least we meet in person."
Xix's mouth went dry. "You . . . you're Naka."
"Correct," the face said. "And you are my new host."
New host? Right. Amneris had said something to her in private before leaving for Terpola. "You took my ancestors host to take over the worlds," Xix said.
The face smiled. "Eternity is a bore. Watching others wield my power became tiresome, so I gave them a front row seat to my own feats."
She glowered. "You really are evil."
Naka's smile became a sneer. "I am the darkness the worlds fear for eternity. I am what will remain when Time and Creation die."
"You've tried to end both." Something in Xix's heart ached. "You want to be alone for eternity, even after everything is gone? That is your purpose?"
"My my," Naka begun, "it's been a while since one with a mind has come in my presence. Taking control of your body will bring me much enjoyment."
"Take over . . . my body . . ." Xix took a step back.
The shadows closed in as Naka spoke. "Time to see how strong you think you are."
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