Chapter One
King Uther always wanted a son. The proper heir to the thrown that way he wouldn't have to marry his kid off just to continue having power. However, he was very disappointed when his wife gave birth to a girl and then promptly died.
King Uther thought up the perfect lie so that he could get what he believed he rightly deserved, his daughter would act as a boy in public. He got Gaius to agree to keep his daughters true gender a secret and to help his daughter appear as a boy. And so our journey begins many years after Prince Arthur (Princess Artura) was born and kept up the lie she wished not to keep, but did so in respect to her father.
The story starts with unique character born to do more than one person should be able to handle. "No one is this world, no matter the kind, should come to know of one's destiny. None can see the path that lies ahead of them. Everyone is equal in the search of how to go through life. This is the same for a young warlock entering into the magnificent Camelot. A boy that will, in time, father the legend. His name: Merlin."
Merlin stared at the beautiful city Camelot, it really did live up to its reputation of beauty. Taking a deep breath capturing the image of the castle in his head before continuing on into the citadel. Everyone around him was lively none seeming to have time to stop but none caring all that much either.
As Merlin enter deeper into the city he and those around him were ushered into the square. Once all the guards came to a halt making sure no one left a man on the tower cleared his throat. He had a crown on his head making it easy for the people to recognize him as the king of the land.
"Allow this to be a learning privilege for each of us. The man before you," King Uther gestured to a young man in working clothes. His eyes were full of fear as the walked him towards the execution table. "Goes by the name of Thomas James Collin; he has been judged as guilty for using spells and other forms of the cursed sorcery. And, pursuant to the laws of Camelot, I, Uther Pendragon, have decreed that such practices are banned on penalty of death. I pride myself as a fair and just king, however when a man or woman is seen in the use of magic, I can only see one outcome." And with the end of his speech the King brought his arm down in a slicing like motion and that is what the executioner did as well. Some gasped, others stood in fear, the rest nodded in agreement.
To Merlin's astonishment King Uther had more to say about the matter at hand. Merlin felt sick about the situation. "When I found my place upon the thrown this beautiful kingdom was dainted with chaos, but with the loving help of the people this kingdom has been cleansed of such evil, magic was no longer a threat, leaving us in peace. To celebrate this momentum of a full twenty years since the Great Dragon was captured and Camelot freed from the evil of sorcery. Let the celebrations begin."
A women did not take kindly to the situation. Came stumbling out of the crowd one hand wrapped tightly around her clock. "You monster you've killed my son," the women shouted at the king. King Uther seemed to have cared very little about that fact. The mother of Thomas was not done however, "There is only one evil in this land, and it is not magic! It is you! With your hatred and your ignorance! You took my son! And I promise you, before these celebrations are over, you will share my tears. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a son for a son."
"Seize her!" King Uther demand pointing at the motherly women. The mother seemed to have other plans and began to chant words unknown to most. The winds around her picked up and right before a guard could grab a hold of her she burst into a tornado leaving no trace of where she had gone.
Merlin took in a shaky breath now feeling extremely self aware of his gifts all the sudden. Sadly, the people of the land seemed accustomed to such executions and hastily went back to their important work. Merlin stared at the square a little longer before he was able to remind himself of what his real task was.
Merlin walked into the castle where two knights stood guard. Merlin headed to the shorter less intimidating one. "Where would I find Gaius, the- the court physician?" The guard points towards a sign reads 'Court Physician' that lead to a case of stairs.
Merlin gave a quick nod of thanks before heading up the stairs. Reaching the door Merlin knocks waiting a couple seconds for response before poking his head in. "Hello?" Hearing nothing from inside along with seeing nobody he opens the door wider stepping inside. "Hello? Gaius?" Merlin says louder before spotting an old frail man putting books on the highest shelf of his book case. Merlin cleared his throat to get his attention. The old man turns his head towards the noise now noticing someone else's presence besides his own.
With a loud gasp the old man, Gaius Merlin presumed, lost his footing on the ladder and fell backwards. Merlin new little to nothing about injuries and such, but he could guess that a fall like that could kill a man like him.
So allowing his instincts to take over his eyes glowing as he slowed down while searching for something to soften the landing in hopes of avoiding death knocking on Gaius's door before they even got to meet each other. On the far left of the room sat a bed using his magic he willed it under Gaius catching the old man.
Springing to his feet, once he had got his bearing. Gaius pointed an accusing finger at the young boy who had just waltzed into his room. "What did you just do?"
Merlin eyes widened in fear realizing his mistake to late. "Erm..."
"Tell me!" Gaius demanded doing his best to ignore the young boys fear.
"I- I- I have no idea what happened." Merlin stuttered doing his best to keep the secret he had kept for quite a long time now.
"If anyone had seen that..." Gaius began to say allowing his harsh tone to drop a little bit.
"Er, no! That- that was, that was nothing to do with me. That- that was..." Merlin lied, doing his best not to make eye contact so the old man could not see the lie in his eyes.
"I know what it was! I just want to know where you learned how to do it!" Gaius didn't believe the lie for a second and continued on with his interrogation.
"Nowhere." Merlin admitted defensively.
"So how is it you know magic?"
"I don't."
"Where did you study?... Answer me!" Gaius ordered taking a step towards the boy making himself somehow intimidating for such an old and fragile age.
Merlin took a step back before suffering out an answer, "I- I've never studied magic or, or been taught."
"Are you lying to me, boy?"
Exasperated and frustrated Merlin's voice raised a little, "What do you want me to say?"
"The truth!" Gaius sighed frustrated with the boy for lying to him.
"I was born like this!"
"That's impossible! Who are you?"
"Oh, erm..." Merlin said grateful Gaius was no longer yelling at him. He pulled off his backpack full of his things and more importantly a letter. "I have this letter," Merlin says reaching into his messy bag pulling out a surprisingly crinkle free letter handing it towards Gaius.
Taking the letter Gaius looks around replying, "I- I don't have my glasses."
"I'm Merlin."
"Hunith's son?"
"Yes!" Merlin said nodding.
"But you're not meant to be here till Wednesday!"
"It is Wednesday." Merlin tilted his head confused as he informed Gaius of what day it was.
"Ah, right then. You better put your bag in there." Gaius sighed pointing towards a door opposite of the exit with two steps leading up to it.
Merlin nodded before stopping and turning around."You- you won't say anything about, erm..."
"No. Although, Merlin, I should say thank you." Gaius said sending Merlin a true genuine smile, Merlin sent his famous smile back that could brighten anybodies day.
Once Merlin was inside his new bedroom Gaius reached for his glasses and opening the letter reading: My dear Gaius,
I turn to you for I feel lost and alone and don't know who to trust. It is every mother's fate to think her child is special, and yet I would give my life that Merlin were not so. Ours is a small village and he is so clearly at odds with people here that, if he were to remain, I fear what would become of him. He needs a hand to hold, a voice to guide, someone that might help him find a purpose for his gifts. I beg you, if you understand a mother's love for her son, keep him safe, and may God save you both.
Merlin was sprawled over his bed too tired to even get under the covers especially when it felt like clouds compared to the ground he had been sleeping on originally.
In what he thought to be his dreams he heard someone or something of great power whispering to him. "Merlin... Merlin..."
Bolting up right Merlin wakes up in a cold sweat looking for the person that had spoken to him but found no one. Sighing he pulled himself off his bed yawning as he made his way into Gaius's Chambers and work area.
Gaius was already awake and busy at work holding a bucket he said, "I got you water. You didn't wash last night."
Merlin frowned taking a seat at the table as Gaius was setting the table. "Sorry."
Gaius simply waved him off taking a seat across from Merlin. "Help yourself to breakfast," Gaius encouraged knocking over the bucket in the process.
Merlin's eyes flashed gold and time came to a stand still. Realizing what he had done after glancing at Gaius's surprised expression released the magic allowing the bucket to fall to the ground.
The water exploded from the bucket but Gaius paid it no mind turning to Merlin in complete shock. "How did you do that? Can you or uh did you incant a spell in your mind?"
Merlin shook his head. "I don't know any spells," Merlin confessed.
Gaius looked extremely intrigued; Merlin was a little surprised that Gaius wasn't taking notes or something. "So what did you do? There must be something," Gaius asked searching for some sort of plausible explanation.
Merlin found no proper answer so he shrugged replying, "It just happens." Merlin got up from his seat grabbing a mop to clear up the water before it got to forgotten and somebody slipped getting hurt.
Gaius wished Merlin could offer a better answer, but decided not to push the young boy to much yet. "Well, we better keep you out of trouble. You can help me until I find some paid work for you. Here." Gaius handed Merlin a small sac and small bottle filled with a concoction he had neatly placed on the table.
He put his hand on top of the sac and bottle to insure he still had Merlin's short lived attention before explaining, "Hollyhock and Feverfew for Lady Percival, and this is for Sir Olwin. He's as blind as a weevil, so warn him not to take it all at once."
"Okay," Merlin replied conveying he understood and he would do his best fill out his commands.
"Oh, and here," Gaius said before Merlin could reach the door. Turning around Merlin reaching out his hand accepting the sandwich Gaius was offering. Merlin sent his a quick smile and head towards the door again.
As he was leaving Gaius add one last words of encouragement, "Off you go. And Merlin, I need hardly tell you that the practice of any form of enchantments will get you killed." Not turning around Merlin nods before pulling the door closed.
Merlin happily munched on his sandwich enjoying the nice cool breeze the castle brought from the blazing sun outside. He got out outside asking a couple of guards directions all the while letting them know what business I had with Sir Olwin.
Finally arriving at what he hoped was the right door he knocked loudly to make sure the person behind the door heard him. He heard someone shuffling behind the door followed by some crashes and an old dude shouting few a quick curse. The door was pulled open and Merlin came face to face with a man squinting just to the left of him.
Merlin sent the blind dude a small smile holding out the medicine. "Erm, I brought you your medicine." Merlin lead the old guys hand to the bottle.
Sir Olwin pops it the bottle open and throw big his head back. Merlin turns to leave but remembers some important information Gaius had told him. "Oh, and Gaius said don't drink it all at..." It had seemed Merlin was a little too late to warn the man, he downed the rest of the remedy before placing the top back on handing the bottle make to Merlin and slamming the door in his face. "I'm sure it's fine." And with that he turned to leave unknowing that is next course of action would put him full swing into his destiny and life.
A.N: I thought I could be cool and do the whole episode in one chapter, but they are just so freaking long. Also if the words are in italics that should mean they are the normal script from the show not me rewriting the words. Thank you for spending your precious time reading this not so well written story. I don't own anything but myself.
Issue number one: (So I did some very light searching because I'm lazy and it appears no ones made a version of the TV show Merlin BBC where Arthur is a girl.) A huge part of Prince Arthur's life is being a knight so I came up with a solution! What would be your solution, eh?
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