53: Choices Aren't You Can Make
[ Flashback ]
Author pov
Namjoon is getting ready for the royal court as the maids are helping him to get ready as the door of his dressing room got opened reavealing Minister Lee who bowed to him respectfully as Namjoon gesture his Maids to leave them alone for a moment..... The maids went away from the room as the Minister Lee knocked Namjoon's another door on the room twice as the door opened reavealing two person who's head is covered with black clothes as they're getting on with the guards who have hold their hands...... Minister Lee took out the clothes from both of the person face and Namjoon chuckled seeing them in front of him.......
Namjoon: Welcome to my palace, Taehyung and Yoongi hyung..... I hope my guards and Minister Lee wasn't harsh on you?.....I told them to be careful when they're going to take you two from Daegu, after all, One is the only crown prince left for the next line in throne and one is the powerful royal family member......
The mockery tone of Namjoon's voice is pissing yoongi and on the other side, Taehyung is looking at Namjoon blankly...... He is trying to understand what Namjoon really wants.... Things has turned really ugly in Daegu....... The Armys of Daegu under yoongi's control revolt against him..... Oh!! Not yoongi's army actually..... It's Namjoon's army...... Namjoon smartly put much of his loyal men on everyone Army to make sure he gets every single information about the other regions.... Basically, he has put some moles in them to use them when the time comes..... When taehyung has arrived Daegu under yoongi's shelter and Namjoon get to know about this through his secret spies, He decided to use them to get a hold on Yoongi..... Yoongi's closing business trades with Seoul really did so much damage.... He wanted to take over Yoongi's region..... And finally, he found the perfect opportunity, he took it and claimed it..... Yoongi's army who are on his support got killed.... Yoongi's family are on House-Arrest and Namjoon's army took the control over Daegu.....
Yoongi: you think taking control over my state and taking House-Arrest my family, you will win, Namjoon???? What a coward King you are!!!!!!! Kim Namjoon, You. Are. The. Disgrace. Of. This. Whole. Kim. Dynasty.
Yoongi spat those words in front of Namjoon as he is struggling to get out of the Guards grip...... But Namjoon listened everything but didn't say anything to him ........ Namjoon gesture minister Lee to take him away as he is not his concern.... Rather he is interested in Taehyung.... His little brother who is not saying anything..... Yoongi was taken away to the dungeon as Namjoon went towards Taehyung and stand in front of him......
Taehyung: Let them go..... Let yoongi hyung, his family and my children go.... You have issues with me.... Deal it with me.....
Namjoon looked at Taehyung's determined eyes who wants to save everyone who he has loved and admired...... Namjoon sometimes wished to be like him.......
Namjoon: what will I get if I let them go???? I really doesn't want to do that.... You, your children, are the biggest hinderance for me to get Hawoon..... She is in my bed but still I couldn't get a taste of him.... It pisses me off how much she loves you.... How much she trusts you..... How much she blindly believes in you that you will save her from me.... I want those things too.... What you have.....
He said as he walked back and forth in distress as Hawoon doesn't give him what Namjoon wants.... Namjoon craves for the love that Taehyung gets..... He wants those what Taehyung has...... He wants hawoon's attention... He wants hawoon's love.... He wants hawoon's body..... Namjoon suddenly took a fistful of Taehyung's hair as he pulled him closer and said," You want to have a deal, right???? Then Give Hawoon To Me And get everyone saved, Yoongi, his family, your children..... I will spare them if you break her trust, her love, her devotion for you.... Break Hawoon in a way that I will took care of her broken pieces ..... If you refuse me, I will kill everyone there including, Hoseok, Jimin and their whole family...... I will feed your children fleshes to my pets and you know how brtual they can be....."
Namjoon's words are cruel even devil would be merciful more than him in hell...... Taehyung is in great dilemma.... On one side, his whole family including his children and on the other side, His love, his Queen, his Hawoon...... How can he give her to Namjoon..... He loves her like his life depended on it.....he can't imagine his life without her.... He can't bear to give her to anyone.... He is only his..... Taehyung's delaying making namjoon irritated a bit as bite his tongue inside in anger....... He scoffed and clap his hand twice as the door opened reavealing a guard who is dragging Taehyung's eight years old daughter, Taeyeong and throw her in the floor in front of Namjoon......
Taehyung's heart dropped seeing his daughter like this..... He started to trash around trying to get out of the guards grip who are holding him tightly as one of the guard kicked Taehyung stomach making him wince in pain...... Hearing her father whimpering sound, the little Taeyeong tried to get closer to her father as she got hurt again as one of the guard use whip on her body...... Taeyeong screamed loudly feeling pain in her body as the guard continued to hurt her......
" PAPA!!!! IT'S HU.....RTINH!!!!! PAPA!!!! SA-VE ME!!! AH!!!AH!!!!", Taeyeong small voice was echoing to the whole room as her cries and begging for help can be heard.....
Tears are falling down from Taehyung's eyes seeing how his daughter is getting whipped.....
" STOP!!! PLEASE STOP!!!!! DON'T DO THIS NAMJOON!!!!! DON'T HURT HER!!!! SHE IS JUST A LITTLE GIRL!!!! STOP !!!! NAMJOON STOP!!!!! JUST STOP!!!!! PLEASE!!! PLEASE SPARE HER!!!! I....I.....I.... WILL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT!!!! JUST STOP THIS!!!! STTTTTTTOPPP THIS!!!!!", Taehyung agonizing scream of begging to let Taeyeong go can be Heard.... His desperate pleas to let his daughter go.... He can't handle this.... He can't......
Namjoon put his hand on the air to make the guard stop hitting Taeyeong as he gestured his guard to take the little girl out of the room..... Taehyung eyes are on Taeyeong who went away from there as he went on his knees..... namjoon saw Taehyung's condition and he can't be more happier than this..... He got what he wanted.....
Namjoon: Do What I Want, Taehyung or next time you will find Taeyeong body hanging on a tree.....
His cold voice echoed on the whole room as he went away leaving Taehyung alone in the room as his mind are on his family..... Mostly, he is thinking about Hawoon...... He is going to sacrifice Hawoon just to save his children from Namjoon's wrath..... Was it worth it???? He wanted to kill Namjoon for what he is doing to his family........ But he is helpless right now to his situation.......
[ Flashback End ]
[ Present]
Taehyung is looking at his children who are sleeping peacefully.... Taeyeong wounds are treated as he gets to know his children are placed in his chamber...... Taehyung hand are caressing Taeyeong head as the little girl is sleeping holding her baby brother close to her...... It's already three days after that dreadful night when he said those forceful words to Hawoon.... Since that day, he don't know what is happening with Hawoon...... But he was relieved a bit when Hawoon said she doesn't believe him..... She understood there must be something happening behind that made taehyung say those brtual words to her..... Their bond is strong.... It won't break just the words of Taehyung mouth..... Because it's the bonds of heart that connects them with each other.......
Taehyung's eyes darkened when he saw those whip marks on Taeyeong hands...... His finger trailed on those marks..... His little girl must be so hurt..... In her childhood, she has to go through this trumatic situation.... It will leave a great impact on her mind..... He gritted his teeth in anger as he let out those words that will change the history of this dynasty.......
Taehyung: You shouldn't have done this, Namjoon.... You shouldn't have Kim Namjoon..... You are powerful just because of the throne you are sitting..... You hurted my family.... You shouldn't have..... I, Kim Taehyung, will snatch your throne from you..... I will be the king if it can save my family than I will...... I will be the king not to do the duty of the king , I will be the king to save my family from you...... I will kill everyone who will come between my love and my family.......
Taehyung is slowly slowly changing.... His physotic behavior started to show up that was hidden under the facade of his innocent side..... A monster is emerging slowly that will later will cause so much problem for Hawoon.......
The door of his chamber opened reavealing, his right hand man, sunwoo, he bowed to him and said," My prince, I did as you have told.... I have send a letter to the Chinese Empire about having a secret alliance to overthrow the king......All we have to do is wait for the reply......."
Taehyung heard sunwoo words as he knew what he is doing right now is something he, himself never thought will do that.... He is making a alliance with Chinese Empire, who are the responsibile of his elder brother, late king, Kim Seokjin death..... The Chinese Empire, Quing Dynasty, killed his brother.... And he is joining hands with his brother's murderer......
In Black Ink, Seoul Royal Palace
Author pov
Hawoon is sitting on the bed hugging her knees eyes bloodshot red... Three days since that night.... Her sleep was snatched..... Her minds going through some horrible thoughts of Taehyung leaving her...... She doesn't want to believe in Taehyung's words ... Because she knows taehyung.... Kim Taehyung, who changed the direction of her life...... Her simple and normal life that took a another turn when taehyung entered into her life ...... When her thought was to get out of the palace, being under Taehyung and being with him, he showed her his utter devotion and love for her...... She knows how much obsessed he is...... She knows taehyung can kill for her...... He can...... There's something that made him said those cruel words to her...... Her children..... Namjoon must've threatened Taehyung with her children to make him do this...... Namjoon can do anything......
Her thoughts got halted when she heard the door opening reavealing, Kim Namjoon who entered into the room and looked at Hawoon who's condition obviously isn't that good...... She hasn't slept well that can be seen properly...... Namjoon went towards her as he climbed up to the bed and went near her...... Hawoon's took few steps away but got halted when her back hit the headboard of the bed....... Hawoon face on the other side not wanted to look at Namjoon and not interested in getting into any conversation with him...... Namjoon's hands harshly grabbed her chin and made her look at him...... He is satisfied to see the anger and disgust in hawoon's eyes......
Namjoon: All of this can't be avoidable, Hawoon..... Just accept it that you are mine..... See even Taehyung has Left you to save his family..... You are nothing but a slave who's purpose is to serve us..... Give pleasure to us and bear as much children as we want.....
He said those words to her as he smashed his lips on her trying to kiss her..... But Hawoon didn't kiss her back...... She is emotionless.... Not replying to his kisses...... He bit down her lower lip as she winces in pain and opened her mouth as taking the advantage of it, he slides his tongue inside her trying to force her to kiss him back...... Tears rolled down from her cheeks as she realizes what is happening with her and with her remaining strength, she pushed him away from her......
Namjoon fall down on the bed getting rejected by Hawoon as he looked up at her in anger......
Her shouting echoed in the whole chamber as she is breathing heavily...... Namjoon bit down his tongue inside his mouth trying to surpress his anger to murder this girl..... He is being so patient to win her back.... But seems like it's not working...... He has a pride..... He tried to get her in every possible way...... Since his merciful thoughts aren't helping then he will turn the things in the ugliest way........
In Jeju Island
The ships has landed on the ports of Jeju island as the spy who has gone to Seoul kingdom to get information about Lady Hawoon and prince Taehyung condition has arrived on Jeju island Commander's House....... The spy went inside the house as he is waiting to meet Choi Yeonjun....... The spy get the permission to enter into Commander's chamber only to find different kinds of scrolls , letters and very different kinds of maps scattered around the whole room.....
Yeonjun is desperately trying to help taehyung in any way but it seems like he can't get closer to the Seoul kingdom because all of the plans are planned and organized by the king itself...... And his strategy is top notch...... Yeonjun wasn't able to match Kim Namjoon level......
Yeonjun: what information you have got????
Yeonjun asked as the his back was showing.... He didn't bother to look up at the spy because he doesn't have time......
" Sir, Kim Taehyung tried to escape but got caught in Daegu and now under king's surveillance..... That's the only information I have about him.... And regarding Lady Hawoon, I couldn't figure out.....", The spy said those words as usual not a single information regarding his elder sister....... And the next moment, the spy dropped dead on the floor by slashing his throat..... His job is done and so does his payment.......
One of the loyal guard of Yeonjun standing as Yeonjun turned around and saw the dead body but it didn't bother him a bit...... He just passed away from the dead body and sit in the bed thinking about where namjoon has put his sister.......
Yeonjun: Send another one try to find out only about my sister..... Or try to possible, find her kids and take them out...... I don't care about the royal family but I do care about my family......
In Gwangju Royal Palace
In the bathhouse, Hoseok and Harin both are taking bath as she is helping hoseok to put water on his body and helping him in washing as Harin was thinking about talking something important to Hoseok..... She didn't feel save to take about this in any other room thinking there must be someone who must be spying on them.....
Harin: my prince, I am thinking about my sister..... Did you have any information regarding her???? You said, king might have her..... I am worried about her....... And the whole situation with prince Taehyung is scaring me.......
She asked to hoseok but hoseok doesn't want to give her any information because it will only hurt her..... The situation is worse..... If Taehyung got killed, not abiding the blood law, it will be ruckus...... Yoongi tried to go against Namjoon but it failed miserably...... He can't be reckless.... He has a family..... Hoseok took her hands and instructed her to get into the water.....
Hoseok: Harin, if you ever have to make decision between your family or our family, which will you choose?????
Harin looked at hoseok eyes as that is showing extreme pain that he is trying to hide...... She understood something very bad has happened or will happen.... So, he is giving her a choice.....
Harin: what you want me to choose, my prince ????
Hoseok gulped before answering her question.... He wanted her to be selfish and think about her only...... He also wants to support Taehyung but not with the cost of his children life.......
Hoseok: Me and our family..... Our children, I can't afford them to get killed in front of my eyes..... Namjoon will kill them the moment, I will try to support Taehyung..... His problem is only with Taehyung..... But he is going to use that kill all of us......
Harin didn't say anything and hugged hoseok as her head is resting on his shoulder..... Tears rolled down from harin's eyes...... Everything is so messed up.... When it will be alright??? Or it will ever be????
hi!!!!! I came back!!!! Hurray!!!!!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉. I can't be more happy then this!!!!!! I took a little break from here.... Try to ease my mind!!!! And I told my parents about that night and they took me to doctor and doctor said it's sleep paralysis..... I am stressing too much and have some major anger issues...... I going to have some consultation regarding that..... And I went on vacation to my aunt's house!!!! It's fun!!!!!
Chapter will be bored because I am facing writer's block!!!! I hope you will like it 😌!!!!!!
SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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