Chapter Eighteen-Steve Has a Girlfriend?!
"It was good of you to do that." Steve tells me, almost completely sober. I shrug, nonchalantly.
"Of course. Someone has to make sure Tony takes care of himself. I'm just glad Rhodes is there to make sure he follows through." I say simply.
"Yeah well, I'm glad he actually listens to you." He says, his face now a little downcast. I stop us in front of Grant's room and frame Steve's face with my hands.
"Listen to me, Steven Rogers." I start, fighting through the slight heaviness of my thoughts. "I've read everyone's files. And I think that there's one thing kind of in the way of really connecting you and Tony." Steve stares at me with concerned, but curious eyes. Wondering what I know. "First, you need to realize he isn't Howard Stark. I know he was your friend and you cared for him, but he isn't Tony. You have to see Tony as his own person. And Tony, well Tony has to see you as your own person. Not the man that his father idolized. If the two of you can do that, then maybe you'll have a real relationship. Besides, I can tell there's something else there that you won't share with him. It's unlike you to avoid being extra friendly with your teammates." I finish and massage his cheek with my thumb before releasing him. He just stares at me, eyes sparkling happily.
"You know, you're pretty wise for a drunk person." He tells me and I giggle.
"Buzzed. Not drunk. Hold on, I have to check on Grant before I can get any sleep. Wait here for me?" I ask him. He nods immediately and opens the door for me. I smile at him and slip inside the dark room. I change my eyes so they can see in the dark and approach the bed silently. Grant's small form is swaddled in at least ten blankets with only a few brown curls sticking out from under them. Tenderly, I move the blankets a little lower on his face, under his nose so he can breathe better. His hand whips out from under the blankets and grabs my wrist, his eyes open and shock me with their shining yellow color.
"Hey, Grant. It's alright. It's just Victory." I tell him and his grip relaxes, then releases me. I sit on his bed as he sighs.
"Sorry. I'm not used to this place yet." He mumbles. I shake my head at him.
"Don't apologize, it's okay. I just wanted to check on you before I went to bed. My room is right next door." I point to the wall my room is behind and he nods.
"Thanks. The truth is, as much as I like it here, it's just not normal. I haven't ever had a room, a bed." He whispers. I nod at him, understanding.
"I get it. Just give it some time. You'll get used to it." I tell him quietly, running a hand over his curls.
"I don't want to get used to it. I always want to remember what I have here. I just don't want to lose it." He admits to me, his luminescent eyes shining even brighter with the presence of tears. I sigh at him sadly.
"Listen, Grant. No one is going to take this from you." I assure him. "I, all of us, we're you're family now. We'll protect you and one day, maybe you'll even fight with us. Don't worry. You're safe here." I finish and kiss his head of curls, so much like my own. He nods, and smiles, I think. I can only see his eyes crinkle while his mouth is hidden on blankets.
"Thanks, Victory. I appreciate it." He responds and I smile at him.
"So, if you need anything, or have a can come see me alright? You aren't a bother. Uh, uncle Tony is in the other room, so you're extra safe here. Bother either of us anytime." I try to reassure him as well as I can. He just nods. "Okay. Night, Grant." I say and stand. I walk to the door and I'm about to open it when I hear his little voice again.
"Night, Victory." He says, barely above a whisper. I smile and nod at him, then step out. Steve's leaning against the wall, but he stands upright when I come out. He takes my hand and we walk the little distance there is between Grant and I's doors.
"Is he doing alright?" Steve asks considerately. I smile softly.
"I think so. I'm actually surprised by how well he's doing." I state. Steve nods.
"It's good though. Besides, he has you. I'm sure that helps." Steve replies as we stop in front of my door. I smile at his sweetness.
"Now, I would invite you inside, but I don't know what my drunk self would do with you." I tease him. His eyebrows go up and I suppress my laughter.
"I thought you said you were buzzed?" He asks, playfully. I shrug.
"Eh well, part alcohol intoxication, part you intoxication. It adds up." I get him to chuckle. I take both his hands in mine and kiss his cheek, not wanting to kiss his lips with alcohol on my breath. He accepts it and looks at me fondly after I pull away. "Goodnight, Steve." I release his hands and he instantly uses his to open my door.
"Night, Ria." He says quietly. I go into my room and the door shuts behind me. I sigh, sad that Steve's presence is now gone.
"Soft lights please, Friday." I ask her nicely. I get no response, but lamps come on, bathing the room in soft, warm light. I sigh happily, and look at the rumpled covers of my bed contentedly. But there's something else on them. I walk over, curious, and find a pair of cheap, flimsy flip-flops and a key ring. There's a little folded up piece of paper next to them and I pick it up. There's writing on the inside, messy but beautiful. It reads, 'You shouldn't walk around New York without shoes. Try to remember both keys and shoes next time. -B' B? I take a slight intake of breath when I realize who these are from. "Bucky." I say affectionately, and jump a little when I hear someone clear their throat from the balcony. I drop the note and spin around, finding Bucky standing at the open balcony door.
"Sorry about hiding, but I had to make sure you knew me. Remembered me. Victoria." He whispers quietly. I look him up and down. He's wearing the same thing I last saw him in, but it does look clean so he must have washed it. His eyes are still tired, but he looks hopeful. Although I don't know why. After my mind actually comprehends who he is, and all the things I remember about who he is, I smile. I'm confused, concerned, buzzed, and a little scared, but I can't stop my smile. Bucky's my friend, but I'm sure Steve would be upset if he knew he was here with me and not with him. I shake all that away for the moment and go over to him.
"How did you know I was me?" I ask. I looked completely different than now the first time we met.
"Well, I looked into your phone number." He says sheepishly. "It came up as the Avenger's tower, then I saw you on the news with them, so it wasn't really that difficult. I am wondering how you managed changing so much, though." He questions. I shift into the person he first saw me as while he stares at me, his mouth slightly open. I shrug.
"It's a long story," I tell him, changing back to myself. "but this is the real me. My real face, everything." I tell him. He nods slowly, absorbing everything. After a second of silence I can't resist anymore. I wrap my arms around his neck in a hug. I feel him chuckle before wrapping his right arm around me, returning the embrace. "Bucky, I got my memories back. And...I know about you. Your past I mean." I tell him. He stiffens a bit and we separate. "That's why you were at the museum isn't it? Trying to jog your memory?" I ask. He nods, sighing.
"Yeah. It's...different. I have most of my memories. It's just...the emotions to go with the memories is what I'm missing." He explains, looking sad and frustrated. Steve keeps coming to my mind and how much he would want to see him, but I do my best to focus on Bucky for the time being. "I do remember you, though." He says, slightly perkier. I grin, happy I've given him something to hold onto.
"Clearly. You remembered me not having shoes and forgetting my imaginary keys." I tease and his mouth lifts a bit at the corners.
"Well, when I was...researching you, I found out that it was your birthday, so..." He trails off, looking a little nervous.
"Found out? How? It's not in any database." I question and he manages to look bashful.
"I'm a decent hacker. There's almost nothing not on the internet." He says mysteriously. I let it go. I don't think I want to know about that.
"Okay. Well, I'm assuming that my birthday isn't the only reason you're here?" I assume.
"Uh. Well I, uh..." He stutters a bit and I place a gentle hand on his left shoulder. He flinches, and I know why, but I don't remove it.
"It's okay. I know why you're wearing all of these layers and it's okay. Please, come sit down with me?" I phrase the statement like a question so he knows it's his choice. He nods after only a second and I smile. He lets me lead him to the end of my bed and we both sit down on the chest. "Friday, not a word to anyone do you hear me?" I tell her sternly, feeling a little ridiculous.
"But madam-" She starts, but I'm not having it.
"No one." I say, my voice hard and demanding obedience. Silence follows as Bucky stares at the ceiling for the woman speaking.
"Yes, ma'am." Friday finally agrees and I sigh in relief. I watch Bucky with a smile as he looks around the room. I guess he's not used to stuff like this.
"Bucky..." I fight with what to say next. "why don't you stay here?" I choose and his eyes get all big and soft.
", I can't..." He objects, but I hold up a hand to stop him.
"Yes, you most certainly can, and you should." I tell him, both of our voices still quiet. He looks at his gloved hands, indecisive. Slowly, I reach over and take his right hand in mine. I take his glove off and squeeze his bare hand. It's rough, but very clean. Cleanliness is probably the only thing in his control right now. I look up at his face and hold my hands out for his other hand, his left. I stare into his eyes as he considers this. "You're my friend, Bucky. I trust you." I tell him and his eyes get a little softer and even a little shiny.
"That really probably isn't a good idea." He says, his tone light to conceal what's underneath. He places his hand in mine and I take the glove off before he can change his mind. The metal shines in the lamp light and casts reflections around the room. I put my hand inside his, and fold the metal fingers over it. Fear is clear on Bucky's face, but he lets me. I let our hands sit there for a moment, in his lap. Finally, he moves his fingers ever so slightly over mine. His thumb grazes over the tops of my knuckles, as gentle as a butterfly's wing. I find myself smiling at him, and he smiles too. "I understand feeling like you're going to screw up whatever you touch, but there's two sides to every coin. Whatever is capable of mass destruction, can also be used gently and softly." I explain, just watching him play with my hand in his.
"It's been...harder lately." He says, still looking down at our hands. "That's why I came here. I just needed to find someone who...I don't know. Who I knew." He explains.
"What about Steve? You remember him, right?" I ask. I've been wondering for a while why he didn't go to him immediately. His mouth twitches when I mention Steve, but no smile.
"I...I get worried about the punk. I figured he'd be better without his assassin friend wrecking his image and his team." He clarifies. I laugh quietly and his eyes return to me, confused and amused.
"Sorry. It's wouldn't be the first assassin Steve has met. And besides, it wasn't you." I point out. He looks back down at our hands, still ashamed. I think for a moment before releasing his right hand. I lean over and take off my boots, then my fluffy socks. I roll up my suit so he can see the burns on my ankles, then prop my foot up on my leg so he can see the scorched soles. He doesn't make a sound, he just watches. He lets go of my hand and reaches over to my foot. He runs a cool finger down the center. I'm sure it would have tickled if I had any feeling in my feet anymore. "I killed people too." I say quietly. "My...parents would put me in a cage and electrocute me if I disobeyed. Now, I know that isn't even close to what you've been through, but there is one thing I can tell you for certain." I look at him so my point is more poignant. "There is almost nothing that Steve Rogers won't forgive you for. And for you, Bucky? I'm pretty sure there is nothing he wouldn't forgive you for." I tell him honestly, desperately hoping he'll believe me. He draws zig-zags on my foot before nodding.
"I'll stay." He whispers so quietly I almost don't hear him. I'm surprised he gave in, but happy all the same.
"Good." I approve and see the corners of his mouth turn up. "But listen, I have to tell Steve. If not tonight, then in the morning." I tell him, absolutely unwilling to budge on this. He nods, understanding.
"Can we do it in the morning?" He asks, eyes pleading. I nod immediately.
"Sure. Now, when's the last time you slept in a proper bed?" I ask him while standing and heading over to my dresser.
"Uh, I don't know. A long time, but I can't take your bed." He says sweetly. I grab some sophie shorts and a dark red tank top from the drawers and set it on the top. Then I grab the bag Natasha gave me and dig out a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt that both belong to Steve. I turn back to Bucky and hand him Steve's clothes.
"Look, it's a big bed. We'll make a little wall of pillows or something between us and we'll both sleep in it. Deal?" I ask him, but don't wait for an answer. He takes the clothes from me and I slip into the bathroom to change. I fold my suit fondly and leave it on the bathroom counter. I shove all the spare clothes on the floor to an empty hamper beside the bathtub, then slip the shorts and tank top on. I look in the mirror at myself and rub my tired eyes before heading back out. Bucky's in the same place he was, but now he's only in one layer of clothes and there's a wall of pillows going straight down the bed. I giggle a little and he looks up at me. His mouth twitches, but he resists smiling.
"I didn't know which side you wanted." He says sweetly. I leave the bathroom door cracked and walk over and around the bed to the left side.
"Is this okay?" I ask. He nods instantly. I climb into the bed and under the covers, but Bucky hesitates. "Bucky." I simply say his name. He sighs.
"Would your boyfriend be okay with this?" He asks, the words bursting out from him as if he's been holding them in this whole time. My eyes widen and I grin at him.
"Boyfriend?" I ask him, not sure if he knows about Steve or not. He shrugs and puts his hands in his pockets.
"I saw something on the news about you and Tony Stark." He explains nervously. I laugh out loud and have to clap a hand over my mouth to stop the loud noise from escaping. Bucky stares at me, a half smile on his face. I shake my head and take a deep breath when I've finally stopped.
"Bucky, get in the bed." I tell him, laughter still in my voice. He does as I ask, slipping his shoes off beforehand. I lean over the pillow wall and find him in the fetal position, his hand under his pillow. "I'm not with Tony. He's like my dad." Bucky smiles slightly and laughs once. "However, I am with your Steve." His eyebrows pop up in surprise, but his smile grows bigger.
"Stevie has a girlfriend? And she's you?" He asks. I nod, grinning at just the thought of Steve. "That's awesome!" He says quietly, but excitedly. "That's the best news I've heard in...well...that's great news!" He keeps going, pumped. I laugh at his sudden giddiness. Suddenly he reaches up and kisses my forehead. I smile softly at the affection as he lays back down. Shaking my head, I lay down too and put my head on my pillow.
"Lights, please Friday." I ask nicely, reminding myself to apologize later for my sternness earlier. The lights go out and my eyes shut, but I can still hear Bucky whispering quietly.
"Can't believe the kid has a girlfriend, the punk has a girlfriend, in my day the kid couldn't even handle a date, holy shit, Steve has a girlfriend." Bucky tells himself quietly until I'm shaking the bed with my laughter.
"Bucky, you can't keep talking or else I'll never sleep because you're making me laugh too much." I tell him and he quiets. But before I fall asleep I hear him ask me one question.
"Do you love him?" He whispers. I sigh, my lips automatically smiling.
"More than I probably should." I respond and hear him smile.
"Good." He says, then all I hear is him breathing. I'm on the verge of sleep when he speaks again. "I can't believe I'm in the same bed as Steve's girlfriend." I groan and take a pillow. I slam it over where his head should be and hear muffled laughter, so I at least know I hit my target.
"Sleep, now. Or else I'll turn into an elephant and crush you." I threaten and feel him put the pillow back in its place.
"You can do that?" He asks, wonder in his voice. I groan and put a pillow over my head, drowning out all noise. I fall asleep with a smile on my face and excitement in my heart.
This is my favorite chapter. I just...just Bucky. That's it. That's all I have to say.
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