Jungkook chuckled to himself once he turned his head over to the side to see Taehyung still peacefully sleeping through the window while cuddling his lion. It was still pretty early in the morning but the raven haired didn't get much sleep because of the amount of stuff that was on his mind.
Memories of the night before kept flooding back into his head and he didn't know whether to feel good about what happened or guilty. He felt a bit uneasy when he thought back on it, not knowing if it was necessarily right or not.
The raven haired shrugged it off, thinking he would just talk to the brunette about it once he woke up as he began scrolling through his phone. Jungkook clicked onto the Instagram app before his eyes widened at he stared at the amount of followers he had.
How did I lose that many Jungkook dumbfoundedly questioned himself as he scrolled through the people that were still following him, none of them being his friends besides Jin, Namjoon, and Taehyung.
"It's probably just a glitch." The male told himself as he exited the app and went over to imessage to ask his friends why they unfollowed him. After he tried to send a message he got a notification seconds back saying the message could not be delivered.
"What the heck." He murmured as he tried to send messages to everyone else, receiving the same notification back for all of them besides Jin whose actually sent through.
Frustrated and confused, Jungkook tapped onto Jin's contact and pressed the call button. He wondered if he knew why he was blocked by almost everyone he knew. A few rings went by until the said male picked up.
"Hey what's up Jungkook." The older greeted, rustling could be heard in the background and it almost sounded like ducks could be heard in the background as well.
"Hey. Do you know why I'm blocked by practically the entire school?" Jungkook questioned with his eyebrow raised. He waited for an answer as he listened to Jin murmuring something to someone.
"Namjoon you're feeding the duck wrong."
"What?" The raven haired questioned. Jin and Namjoon are hanging out? That's unusual he thought to himself as he kept waiting for Jin to answer.
"Wait what? Sorry I was- Namjoon you're gonna get your finger bitten off!" The older yelled as he glared at Namjoon who practically had his whole hand in the ducks mouth as he tried to feed it. "Relax it's just a duck." The younger responded before the duck bit down onto his pointer finger, Namjoon pulling his hand back in pain. "Fuck!"
Jin began laughing hysterically with Jungkook still on the line who was as confused as hell on what was going on. "Are you and Namjoon feeding ducks?"
"I'm feeding ducks, Namjoon is getting eaten by ducks." The older responded while still laughing, calming down after a few seconds. "Anyways, what did you say?"
"I asked if you knew why I'm blocked by almost the whole school."
"You are too?" Namjoon suddenly spoke into the phone, sucking on his finger that was now bleeding. It felt awkward to speak to Namjoon again because of what happened but he thought he'd just roll with it.
"Damnit." Jin mumbled causing Jungkook to raise his eyebrow. "I think Hoseok, Mark, and Jackson overheard my conversation with Namjoon about all of us being gay-"
"Wait, why'd you tell Jin I'm gay?!" Jungkook directed at Namjoon who suddenly panicked. "I didn't think they were eavesdropping on us!" The older responded making the raven haired sigh in frustration, deciding it wasn't the best time to argue.
"They came over to my house a couple nights ago and spray painted "Gay Fag" onto my garage." Jungkook didn't physically see the three guys do it but it was pretty obvious now. "That's where they went." Jin concluded, throwing a breadcrumb into the water.
"They did the same to me too. I think they'll get over it soon, if not you have us." Namjoon told, resting his hand onto the ground since it wasn't bleeding anymore. The raven haired was now confused whether him and Namjoon were on good terms now.
"So.. we're good?" Jungkook hopefully asked making Namjoon smile. "If you're fine with it now then I'm fine, don't worry I don't like you anymore. Not trying to sound rude but-"
"No no I get it." The younger responded before another loud scream was heard. "Shit why do these ducks keep biting me!" Namjoon yelled as he pulled his other hand up to examine the cut on his other finger.
Jin began laughing again which made Jungkook figure he should hang up and let them be. He wished he could do something like that with Taehyung but the brunette still had a week left of being quarantined in his house.
Jungkook was glad he was on good terms with Namjoon again, but he was disappointed that he practically lost all of his friends because the said male had to open his huge mouth. Then again as long as he had Taehyung he thought he'd be fine.
Speaking of the younger, Jungkook looked over to his window and the one across from his to see Taehyung who had seemed like he woke up quite a bit ago. Smiling, the raven haired made his way over to the window to greet the younger goodmorning.
"Morning sleepyhead." The older wrote onto the paper, not taking into note that there were only 15 papers left on his desk. Taehyung waved back as he lazily walked over to the window, dragging his lion along with him. "Hey kook." the younger wrote before sticking it up onto the window.
All Jungkook really wanted to do was tell the brunette how cute he looked but he thought he should address another issue first. "So about last night.." He wrote before writing a new message.
Taehyung felt his face heat up again while thinking of the night before.
"We're you okay with that? I didn't force you to do that or anything right?"
Jungkook usually wasn't this considerate with people. When he was dating Jennie he'd usually just have sex with her and not ask her how she felt about it or anything, but now the raven haired felt like he needed to know if the brunette felt right about it or not.
Taehyung also smiled at how considerate Jungkook was being. It was a new experience for him but it's not like he didn't like it.
"You didn't force me to do anything kook, don't worry." The younger wrote causing a huge weight of relief to fall of Jungkook's shoulders. He was pretty worried that morning that he made the brunette feel awkward so he was glad that he was wrong.
Thinking back on it, he didn't really know why he left his window open. Yes he wanted Taehyung to see him because he was having one of those nights and it turned him on to think about the younger watching him but now he thought it probably wasn't right. But Taehyung said he was okay with it so the older didn't really have to worry about it anymore.
"So you did like it?" Jungkook teased causing the younger to shy away, his cheeks burning up again. "I'm just kidding baby." The older wrote write afterwards while giggling to himself at how shyed up the brunette got.
"Are you feeling better?" Jungkook questioned after the two were silent for a bit, just staring at eachother with hearts in their eyes.
"Yep! I don't have a cold anymore, I feel completely normal actually." Taehyung wrote. His cold went away a couple days ago which was a relief to him because that meant he was actually for sure getting better. Jungkook was also glad as he picked up his pen again.
"Mr. Bunny is very glad." The raven haired wrote, picking up the bunny that was in his lap and waving it towards Taehyung who began laughing. "Mr. Bunny also told me that he wants to hug Mr. Lion next time he sees him."
"I think Mr. Lion would like that." The younger wrote while still laughing, grabbing his own plushie and waving it's arm back at Jungkook.
"Mr. Bunny asked me if he could kiss you next time we see you."
Taehyung felt his stomach twirl while biting his lip, picking his pen up again.
"Mr. Lion would like that as well."
when your history teacher assigns you 52 pages of online work for the last week of school😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
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