Quang Cao Va Tam Ly Khach Hang
Chapter1: introduction to advertising
• Advertising is paid, none -personal communication from identified sponsor using mass media to persuade or influence an audience
• Advertising is the structured and composed none- personal communication of information , usually paid for , and usually persuasive in nature,about products (goods,services,and ideas) by identified sponsor through various media
• Advertising is a paid form of communication
• Ad sponsor is identified
• Most ad tries to persuade or influence the consumers to do sth,although in some cases the point of the message is simple to inform consumers and make them aware of the product or company
• Ad reaches large audience of potential consumers
• The message is conveyed through many different kinds of media,which are largely non-personal
=>:Ad (1) paid, (2) persuasive communication that use (3) non-personal mass media and other form of interactive communication to reach (4) broad audience to connect (5) an identified sponsor with (6) target audience (6 key components)
KEY CONCEPTSOF AD (học thuộc 4 khái niệm và hiểu phần giải thích ở phía bên dưới mỗi khái niệm)
1. Advertising strategy:.Strategy is the logic and planning behind the advertisement that gives its direction and focus
Advertiser develops the ad to meet the specific objectives,carefully directs its to a certain audience,creates its message to speak to that audience's most important concerns,and run its in media (print, broadcasting,internet...) that will reach its audience most effectively
2. Creative idea:the creative concept is the ad's central idea that grabs your attention and sticks in your memory
The word creative describes a critical aspects ad that drives the entire field of ad .The research efforts need to be creative and the buying and placing of ads in the media require creative thinking
3. Creative execution :effective ads are well executed
The details,photography,writing,acting,setting,printing and the way the product is depicted the highest production values available to the industry
4. Creative media use: every message has to be delivered somewhat
Most advertiser use media-communication channels that reach a broad audience,such as television,magazines or the Internet Deciding how deliver the message sometimes can be just as creative as coming up with big idiea for the message
ROLES OF AD (vai trò của quảng cáo)
1. Marketing role
• Marketing is the process a business uses to satisfy consumer needs and wants through goods and services
2.Communication Role
• Ad is a form of mass communication
3.Economic Role
• Improves standard of living and the economy by generating material consumpition
4.Societal Role
• Inform us about new and improved products,teaches us how to use these innovations,etc
FUNCTION OF AD(chức năng của quảg cáo)
*Ad performs 3 basic functions:
• Provide Product & Brand Information
• Provide Incentives To Take Action
• Provide Reminders and Reinforcement
• To Inform
• To Persuade
• To Remind
TYPE OF AD (loại quảg cáo)
• Brand Ad
• Retail or Local Ad
• Direct-response Ad
• Business-to-business Ad
• Institutional Ad
• Nonprofit Ad:not-for-profit
• Public Service Ad
Chapter 2: how ad work
• The Communication model begins with a source (S),a sender who encodes a messge (M) -put it in words and pictures.The model explains who communication works:the message is presented through channels of communication (C),such as newspaper,radio,or TV.The message is decoded,or interpreted,by the receiver (R),who is the reader,viewer,or listener.Feedback is obtained by monitoring the response of the receiver the message.And the entire process is complicated by what we refer to as noise,things that interrupt the sending as well as the receiving of the message,such as bad connection
AD COMMUNICATION MODEL ( mo hinh day du cac yeu to,tu )
Public opinions
Marketing strategy
Competition Rerceiver:Consume
Other noise Perception&response
Soure Message: Media mix Perceive
Advertiser encoding channels Understand
(objectives) (by agency) Feel
Perceived needs
Infor processing
Attitudes and opinions
Other noise
AIDE model
+ AIDE ( attention,interest,desire and action) is considered as the most common and long-standing explanation of ad effect
The facets model includes 6 effects ( 6 types of consumer response):
1. perceive(reception)
2. understand(cognition)
3. feel(affective/emotion)
4. connect(association)
5. believe(persuasion)
6. act(behavior)
Chapter 3: budget methods
OBJECTIVE- TASK METHOD (Mục tiêu - Phương pháp nhiệm vụ)
-The method looks at the objective for each activity and determines the coast of accomplishing each objective:what will it cost to make 50% of people in the market aware of this products?This method advantages is that it develops the budget from the ground up so that objectives the starting point
-After establishing key objectives,the marketer determines the tasks necessary to achieve the cost associated with each task
-By determining the role of each objective and task and the respective cost,the methods allows for a justification of advertising budget
PERCENT-OF-SALES METHOD (Phần trăm - của phương pháp bán hang)
-The method compares the total sales with the total ad (or marketing communication) budget during the previous year or the average of several year to calculate the percentage
-Method to calculate:
Step 1: past ad dollars: past sales = % of sales
Step 2: % of sales X next year's sales forecast = new ad budget
-The method are heavily used because it is easy and does not require a lot of knowledge to implement
-Company using this approach may under-spend when potential great and overspend when potential is low
-The method uses competitor's budgets as benchmarks and relate the amount invested in ad to the product's share of market.Advertiser' media presence affects the share of attention the brand will receive,and in turn,affects the market share the brand can obtain:
+) Advertisers' media presence = share of consumer mind = market share
- The competitive spending method is often viewed as one consideration in the budgeting decision because it allows for an understanding of spending relative to other entrants
AFFORDABLE AND ARBILITRARY METHOD ( tham khao pan tieng viet sach marketing can bao chuong xuc tien hon hop de hieu them)
-When company allocates whaever is left over to ad,it is using the "all-you-can-afford" budgeting method.Company using this approach does not value ad as a strategic imperative(bắt buộc)
Chapter 4 : effective ad media hiệu quả quảng cáo truyền thông
(Advantages and disvantages in newspaper, magazines, out-of-home ad, radio, television, internet Những thuận lợi và kho khan trên báo, tạp chí, out-of-nhà quảng cáo, phát thanh, truyền hình internet,)
• Range of market coverage
• Comparison shopping
• Positive consumer attitude
• Flexibility
• Interaction of national and local
• Target audience
• Audience receptivity
• Long life span
• Format
• Visual quality
• Sales promotions
• Target audience
• Affordability
• Frequency
• Flexibility
• Mental imagery
• High level of acceptance
• Pervasiveness
• Cost-efficiency
• Inpact
• It is relatively inexpensive
• Advertisers can also customize and personalize and their messages over the Internet.an advertiser can input key demographic and behavioral variables,making the consumer feel like the ad is just for him or for her
• For B2B,can provide excellent sales leads or actual sales.Users of typical B2B can access the product catalogs,read the product specification in depth,request a call from sales person and make a purchase online
• The Internet can level the playing field for small and mediem-size companies that compete agaist large organization
• Short life span
• Clutter
• Limited coverage range of certain group
• Poor reproduction
• Limited flexibility
• Lack of immediacy
• High cost
• Distribution
• Listeners inattentiveness
• Lack of visual
• Clutter
• Scheduling and buying difficulties
• Lack of control
• Production cost
• Clutter
• Clutter
• Wasted reach
• Inflexibility
• Intrusiveness
• Cluster:too many ads on the screen
• Inability of strategic and creative experts to consistently produce effective ads and to measure their effectiveness
PURPOSE OF INTERNET AD (mục đích của quảg cáo Internet)
• It provides a brand reminder message to people who are visiting a Web site
• It works like an ad in traditional media and delivers an information or persuasive message
• It provides a way to entice people to visit the advertiser's site by clicking on a banner or button on the Web site
• Provide information to media planners
• Select the media
• Negotiate cost make media buy
• Monitor the media plan performance
• Evaluation the media choices after the campaign
• Handle all billing and payment
Chapter 5: effective ad message tin nhắn quảng cáo hiệu quả
WHAT IS CREATIVE STRATEGY (ság tạo chiến lược là j)
• Creative strategy/or message strategy is what the advertisement says and execution is how it is said
WHAT IS MESSAGE OBJECTIVES (mục tiêu của tin nhắn là j?)
• The ad objectives that relate to the 6 facets of effectiveness are:
(1) Perception
(2) Cognition
(3) Affective
(4) Association
(5) Persuasion
(6) Behavior
• It is important to understand the difference between emotional and rational strategies.The idea behind creative strategy is that there are a number of different ways to deliver a message.Which approach to use will be vary with the target audience,marketing situation,the product itself and its category
• The goal is to match the objective with the best possible way to deliver the message
• To better understand how these creative strategies deliver more effective ad,let look at the facets model
(1) Voice
(2) Music
(3) Sound effect
The following guidelines for writing effective radio commercials address the distinctive characteristics of radio ad:
• Keep It Personal
• Speak to Listeners' Interests
• Wake Up the Inattentive
• Video
• Audio
• Other TV tolls
Chapter6: effective research question (8-13)
*chú ý:sv phải biết viết 1 thông điệp quảng cáo (tivi, đài hoặc Internet),nội dung thông điệp,mục đích,đối tượng mục tiêu ,lựa chọn phương tiện truyền thong và tại sao lại lựa chọn phương tiện đó)
Chapter7: consumer buying decision process
• What is need recognition,information search,evaluation of alternatives,purchase,consumption,post-consumption avaluation,divestment?
1. Trình bày quá trình mua sắm 1 sản phẩm cụ thể của bản than.Cho biết các yếu tố tác động đến quá trình đó
2. 1 khách hang hài lòng là ng ad tốt nhất cho cta.Đúg hay sai?why?vd
3. Trìh bày qtrih nhận biết nhu cầu.vd,tại sao cty lại phải nhận biết nhu cầu và cần kík hoạt nhận biết nhu cầu ntn
4. Hãy trìh bày gtri của việc nhg thứ khak hàg tìm kiếm.vd
5. hãy cho biết,nhg tiêu chí bạn sử dụg để đáh giá việc mua sắm nhg sp sau đây:1 chiếc dồg hồ đeo tay,1 chiếc máy tíh xak tay,1 hộp phấn trag điểm,1 bữa ăn ở nhà hàg
6. Trìh bày cã yto cấu thàh thái độ
7. Trìh bày quá trìh hìh thàh thái độ.vd
8. Trìh bày qtrih thay đổi thái độ.vd
9. chiến lược phân đoạn thị trườg và ptrien sp dựa trên nghiên cứu thái độ.vd
10. Bản chất của độg cơ là j.vd
11. Trìh bày học thuyết hệ thốg cấp bậc nhu cầu của Maclow.vd.ứg dụg của độg cơ vào mảketing chiến lược.vd mih họa.Nhân cák là j?
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