Planet duck(Karlnapity)☠️☁️
The only reason why I was not uploading was because
1.I had school
2.I had no ideas what to make
But now I have an idea so ya here it is
Tw: Giant duck,Night time,panic attack(I thinks thats all)
Lexi: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII BITCHES WASSSSSS GOOODDDDD i' dumbass who gets high of dr.pepper and who calls the athuor a skyscrapper cause shee tall as hell and i screech anywho heres ya oneshot take or leave it *ejhfuighbfrfjuhbgbhiuhefubheyrfbj* ehem sorry i was just dieng there don't worry about also i may or may not try to smuther the ahtuor in her sleep if she dont stop smelling me or put her in a chock hold anywwho bye :} )
Kmat:Help me (Im scared)
Quackity P.O.V :]
It was 12.AM and I woke up to a glowing sound behind me, when I turned around I was a glowing gold color on my back and I knew exactly what that glowing is coming from and it was coming from my golden wings.
I got up quietly and walked out of the room so as to not wake up my fiances Karl and Sapnap/Nick so they won't find out where i'm going or what i'm doing
[NO one's p.o.v]
After quackity left the house (with some snacks) he walked thought the forest near their house trying to get the the cliff that he always go to when this happens.
When he got their he looked up into the sky to see his giant duck friend that he called P.D that is short for planet duck.
Planet duck leand his giant head to quackity as quackity just stared at him, they were like that for a while until finally quackity leaned into his bag and pulled out a baguette out of his bag for planet duck
Planet duck took the baguette from quackity and started to glow as well, this means that it worked. Quackity was do distracted that he did not hear the foot steps behind. He turned around to go back home until he saw his fiances Karl and Sapnap standing behind him shocked and surprised looking at the both hima ND the giant duck behind him.
"K-karl Sap-sapnao i-I c-can....." before he can say anything else he slowly started to slip into a panic attack thinking that they will hate him and thing of him as a freak like everyone did in his childhood. Sapnao and Karl noticed it and immediately went into action of trying to cheer quackity up before he pass out due to the lack of oxygen.
"Hey hey duckling it's ok everything will be fine we love you and we don't hate you" Karl whispered into quackitys ear as he moved him onto his lap.
Sapnap moved to his back and started rubbing circles on his back trying to calm him down as well.
Soon quackity's sobbing turned into little white crys and his breathing became more and more slower and at a normal pace.
"Hey ducky if you are alright now can you explain what it that thing?" Sapnap asked quackity who had his head buried into Karl's neck.
"This is P.D or planet duck, he is a giant duck that is from outer space and can make way duck glow which is why my wings and tail glow but that only happens when he gets hungry which he gets hungry at least 3 or 4 times a year and this is his little way of telling me that he is hungry" quackity said
Karl asked "so why did you keep this a little secret from us"
"Because ever since I was like 1 or 2 when that happens everyone called me a freak or an ugly duckling and that really hurt so I was worried that would happen to me again if anyone found out" quackity responded
"Oh well just don't go sneaking around at night you could've gotten eaten by a zombie or shot my a skeleton" sapnap stated
Quackity chuckled before getting picked up by Karl and taken back to the house where they all feel back to sleep in each other's arms.
(Help im in the middle of reading class finishing this before I forget about it anyways I hope yall like it and have a good day/night)
Wors count:694[hehe nice]
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